Poll: Stupid, offensive and misspelled gamer tags


New member
Jul 11, 2008
I started out on TF2 with this name, and played for about a week, and then someone joined, and got really upset about it, so I rethought it and used one of my WOW names instead.

To me its just a 'Hey, I've got quite a dark sense of humour, here's an early warning' but I guess to them they'd just had an experience with cancer and I'd inadvertantly offended them. Nowe I really like black offensive humour, but I'm careful IRL to not repeat a joke in the wrong company, so I guess I shoulda thought of that there, but also, when going into TF2, I was expecting the tidal wave of idiotic , offensive names that are being discussed here, and thought I'd be pretty tame really.

As its TF2, a fun, cheerful place and not serious, I changed, I don't think I'd change here unless a mod demanded it, as like I say, its not meant to be offensive and worse stuff seems to be said in about half the topics!


New member
Jul 2, 2008
The only gamertag I was properly offended by was this git who thought it would be funny to call himself:

polio in a bag

My Grandfather had that disease so I decided the best course of action was to kill him as much as possible even though he was on my team.


New member
Sep 19, 2008
I think when people call themselves SatansGutBlood or IntestinalVomit or AlmightyDestroyer, it shows a real lack of intelligence.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
People with retarded names give me a good indication of who is and who isn't worth talking to.
As such I voted no


New member
Sep 18, 2008
If Microsoft didn't give you such a restricted set of characters from which to draw your Gamertag, I'd agree 100%.

Seriously, without spaces (or even underscores) you really have to settle with "SubjectNameHere999" or some equally silly name.

(Where "Gamertag" (which is probably trade-marked) is used out of context, replace Microsoft with "VendorNameHere")


Assume That I Hate You.
Aug 13, 2008
I have to agree. People with stupid gamertags just means you know to avoid them. I rememeber playing against someone with the simple name of Viper. Now, it takes a lot to get me to hate people. But, by the end of ONE match, I wanted to find this person and do things that would get me sentenced to death by a war tribunal. I think, if you are going to be a dick, you should have a gamertag that warns people.


New member
Sep 19, 2008
The only online game I play is Warcraft III [West Server] For online games Rozy has always been my gaming tag. Anyway, I understand what you guys are getting at. I've seen some pretty bad, nasty, and offensive gamer tags myself. And it makes me wonder...what the hell is wrong with people?


New member
Sep 1, 2008
i think not only should the offensive and plain stupid tags be changed but mmorpg's should make people use names that fit the style of game more than the crap some idiots think is acceptible such as a troll called ilikepancakes in WoW or a mithra called isuxdix4cash in ffxi(both of which ive seen recently). would it be so hard for the character creator or tag screen to make then change it to something more suitable or in the case of mmo's after 3 attempts pick something similar but more relivant for them?


New member
Sep 19, 2008
Numbers in names are retarded, and as far as I'm concerned thats pretty much the only problem with gamertags at the moment. 'Funny' names don't really bother me much, its just if your name is taken, fair enough; Have a little cry, tell mummy that some nasty internet man took your mostest favorite name, and then move on. Don't choose to add a load of random bollocks to the end of said name instead in order to try and cling on to the final strands of your taken tag.


New member
Sep 19, 2008
Yeah I agree with H.R.. There are so many just plain names with numbers I've seen because the original is taken. e.g. Demon-Hunter234, Blademaster24.

Mister Benoit

New member
Sep 19, 2008
Bleh, I feel bad for the guy who basically said XBLA games aren't worth it. Quite a few of those games I'd take over full priced titles any day. There are just a handful but well over 10 anyways, I myself have 25 arcade games and am damn proud of it. Better than Halo 3 any day.

Silly name tags aren't so bad. Except for this person I saw on Bomberman LIVE name NigghaPlese


Jan 23, 2008
xitel post=9.70262.739851 said:
Alright, I'm sorry for calling you an idiot. I'm just saying that, while the tolerance point is valid, it's not a valid comparison. It's dangerously close to sensationalism. Genocide is not the same as changing a gamertag. Changing a gamertag is not changing the world. I did not mean to call Caliostro an idiot, I meant to call the point he was trying to make an undeveloped, not well thought out statement. And I stand by my belief that the point, while it may have had some merit at heart, was just too extreme to be considered a valid point.
Regardless of how small or minute it might seem, it's still an imposition. You're still robbing someone of their free will for no reason other than to please yourself.

I like to live by the rule that one should never rob someone of their free will, no matter in what, unless failure to do so might harm another. In layman's terms: If it doesn't hurt you, it's none of your damn business. Don't like? Don't look.

Back to the point at hand: While seeing someone with the gamertag "LOLGAYFAG!" might not exactly be the most interesting, pleasant, or amusing thing in the world to anyone with a 3 digit IQ, it's still the person's prerogative to use whatever name he wants, regardless of how much you enjoy it, it doesn't hurt you.

Imagine for once that today found the word xitel, which you use as a nickname on these forums, to be offensive, or in any way "not to their taste". That's not your problem, it's not your concern that someone might find the word "xitel" offensive for whatever reason, you won't find it offensive and you like it as a name. Would you think it to be fair if you were forced to remove this name, possibly banned for it, because of this?

The bottom line is that right and wrong are perspectives, always have been and always will be, we can't force other people to behave the way we LIKE, because everyone else likes something different. The most we can and should demand and enforce is that nobody harms another, and a stupid gamer tag won't hurt anyone.


New member
Aug 9, 2008
For the whole "no numbers" theme going on here, what about roman numerals? I am occasionally forced to call myself Humanfishboy II...

Eldritch Warlord

New member
Jun 6, 2008
Charlie. post=9.70262.740983 said:
If Microsoft didn't give you such a restricted set of characters from which to draw your Gamertag, I'd agree 100%.

Seriously, without spaces (or even underscores) you really have to settle with "SubjectNameHere999" or some equally silly name.

(Where "Gamertag" (which is probably trade-marked) is used out of context, replace Microsoft with "VendorNameHere")
You can use spaces for Xbox Live Gamertags

Humanfishboy post=9.70262.742230 said:
For the whole "no numbers" theme going on here, what about roman numerals? I am occasionally forced to call myself Humanfishboy II...
That's prety good, read Humanfishboy Junior, or Humanfishboy the Second I presume?


New member
Aug 15, 2008
needausername post=9.70262.688452 said:
I think the only ones that should be changed are the offensive ones. Like in CoD 4 online I was in a game were there was 3 "Nazi" and 2 "KKK" clan tags, and I think stuff like that shouldn't be aloud.

Also numbers make me unhappy, especially when it something like "Pro67438" because they can't me original
Seriously, like I said, I drew the GT line when I saw someone named "AuschwitzOven"


New member
Dec 20, 2007
I dont know if my PSN, would be considered "Stupid/Offensive"

I just couldn't think of any names and i saw a Crazy Clarks catalouge and the first thing i saw was a Toaster. Hence the name ToasterCrazy

mr mcshiznit

New member
Apr 10, 2008
honestly people who use L33T speack should be shot. Look when your name is matthew you prob. should just pic a diff more orignal gamer tag not M 4 7 7 3 W you just look like an idiot. And just for the record WE DO NOT NEED ANOTHER REAPER we get it you think your a badass angel of death something or other. Just pick something funny 4 gods sake