Poll: Tali Reveal


New member
Dec 24, 2007
Yes, one of the greatest thing about a mystery is when it's finally resolved. I think there's much more that can be gained from the reveal, both regarding Tali, Quarians and story progression, than can be gained by not revealing what Quarians look like.
Canadish said:
That's good stuff you got there. Great reasoning.


New member
Nov 24, 2010
Tali represents love without visual beauty for me. I would not want Bioware to show her face rather than keep on developing her character.


New member
Jul 17, 2009
Yes, reveal it. Mystery for its own sake isn't "artistic". It's dumb. I'm fine with mystery if it serves some purpose, if she were supposed to be unimaginably beautiful for instance and you aren't confident you can make a convincing unimaginably beautiful face (which would be hard, since presumably you couldn't imagine one). But the games have never lead us to believe that Tali possesses any qualities that would be so hard to model.

Essentially, I see no reason that they couldn't do a good job making a face that lives up to the expectations they've created, so why not reveal it? Suggesting that it shouldn't be revealed because it might not live up to individual personal expectations is a silly argument that could just as easily be leveraged to argue that they shouldn't ever show anything if they do anything to build expectations about it first.

TL;DR: Bioware, this is not the time for pretentious pseudo-artistic "mystery".

Edit: It is also not the time for a heart-wrenching death scene reveal. Srsly.

Zorg Machine

New member
Jul 28, 2008
When I charge the migrant fleet with my geth friends behind me I want to se her face before I tearfully murder her...What?

I really don't care. As long as I get my geth fleet, genophage cure and rachni army I couldn't care less about the quarian faces (though, admittedly it would make for a good scene if they showed the quarians returning to their planet and being able to breathe the air)


No Time Like the Present
Jul 4, 2008
Yes - but only if it's inhuman. One of the things that turned me off Star Trek were the cavalcade of ridiculous humans with pointy ears or funny eye brows pretending to be aliens. I really like the Mass Effect species, and I really enjoy how different species have different appearances, all save for the Asari, who I find boring. Blue Women? Really? That's supposed to be an alien race? Save for the wacky hair, their faces look EXACTLY like humans. The Asari are the most unimaginative species in the entire ME universe, perhaps one of the most unimaginative in all of science fiction - BLUE WOMEN? Really? Okay, here's my "brilliant" idea for a new alien race: Let's make purple men! Just take the average human, colour em' purple and... I dunno, make their ears slightly pointy! WOOOO! SO IMAGINATIVE!

I suppose I'm being harsh - there are many aspects of the ME universe which are VERY imaginative. But the Asari aren't. They're boring.

If they make the Quarians just "Humans with funny skin colour, and I dunno, maybe strange hands", they would have official put fan service ahead of being imaginative.

So Sure, show Tali's face. But make her look as downright WEIRD as heck. Give her three eyes, or maybe a crab mouth or a big beak. Of course, in ME1, you could KINDA see the face structure of Quarians, so if their face ever is revealed, it'll almost certainly be a boring, unimaginative "Human-with-makeup" type face that all those actors in Star Trek had.


New member
Nov 20, 2010
I would love it if bioware put a soul crushing twist to it.

Something along the lines of "you only see her face during her dying moments in the final mission if you screw up, and only if you romanced her and no one else thoughout the whole trilogy" kinda of soul crushing.

I mean, it would make perfect sense for shep to never question it, he has seen the face afterall.

Doktor Sleepless

New member
Jan 4, 2011
Mikeyfell said:
The thing I do want to see in ME 3 is a girl Turian or Salarian.
Screw that, I want my 4 boobed Krogan ladies. Seriously though, isn't anyone curious what the Volus look like underneath? I want to go to a Volus planet and watch them gaily skipping through the acid meadows.


New member
Jun 5, 2008
How about, you only see her face if you pursued her as a romance option, and remained faithful to her in ME3?


No Time Like the Present
Jul 4, 2008
Since Tali's face will, if they ever reveal it, be human looking (Just look at the ME1 Tali Model - you can see the basic outline of her face and it's human-esque), I want it to be the weirdest human-esque face possible, simply to psych out the fans, and to prove that they are willing to make an alien look... well, ALIEN - as they should look!

Make her eyes completely colourless - no iris, no pupil - just one shade of colour, say, green or white. Give her no hair, or seaweed hair. As for skin Texture - make her skin as rough as Cobblestone! No lips either. And, like Shark Teeth. 6, 8 rows of glistening shark teeth.

That would please me. Sufficiently inhuman and imaginative.


