Poll: So, Depressed Much?

Sara Fontaine

New member
Sep 20, 2010
My mum was diagnosed as being clinically depressed a few years ago, and when that happened the GP asked to see me to explain a few things about it, and then warned me that there's a possibility I could develop depression myself. Of course, I thought "Nah, I'll be fine", but living with someone who suffers without a 'good' day for over a year is hard. I had to call my grandmother at one point, whilst in tears and nursing a cut head and beg her to come and help calm my mum down. She'd dropped a plate with some food on, and me trying to help told her not to worry about it. She threw the next plate at the wall by my head, it shattered and a shard of it caught me. I'd never seen her like that before and it scared me. More to the point, the thought that I might behave like that myself in future scared me.

Now, a couple of years later, I've been diagnosed with mild to moderate depression. It comes in waves and can last for a week usually. My GP asked me if I wanted to try taking anything, but I told him I didn't think it was severe enough yet. I don't know if it's a good thing to do or not but if I think I can feel it coming on I try and hide it until I'm in private. It's happened in public once, while I was at work. It wasn't particularly a bad day, and I was having a conversation with a colleague and then just burst into tears mid sentence. The awkwardness of that moment means now that only three people in my day to day life know that I have depression. I cope with it by escapism usually; through books, games or music. I've found it also helps to say to myself that I'm having 'just a Dark Day' when it happens. Giving the interludes a name makes them seem more than just what's in my head and makes them bearable. They've been more frequent lately though; no job, no money and a feeling of worthlessness in the world.


New member
Dec 28, 2008
I'm inclined to think I'm depressed (what with my frequent thoughts of suicide) but I haven't been diagnosed. I suppose if I go through with it they'll know I was, and if I don't then perhaps I was never "really" depressed.

Don't pay attention to my username. It's just a tasteless joke.


New member
Oct 22, 2008
SkarKrow said:
What gets you through the harder days?
The knowledge that I got through the last one.

The first was the hardest. They've been getting easier ever since. Even though when you're right in it you can't see out, I know that I got out before so I just remove myself from social interaction as much as possible and wait.

Spectral Dragon

New member
Jun 14, 2011
Yup! Got diagnosed half a year ago, but I've likely had it for a year longer. Now seeing a therapist and loving the swedish health care system. Also, my depression might suck, but... Some have had it for decades. Really puts things in perspective. Doesn't make it much better for me though. Ah well, eventually the pain stops, I guess.

... Wait, seriously, 40 percent?! Even including a margin of error for people who voted that while not being depressed, that's MASSIVE! The escapist is inhabited by mostly atheist, awesome, depressed and intelligent people. And I'm some of that! :D


New member
Apr 18, 2009
I have no girlfriend, I'm Greek, I have 150 euro in the bank, the weather is boiling hot, my insomnia is acting up and I can't sleep more than 3 hours per night, and I haven't left my apartment at all in the last 3 months except to take university exams, in which I am not doing particularly well. So... I don't know if I'm depressed, but I'm definitely miserable. Very, very, very miserable.


New member
Jan 22, 2011
Well I am currently sitting here in a psychiatric facility so this thread seems somewhat on topic. I tend to escape using video games, especially rpg's, but with uni and an injury that makes long gaming sessions difficult things have progressively turned for the worse, I've drunk, I've burnt my arm with a cigarette lighter but I'm in here and I'm trying to get better


New member
Dec 8, 2010
Shit day, shit week, but it'll pass and i'll come out better for it, but for right now i'm miserable, confused and feeling isolated and alone. Its mostly heartbreak, disappointment and such, but i'm used to this shit now, which should depress me actually....

but as the great freddie mercury said "Inside my heart is breaking, my makup may be flaking, but my smile still stays on." - Queen The show must go on

so I'll soldier through, like always because it's what i know, make the best of what's happened and pursue other avenues of life, hoping to find one that doesn't dead end and can lead me to the happiness i desire. I guess it's that hope that keeps me going, but at the same time it kind of drives me nuts @_ @ oh well, not much i can do about it, i mean giving up hope is probably the worst thing i could do at this point.

Aurora Firestorm

New member
May 1, 2008
I'm feeling pretty chill today, but I have episodes of serious depression. One of them lasted for a year. It sucks, but it's livable.


