Poll: So, Depressed Much?


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2008
SkarKrow said:
TehCookie said:
Take your meds and don't stop taking them just because you're in your up phase. You have to keep taking them as prescribed.


Oh and don't sit there and expect people to notice your suffering, if you want help ask for it.
I don't have meds, I don't want the meds, there are better ways to cope than pharmaceutical lobotomy.

Help is hard to ask for but I try, thanks for the suggestion :)
As someone living with one clinically depressed person and one bipolar person get some meds. Neither of them wanted meds then they both tried to kill themselves, don't wait til that point. They make a huge difference, so even if you don't want them do it for your loved ones.


New member
Nov 12, 2009
Yeah, and I hate it. I wake up everyday and hate being me no matter how great my last day was. Today my frist thoughts where "Forgot golf and calling about your SS card. Just hang yourself and it'll all be good."

My very first thought of the day. I don't know why either. I just feel useless all the time. Can't get in to see a doctor without being on a 3-6 month waiting list so i always say "Fuck it." I figure then if i'm lucky I'll die in an accident or finally get the balls to off myself. If not then I'll just keep on hating myself as a reminder I shoulda made the call anyways.


New member
Aug 10, 2011
Everyone thought I had mono once. Went to the doctor, she just thought I was mildly depressed. After ending my High School life being angrier than I've ever been in my life, I was inclined to agree with her.

Should've milked the shit out of it to get free drugs.

But I've found when you have really nothing going for you in life, you've got a lot to look forward to. It's only going to get more exciting.

And it has. Renewed relationships with old friends, spent a month overseas. About to get a job, maybe even get a girlfriend.

Sure, every once in a while I'll feel empty, and there are definitely people out there who can't just "get over" depression. But I could. When you dwell on the shitty things, there's no way it'll get better.

Oh, and weed helps. It helped a good deal. Got me motivated.

Vicarious Reality

New member
Jul 10, 2011
I have been depressed or whatever you will call it since i was 15, i have been prescribed four different medecines, none of which work very well, made me tired and thoughtless
I am being transferred to a bigger hospital since my doctor has no idea what to do
I hear too much, sometimes it is just so loud that it ceases to be annoying and becomes almost fascinating
I recently broke my spine, so that is not exactly helping the situation
I can not think of anything interesting to write
I wonder if caffeine counteracts morphine


New member
Jun 28, 2012
Actaully, fuck this. I had a response here, but I have no business revealing my secrets on the Internet. I apologize, children.


Mushroom Camper
Sep 30, 2009
I went through a period of severe depression when I was about 16 and again in my mid 20s after the end of my previous relationship. I'm feeling pretty bummed out at the moment cause of girl trouble, but I wouldn't say I was depressed, just conflicted.


New member
Sep 5, 2008
Officially clinically depressed as of four years ago. I haven't had such severe fits of it recently, but I occasionally still go to some very dark places. Chronic insomnia does not help, by the way.

As for how I cope, well... I just remind myself how awful gun oil tastes, and how long it stays on the tongue, and that sort of scares me into soldiering on until it passes. It's not a good method, it's not a healthy frame of mind to be in, but it's what I've got, I suppose. Here's hoping you can find something more positive to help you cope.

The White Hunter

Basment Abomination
Oct 19, 2011
TehCookie said:
SkarKrow said:
TehCookie said:
Take your meds and don't stop taking them just because you're in your up phase. You have to keep taking them as prescribed.


Oh and don't sit there and expect people to notice your suffering, if you want help ask for it.
I don't have meds, I don't want the meds, there are better ways to cope than pharmaceutical lobotomy.

Help is hard to ask for but I try, thanks for the suggestion :)
As someone living with one clinically depressed person and one bipolar person get some meds. Neither of them wanted meds then they both tried to kill themselves, don't wait til that point. They make a huge difference, so even if you don't want them do it for your loved ones.
I have done before. I'm now capable of stopping and thinking before I hurt myself.

The White Hunter

Basment Abomination
Oct 19, 2011
wolf thing said:
SkarKrow said:
wolf thing said:
fuck no they may have found the higgs boson why in the world would i be depressed
They have? LINK PLEASE : D

there you go very exsitting news
That is very exciting!

Why was I not informed sooner? DDD:

wolf thing

New member
Nov 18, 2009
SkarKrow said:
wolf thing said:
SkarKrow said:
wolf thing said:
fuck no they may have found the higgs boson why in the world would i be depressed
They have? LINK PLEASE : D

there you go very exsitting news
That is very exciting!

Why was I not informed sooner? DDD:
sadly it wasnt talked much about out side of sciences circuils which is a shame. but it is still good news and i think higgs will be getting the nobel prize.

