Poll: So, Bin Laden, you give a shit?


Cosmic Rays of Undeadly Fire
Nov 2, 2010
Vigormortis said:
Vern5 said:
I give a shit in a very specific way. While everyone on facebook and in the streets seems to be running around being happy, I'm just waiting for another major bombing.

I say this because Osama was a ranking leader of a cell-based organization (or so I've been told, anyway). From what I remember, each cell acts independently unless calling upon a partnership with other cells in order to pursue a common mission. Thus, it is entirely impossible to wipe out the leadership of the "terrorist" movement unless one were to exterminate every last cell down to its junior members and sympathizers.

Osama may be dead but I fear his death will bring about acts of vengeance and rates of violence against Americans and American interests will grow. Perhaps this growth will be brief or prolonged, who's to say. Either way, I'm not jubilant; I'm wary.
Oh wow. This. This to a "T". While I was shocked to hear the news last night, I was also somewhat glad to hear he's gone. However, the more I thought on it, like you, the more I convinced myself that there will likely be some form of retaliation. Apparently the US military had the exact same thought as they've since drastically increased security at bases home and abroad.

On a related note, was it just me or did anyone else find it somewhat disturbing to see so many people literally cheering and openly celebrating the death of another human being? Sure the guy was one of the lead masterminds behind a bevy of terrorist attacks (not just the 9/11 attacks) that resulted in the deaths of thousands and thousands of civilians, but he was still a human being. I'm not bothered that he's gone, by any stretch of the imagination, but to celebrate someone's death just seems to me to be just as dismissive of human life as the ones who are committing these terrorist acts. Not that I'm saying we should mourn his passing, but to be "happy" and "jubilant" about it? That just seems wrong to me.
Let me add here a side note, I never implied that the terrorist dying was a happy thing if you clicked yes, I said if you cared about the fact that he died and that if that meant redemption of some sort to you. I don't agree either that people celebrate his death like the fucking birth of christ.


New member
Feb 21, 2011
wolfcrab said:
Well i personally think that the man, Osama being dead is not important. What is is that the character that the American government fabricated is dead. They used him as a scapegoat and now they don't need him anymore, the man Osama (if he ever existed) is probably living in a quiet suburb somewhere in the USA.
Exactly. Actually, none of anything is real, I'm just waiting for Neo to pull me out of the matrix.

Edit: also 9/11 was an inside job, Obama was really born in Kenya, and the government has chips in our brains.


New member
May 21, 2009
If we would have gotten him a short time after the war started, I would have been relieved.

But I'm already sick of it. People are acting like it's a legitimately big deal. When was the last time any of us said "Osama Bin Laden"?

Also, it is sketchy as fuck on how they dumped him in the ocean. I'm still not convinced that's true.

Troublesome Lagomorph

The Deadliest Bunny
May 26, 2009
Tdc2182 said:
Also, it is sketchy as fuck on how they dumped him in the ocean. I'm still not convinced that's true.
I'd also say the timing and how it apparently took them a whole week to report this add to the sketchiness of it all.
OT: Yes. Who's to say the next one isn't worse and manages to get another hit on America or some other country that supports it?


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Okay so we got him. That will do some damage to Al-Qaeda, but how much more fighting are we gonna do?

Who's our next target gonna be?

It just feels like we're nowhere near done.
I think people are getting overexcited about this.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
I kind of already shot the breeze about the unimportants of bin Laden already, so here are the cliffnotes...

We wasted time and energy, and a buttload of resources, because we needed to get this one guy.

Our behavior as a country has been embarassing and perpetuating a number of negative stereotypes.

We blasted an unassociated country during the process of this whole thing, for all the good it did.

Osama bin Laden is a self-important twat. (Sorry, WAS one.)

Yarble yarble yarble BLAM!


The Lich King
Feb 2, 2010
I get that people are pissed because he was partially behind the 9/11 attacks, his full involvement will never be known and anyone who claims to know without detailed personal accounts is lying. This does not change the fact that he was a 54 year old dialysis patient who was probably on his way out when the U.S. soldiers put him out of his misery. Over 6000 American soldiers died to find this one man. Was it worth it?

In my opinion, no, it was not worth it. I stand ready to say "I told you so" when Al'Qaeda responds more viciously for the U.S. killing their figurehead than the original 9/11 attacks. I just hope they don't target Chicago. That would show the fuck out of me.


New member
Oct 6, 2009
Nautical Honors Society said:
Are you saying we should give credit to the terrorists that crashed the planes into the WTC? Wow.

Also, you don't have to pull the trigger to be directly responsible.
Yes. You don't think Al-Qaida saw 9/11 as a huge win for them (at the time)? 9/11 should be attributed to the terrorists who actually did it, not some douche hiding in the desert for 10 years. I detect a deliberate attempt at a lack of reading comprehension. I will stop posting in this thread now.


a single man with a sword
Jun 5, 2010
im happy hes dead and i think the world is much better without him, i dont wish death to many people but people like him no longer deserve to live on earth.

capatcha mind explaining to me what the gstock is?


New member
Jan 27, 2010
yeah, don't give a shit. someone else will rise up to be the arab boogieman for us soon enough


New member
May 17, 2009
I care, but only because it's more of a symbolic victory. A victory that actually justifies to some extent the war on Terrorism, like in the Cold War when we'd detain a few top KGB spies. It doesn't really change anything because the KGB is still out there, but the fact we were able to capture some top ranking ones helps justify the war on Communism. Or in the 80s/90s when we killed a few very dangerous and powerful drug cartel leaders. It didn't change the drug war, but those victories alone helped to justify the on going war on Drugs to some degree.

That and to many people in the world Osama Bin Laden is essentially this generations 'Hitler' of sorts, he's killed thousands if not hundreds of thousands of innocent people. Not just Americans, let's not forget he also helped perpetrate the London Subway Bombings in 2007. As well as other acts of random terrorism against Muslims all over the Middle East.

Now don't take me literally on him being the 'Hitler' of this generation, I doubt there will ever be someone who matches up to the kinds of horrible things Hitler, or even Stalin did. But from a standpoint of innocent lives lost and damage done he's about as close as we've gotten in a while. Seriously the little bugger caused a war in two countries resulting in more money being spent on it then the Revolution, 1812, Civil War, and Indian Wars combined with inflation factored in. :/

Obviously this won't change much, but it is a blow to Terrorist organizations who view themselves as unstoppable. Which is what Al Quedia thought, because after a bunch of Podunk little Arabs beat the then powerful Soviets, they thought they could take on any world power they wanted. Which happened to be America despite us actually being the ones who trained them to fight the Russians in the first place (because technically we weren't suppose to be there in the first place.).
Sep 17, 2009
zelda2fanboy said:
Nautical Honors Society said:
Are you saying we should give credit to the terrorists that crashed the planes into the WTC? Wow.

Also, you don't have to pull the trigger to be directly responsible.
Yes. You don't think Al-Qaida saw 9/11 as a huge win for them (at the time)? 9/11 should be attributed to the terrorists who actually did it, not some douche hiding in the desert for 10 years. I detect a deliberate attempt at a lack of reading comprehension. I will stop posting in this thread now.
No my reading comprehension is fine, but yours on the other hand...I was simply meant I was shocked to see that you would use the term "give credit" to a group of mass murderers. Your wording bothered me. See? Reading comprehension.

And as for your "I will stop posting in this thread now", we all can clearly tell that you can't handle basic intellectual confrontation, so next time please don't feel the need to qualify your insecurities.