Poll: Stupid, offensive and misspelled gamer tags


New member
Jul 2, 2008
well umm..... you guys are saying names with numbers are stupid, does that mean my name is stupid? i have always used zeeman645, on everything that required a username. i dont think names with 1,2,or 3 numbers at the end are retarded, but 133t sp34k is retarded, and the x's are also stupid, but something like zeeman645 isnt bad, i am very pleasant to play with.


New member
Sep 18, 2008
I noticed that the people on my friends list without stupid gamertags are more mature. :l

Beowulf DW

New member
Jul 12, 2008
I once fought a guy on Halo 3 who had "Jewhunter" as his gamer tag. I'm no Jew, but it's still offensive. I threatened to introduce him to the Hebrew Hammer.


New member
Oct 4, 2007
Crazybuddha56 post=9.70262.685853 said:
Poopking, PwnN00Ber, I8measamdwich. Am I the only one who believes that those who practice such profound stupidity when picking a gamer-tag should be punished? Any-one inane enough to slander the gaming community with their Bullshit retard names should have to find a sensible alternative. We don't tolerate real names such as USUK or Pooplover in the general public, why must we endure their ridiculousness online? Should those persons with idiotic gamer-tags have to replace them with less annoying alternatives?

Co-author: Bubbaroark0451
All this coming from Crazybuddha (who's gamer pic is an armed monkey. Im wondering what exactly he is trying to sya about buddhists?) and Bubbaroark.
And both of them have random numbers after their names to boot.

But no, i dont think they should be banned because then you would have to define the point where one is too stupid to keep. And it might spread to forum names, and then the authors of this thread are screwed as well as me and half of us here.


Assume That I Hate You.
Aug 13, 2008
The random numbers issue isn't important if you ask me, that's just because the other itterations of your favorite username was taken. For example, I always use the username xitel or xitelmaster. I use two because, on an increasingly frequent basis, someone has taken one or the other already (I'm not sure if that's flattering or just an annoying coincidence, since I've been using the name for a decade now). If someone uses a stupid name, it's their prerogative. I come from the mindset of "if you try to be funny and just end up looking stupid, I'm still gonna laugh, just because your stupid." It's not worth getting angry because a little 12-year old prick thought it'd be funny to make people call him poopsicle. You what I do to rob them of that pleasure? I call "prick". And when they don't respond, I say "pricksicle", and so on until they get it. If you can't laugh with them, laugh at them.


Jan 23, 2008
Wow..Wow..WOW..hold on people...55% yes? This is borderline persecution... Last person who wanted to change the world because he didn't like it that way was named Hitler and ended up killing himself in a bunker in the end of WWII...Or at least the last one with a real effort.

Has history taught you nothing about tolerance? These names, regardless of how stupid and idiotic, don't hurt you in the least... Let people have whatever name they want, if anything it makes identifying the stupid ones easier.


Assume That I Hate You.
Aug 13, 2008
Caliostro post=9.70262.739746 said:
Wow..Wow..WOW..hold on people...55% yes? This is borderline persecution... Last person who wanted to change the world because he didn't like it that way was named Hitler and ended up killing himself in a bunker in the end of WWII...Or at least the last one with a real effort.

Has history taught you nothing about tolerance? These names, regardless of how stupid and idiotic, don't hurt you in the least... Let people have whatever name they want, if anything it makes identifying the stupid ones easier.
Dude, did you just compare stupid gamertags to Hitler? Everyone, please just ignore this comment and let's avoid a huge firestorm. Please? And Caliostro, you're an idiot for doing that, even though I agree with your tolerance point.


New member
Oct 4, 2007
xitel post=9.70262.739779 said:
Caliostro post=9.70262.739746 said:
Wow..Wow..WOW..hold on people...55% yes? This is borderline persecution... Last person who wanted to change the world because he didn't like it that way was named Hitler and ended up killing himself in a bunker in the end of WWII...Or at least the last one with a real effort.

Has history taught you nothing about tolerance? These names, regardless of how stupid and idiotic, don't hurt you in the least... Let people have whatever name they want, if anything it makes identifying the stupid ones easier.
Dude, did you just compare stupid gamertags to Hitler? Everyone, please just ignore this comment and let's avoid a huge firestorm. Please? And Caliostro, you're an idiot for doing that, even though I agree with your tolerance point.
I think the odds of avoiding a firestorm went out the door when you refered to a poster with a valid point as an idiot.