Soviet Steve

New member
May 23, 2009
I might be, never got looked at for that. I have aspergers syndrome though and I'm pretty dead set on improving my future, I have plenty of hope for it as well so I doubt I'm depressed.

captcha: am I happy?

At least he capitalizes the I.


New member
Jun 12, 2009
Overall, feeling pretty good this year. Had a rough time the last year but hey, here I am and things are looking up.

And I'm hoping that the same will go for anybody who's in a bad place right now.

*group hug*

Private Custard

New member
Dec 30, 2007
Diagnosed as depressed about a decade ago. Never took my pills (all three batches, SSRI's and Tricyclics). Got a bit better, got a bit worse, got a bit better, got a lot worse.....

I think I'm bi-polar. My mood can go from absolutely joyous to stick-my-head-in-an-oven in a matter of minutes. Good times last days, bad times last weeks.

Not too worried though, I have less than a decade left according to my plan. The seemingly never-ending cycle has left me with a very morbid sense of humour, and an unhealthy disdain for my own life!

The main problem I have is that, if I do something awesome, like a bungie jump or some awesome airshow photography, I crash heavily the next day when things go back to normal. Everything just seems empty and pointless.

It's why I'm a biker. If you're gonna ride like a tit at 150mph+, held to the road by two credit-card sized pieces of rubber, it's best to accept that you're already dead!

Mr Cwtchy

New member
Jan 13, 2009
Depressed is probably overstating it a bit, I think 'gloomy' fits me better.

And I've been like this since around the time I started high school. Never talked to a professional about it or anything though(not really said anything to anyone now it comes to it).

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
I've dealt with chronic depression (and anger) my entire life. (at least as diagnosed; keep in mind, that was the early 90s when Ritalin was considered a wonder-drug)
Was tested for Bipolar, came back negative. Medication does nothing to help.
Only effective therapy is to keep me chin up and do what I can from dwelling on it.



Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
I have a friend who was diagnosed with depression, apparently it has been allot easier for him since he discovered ponies, that just brightens his day. I would have thought his mma training would help him conquer it but it clinical depression made sense then no one would have it.


New member
Mar 7, 2012
I used to be extremely depressed, now I'm mostly apathetic to everything in general that goes around me in life. But mostly I'm just lemon.
Jun 7, 2010
I do have one day every week or two of rigorous self-hatred. But usually i'm okay.

I manage to block it out or someone else blocks it out. Just talking about it now is bringing me down.

For this year it's been caused by the same person pretty much, but i'm not going without her just so I can get rid of my one day a week, don't know where i'd be without her, she's what helps me get through it all.

Funny, that I should think of others as being too emotionally dependent on others, yet here I am being exactly that.


New member
Nov 27, 2009
I'm not diagnosed with anything, but I was seeing the doctor because I attempted suicide multiple times. I stopped going before they could properly evaluate me though, because the doctor was making me feel even worse.

So yeah, I'm not formally diagnosed and I refuse to self-diagnose, but I'll answer your questions any because why not?

How do I cope? Most important thing is to distract myself, talking to friends helps a lot. If I don't, I start thinking myself into cycles of self-hate (I'm miserable -> I hate myself -> I'm miserable is the simplified cycle).

What gets me through harder days? Well, on the really hard days my terror of death and pain stops me attempting suicide, usually. On slightly less worse days, it's my friends.


New member
Jul 2, 2008
I used to be okay. But the past 4 or 5 years have slowly ground whatever self confidence and optimism that I had into the dirt. Now I'm just a sad-sack loner who can barely even lift his head up to say "Hi" to someone on the street without it somehow becoming a negative event. I barely manage to keep ahead at work and have little to no desire to "get out there" any more. Hell, I can barely manage to leave my apartment any more, the anxiety of facing the (imagined) judgment of my neighbors keeps me wanting to stay out of sight.

5 years ago I moved to this community with zero connections to fall back on, here. 5 years later, I'm still in the same position. Whatever negativity has manifested in me has manifested so strongly and so completely, I'm afraid I unconsciously drive people away through no conscious action whatsoever. I bring out the worst in everyone, and it's entirely unintentional.

Yeah, I'm depressed as shit, and have zero support group to fall back on to help me work through it. I'm living in a self-defeating spiral of doom that's recursive and self-reinforcing.

Ending this pointless rant and moving on. Not digging for sympathy. Just glad an appropriate outlet was available somewhere so I could smash my head into the keys and try to take some of the sting out of what's being a rather bullshit chain of events these past years. I'm sure there's a couple hundred-million people who have it well worse off than me. As I sit on my island of self-doubt and loathing, looking from this dark space into the bright and happy faces of everyone else, I find it hard to believe.

Troll me all you want. I am so past the point of caring. There's nothing left to take down. Have your way.

captcha was "talk to strangers"
great, even technology is trolling me, now.