- what happened to the VR talk?
My guess. Cost and space prohibitive. The experiences provided were not strong or lasting enough to make it a must have experience for those who can afford it. The companies marketing it have slowed in their promotion in general.
-are you interested in VR?
Nope. Like many people I liked the sound of it. However, everything I've learned about it just tells me this is a completely unfinished technology that's not even remotely ready for mass production. They haven't even solved the basic problem of motion in video games for the masses.
-have you tried VR?
No. I'm told I'll change my mind once I do but I call bullshit on that. Why? Because youtube personalities have stopped showcasing it. You'd think they'd be all about that if it was as amazing as we're supposed to believe. Nope. People like Jim Sterling, Marktiplier, That One Video Gamer, Projared, Sw1tcher, Angry Joe, etc ,etc have all just done initial videos and then returned to traditional gaming. They don't talk excitedly about VR in other videos or anything like that. Its very much like a one and one video or a 'job' when it comes to anything VR.
My guess. Cost and space prohibitive. The experiences provided were not strong or lasting enough to make it a must have experience for those who can afford it. The companies marketing it have slowed in their promotion in general.
-are you interested in VR?
Nope. Like many people I liked the sound of it. However, everything I've learned about it just tells me this is a completely unfinished technology that's not even remotely ready for mass production. They haven't even solved the basic problem of motion in video games for the masses.
-have you tried VR?
No. I'm told I'll change my mind once I do but I call bullshit on that. Why? Because youtube personalities have stopped showcasing it. You'd think they'd be all about that if it was as amazing as we're supposed to believe. Nope. People like Jim Sterling, Marktiplier, That One Video Gamer, Projared, Sw1tcher, Angry Joe, etc ,etc have all just done initial videos and then returned to traditional gaming. They don't talk excitedly about VR in other videos or anything like that. Its very much like a one and one video or a 'job' when it comes to anything VR.