New member
Oct 28, 2009
I was most likely depressed for a year or two. Got over it though.

For those having trouble, I recommend the following remedy:



It's not that I LIKE you b-baka!
Oct 12, 2011
Yeah. Mild-moderate depression and social anxiety here, possibly with rapid cyclothymia -my mood can take a turn for better or worse very quickly. I'm in a depressive phase right now due to worrying too much about a relationship. Not good.

The Last Nomad

Lost in Ethiopia
Oct 28, 2009
I was about to say that after looking at the poll results, that a lot of people are hitting the yes answer, too many to be true. But when you think about it, the only people coming to this thread probably think they are depressed.

But today I'm feeling good. Yesterday was very different, as were the days before that.

3 things always cheer me up though: My best friends, Scaring myself shitless by playing horror games (like Condemned), and chocolate cake (dunno how that last one works, it just does).


New member
Jun 13, 2011
irmasterlol said:
Lots of people like to self diagnose with clinical depression. I think there's something else going on.
Phasmal said:
Having first-hand experience with dealing with people who actually do have clinical depression, I have no idea why people who have not been diagnosed would want to associate themselves with that. It's more than just being sad.
I saw a study a while back that found people who are given a firm diagnosis (even without sugar pills) often recover more quickly from things like colds and mild flu than people who are told "you're just a bit under the weather at the moment". For some reason, being able to label oneself as properly "ill" actually makes people feel better. (Something to do with being justified in not feeling great?)

So self-diagnosing as clinically depressed (without actually going to a doctor to have it confirmed) may be a form self-treatment. If it manages mild depression without the use of drugs, that sounds like a good thing to me. :)

However, the study did warn against taking these findings too seriously as - in some cases - patients who are diagnosed as more ill than they actually are can end up self-labelling as "ill" to the point that they actually start to slow their own recovery. (E.g. By staying shut up in the house when they should be getting back into a normal routine.)

Isn't the human brain fun! :D


New member
Dec 11, 2011
I am not depressed, though I find it both intriguing and humbling that one is capable of expressing something that is historically quite an intimate state. Whether or not you should be desiring to have our audience (random escapist users) or the audience of your family and friends is something I'd rather not debate but support is support and hopefully you feel strength from everybody wishing you well.

Good Luck.

General Twinkletoes

Suppository of Wisdom
Jan 24, 2011
I'm normally fine, have had a few periods where for a while everything was shit. It wasn't serious, but it was more than being a little bummed out for a day :p

ATM though, I sort of am. I've been sick for 16 weeks, and it's not improving :/. I can't really do anything at all. The only real contact I've had is with my family members, and I can't go out with them to the movies or any restaurants or anything like that.

Lol, my captcha was "Enjoy life"
Why are they always so relevant?

And after escapist ate my post, the new one I got was come along, pond.

Captcha likes DR Who?


New member
Oct 30, 2008
Fluoxetine said:
Gardenia said:
I was diagnosed with severe clinical depression and social phobia about 4,5 years ago. I took the meds, I went to the (completely free) therapy sessions. I had a lot of input in my preferred treatment plan, and even got refunds on my student loan, as the depression made me drop out of university.
Today, I would say I am between 80% and 90% better, depending on the day. Everyone who says they "push through" depression, or similar statements, have obviously not had a real depression.

Clinical depression =/= sadness.
I don't disagree but I don't like your wording. Intense bouts of sadness CAN be diagnosed and treated with anti-depressants but not so much with treatments for mania. That doesn't make the problem any less real, the dopamine levels in the brain are still intensely off balance, but they can be more or less corrected. What you refer to as real depression or clinical, manic depression is a different issue yes, but its not like those who are not diagnosed for mania are all fakers.
You are ofcourse correct, and I apologize for writing stuff before I've had my coffee :D


Elite Member
Aug 8, 2010
I spent several years in a heavy depression but then I stopped being a teenager and got on with my life.

I'm not belittling anyone with genuine psychological problems but for the majority of us life is what you make it and I decided that I'd rather suit up and be awesome than sit at home all day drinking gin and shouting at Antiques Roadshow.