Assume That I Hate You.
Aug 13, 2008
Alright, I'm sorry for calling you an idiot. I'm just saying that, while the tolerance point is valid, it's not a valid comparison. It's dangerously close to sensationalism. Genocide is not the same as changing a gamertag. Changing a gamertag is not changing the world. I did not mean to call Caliostro an idiot, I meant to call the point he was trying to make an undeveloped, not well thought out statement. And I stand by my belief that the point, while it may have had some merit at heart, was just too extreme to be considered a valid point.


New member
Nov 20, 2007
Usually, gamers with dumb tags are just young. Actually it's a useful way to identify the 13 year olds and respond accordingly. Specifically, you don't want to take them too seriously or get sucked into an argument.

I'm all for dumb tags that are creative and funny at the same time, though. The_Defenestrator and RumpleForeskin are a couple that come to mind.


New member
May 16, 2008
Personally, i see the more random names as comic; so what if they want to be a retard? Let them carry on in their coke-fueled gibbering bubble; just so long as you give them a good hiding when you see them.

Ok some names are offensive - but i see that as the fault of the PSN/XBL system - they could easily incorporate a censor when the player originally designates his/her gamertag. You can't, however, just alter people's gamertags because you don't like the fact they have numbers in it. Their gamertag may have special significance for the owner.

Surely, there must be more things irritating than the actual gamertag?


<Insert Avatar Here>
Jul 3, 2008
Quick hypothetical:

So I see a person with the tag "Scott"
Me> Hi Scott.
Scott> EEEE m0nk3y p0r COfFe3 1n my B0oTs!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Me> They made you change your name didn't they?
Scott> NAZ1s!!!
Me> Yeah if they'd let you keep "D3adP1gWank3r29435" I would have known to avoid you altogether and not wasted the last two minutes of my life.
Scott> Sux 2bu
Me> Bye Scott.
Scott> B1o0p


New member
Oct 4, 2007
I'm all for dumb tags that are creative and funny at the same time, though. The_Defenestrator and RumpleForeskin are a couple that come to mind.
I always was partial to my tag "Wafflehouse 4tet"
Althought im sad i had to shorten quartet to 4tet.
I feel my tag is a success in that it often prompts comments. Usualy positive ones about waffles or comparative ones to other breakfast items.


New member
Aug 27, 2008
I hate offensive PSN names i can stand the numbers for lettering(3's for E's 4's for For's) can just about stand T3h 1337 Sph4rk (saw some one spell it like that) but the one thing that i cannot stand is rascist, sexist or just plain hateful.

A few cases come to mind, one "HiTlErJeWh0L0CaStLOL" Now i don't know what possesed this little fuckwit to use this name but i belive that the words "Holocaust" and "lol" should never be used in the same sentence and i expressed my hatred for him in the flurry of team kills that followed.

Another case is of a guy named "Ganeshe8" now after noticing that Ganesh is spelt wrongly i decide to tell him so he can be aware of aforementioned misspelling the conversation is as follows (Ganeshe8 will be refered to as G)
Me:Hey, Ganesh, man your name is spelt wrong
G:(strong scoucer accent)Yeew focking wheat!
Me:dude, im just saying you might affend some hindu's with that name
G:eh, fock off meet whot 'e feck ya talkin' abeet.
Me:You Know man the hindu god? Ganesh?
Me:Educate your self you fucking scoucer.
*ganesh gets kicked
I just found it amazing that he didn't even know the thing he was named after.

Other stupid ones i've found
133753XH43742(translated to leetsexhacker i think).

Now my name means something(Darthracoon) because on of my freinds(real life and on PSN) said i was crazy a mix-up of Darth Vader and a scurrying animal being a star wars fan and thinking of racoons at the time it stuck straight away and i have used it ever since and all my freinds have names relative to them Eg; Golphinharry max4united pur3tagging jumpingeorge ect ect.

end rant/stories
Jul 23, 2008
Usually, idiotic gamertags can alert you to sufferers of the stupid virus. Especially handy in halo multiplayer.
As for me, i think LegoShoes is an acceptable gamertag ^_^


New member
Jun 23, 2008
Hey now, some people think my "tag" is misspelled, but like I've said before it was a pseudonym from a long time ago.

PoopKing and TehJizMeng can get stuffed though.