New member
Feb 4, 2010
Nooners said:
spartan231490 said:
Yes, but it should be a part of her romance plot, so that the people who don't want to see her don't have to.
Tali is my romance-my ONLY romance for Male Shep, and I don't wanna see her face. EVER. I like the mystery far too much.
Here is the thing though if you romance her Cmdr Shepard has seen her but not the player. Just show us what she and the quarians look like already.


New member
Jun 25, 2011
I would really like to see the quarians without the environment suits by the end of the game, however, I think that revealing Tali's face should be a choice made by the player. Those that wish to see what she looks like can do so, but anyone who wants it to remain a mystery will never see it through the use of clever camera angles and lighting. . . . but, I suppose you could take that even further and they could allow the player to choose whether they wanted to see what the quarians look like at all.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
I vote yes.

I do so because I've never been a Tali fan. I'd like to see how people would react, and of course, finally know for myself as well.

Call it a jerk move by an inconsiderate outsider (which I kind of am in this case), but I want to see how loyal the Tali fan base is once the fantasy is gone. I don't mean that purely in a cynical bastard kind of way, however. I just think that, well, every character has their flaws and Tali hasn't had many obvious ones other than being shy, but that has probably served as more of an endearing trait.

I also don't wish to imply that I want her face should be one of her flaws... only that her fan base should be ready to accept what comes unmasked.

Tigerlily Warrior

New member
Jan 22, 2010
Lucyfer86 said:
believer258 said:
Personally? I don't care. Tali's a great character and all, but it won't bother me either way.

By the way, what's with everyone wanting to bone Tali? I never really got the attraction there. She's an alien with a helmet for a head - what the hell?

I haven't actually explored any of the romance options in ME2, but on this playthrough it's Miranda or bust :)

Also, I wonder what a romance option with Legion would be like? I'd love to ask Mordin for some hints and tips on the matter... shocking, I know, but fucking aliens can is just as grotesque.
Can't say for others, but for myself she is the most interesting character in game, kind of positive attitude that makes me feel warm inside (meh, im such a nerd..), and oddly seductive mysterious.
I hear you both, but for me, the idea of my male shep with with Tali was....selfish. Yeah, she's a great girl but "boning her" puts her life at risk every time. How messed up is that? that's why, however much I like her character, she'll stay in the friend-zone.


New member
Apr 23, 2009
HumpinHop said:
I don't think they should, it's by and large going to disappoint people when they see it.
How? What do you think people are expecting? That her face is made of golden breasts that shoot lasers?

I think that most fans will be satisfied with just a pretty face. Its better than taking the mystery to your grave.


New member
Oct 14, 2010
in the right context, Tali being unmasked could be a fantastic development for her as a character and Quarians as a whole.

Imagine if in the recruit phase for Tali in Mass Effect 3 she ends up taking a Yahg that was indoctrinated hand to hand, and her suits helmet was damaged beyond repair. this forces her into a clean room on the Normandy where she is critically ill, and confesses her crush on Commander Shepard, or berates herself for being carless enough to think she could take on said Yahg hand to hand.

this could extend to her replacement helmet being human made with a transparent faceplate.

Another possibility would be that the Quarians Species as a whole, realizing that in their war with the Geth, they can not afford to rely on suits undergo a massive Genetic and Cybernetic enhancement so that they can survive outside their helmets boosting their immune systems to tolerate non sterilized air. Tali being a younger generation, is part of a movement of Quarians youths that completely forgo their suits as a result, making her big reveal REALLY shocking during recruitment.


New member
May 16, 2011
If they do SWEET, if they don't im cool with it, or they could do the classic master cheif stunt, were she takes off her mask, and its another mask underneath


New member
Feb 18, 2011
No. Those of us who really like the character have our own ideas on how she might or might not look, and don't want the mystery ruined. It's part of her appeal. If Bioware decide to show her face, or any quarian's for that matter, they'll just end up disappointing/pissing off a shitton of people.


New member
Feb 14, 2011
Sorry that this is off topic i've just seen atleast one person mention the quarian home world amd really its *SPOILS!!* its controled by the ANTI Reaper Geth who have been there keeping it calm and well Stable waiting for the Quarians return and even Legion said The Geth would accept peace if it was what the Quarians wanted since last time they (the Quarians) thought they could win plus they tried to kill every last Geth who knew it existed and didn't want to be a slave so really Quarians are no good slavers like the British were (I'M BRITISH) but we let the slaves have freedom the Quarians tried to kill them all so really i think they deserve to stay in space forever until they see the truth. sorry about that Rant