Poll: Telling the time


New member
Nov 23, 2011
How do you tell the time when telling it to somebody else?

I personally round it to the nearest 5, but it seems it really bugs me when others say the exact time. It's simply a pet peeve of mine. Then ive met other people who round it to the nearest 10, which seemed to annoy me just as much!

In my own opinion (im not trying to tell everyone this is how it has to be) the time should be told rounding to the nearest 5. If it is 10:03 it is 5 past 10. If it it 10:37 it is 25 to 11 etc etc.

So how do you tell the time? Do you say it exactly, round to the nearest 5? To the nearest 10? (Or something crazy like to the nearest hour :p)


Not Dead Yet
Jan 7, 2009
When I check my watch I round it to the nearest five, but always prefix with "it's about...", but if I check the computer or my phone then you're getting the exact time because it's easier just to read it out.


New member
Aug 17, 2011
Cpt_Oblivious said:
When I check my watch I round it to the nearest five, but always prefix with "it's about...", but if I check the computer or my phone then you're getting the exact time because it's easier just to read it out.
I do exactly this.


New member
Oct 26, 2009
I'd go by rounding to the nearest 5. But if its ever RIGHT between two of them (2 minutes, 30 seconds after a 5) I just feel hate building inside XP I dont know which one to round it to! Thats the only time Id think "screw it" and give the EXACT time! "Its 4:37 and 30 seconds"


New member
Mar 22, 2008
ectoplasmicz said:
How do you tell the time when telling it to somebody else?

I personally round it to the nearest 5, but it seems it really bugs me when others say the exact time. It's simply a pet peeve of mine. Then ive met other people who round it to the nearest 10, which seemed to annoy me just as much!

In my own opinion (im not trying to tell everyone this is how it has to be) the time should be told rounding to the nearest 5. If it is 10:03 it is 5 past 10. If it it 10:37 it is 25 to 11 etc etc.

So how do you tell the time? Do you say it exactly, round to the nearest 5? To the nearest 10? (Or something crazy like to the nearest hour :p)
I tell the exact time . I HATE when i ask people the time and they round it . Why? Because when i ask what time it is , i want to know exacly what time it is. But thats just me , i always like to know exacly what time it is when i am doing stuff . Since i got an cell phone , i check the time every few minutes . Even at work i am always pulling out my phone to check the time . It's one of the things i do just because . And since i don'ttrust peolle to tell me the exact time since most people round it , i stop asking and use my phone .


New member
Dec 29, 2011
TestECull said:
I hate the "x to x" method. Drives me nuts. I asked for the time, not a stupid little phrase! It's even worse if they just belt out "5 til". 5 till what, chucklefuck?! 5 till the end of days? 5 till six in the morning? 5 till my fist meets your face?

Whatyueb8ithih. Just tell me the exact time. It's 11:46, not "about 5 til 11" or "quarter till". Oi.
I'm requisitename and I approve (most of) this message. Although I don't mind a *little* rounding to the five, such as "about 5:45" when it's 5:43, I loathe the 'til/past method with a passion.


New member
Aug 12, 2009
"It's about quarter to; 12.42, if we're being exact."

That's generally roughly how I'll phrase it.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
I usually say 'it's about' when looking at an analog clock then round. If it's a digital clock, I tell the exact time. It's much easier for me.
Cpt_Oblivious said:
Today has been an awesome day, I keep seeing older members from '09 :D. You probably don't know me but it's nice to see a familiar face.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
I tell them the exact time as in given them the exact minutes to or past the hour (e.g. like when I say 12.13 I would say 13 minutes past 12 or 13.42 would be 18 minutes to 1). Likewise I still say quater to or past.


Nov 18, 2009
Always round it.

There is little point in saying it's 27 minutes past 3, It's half past 3 - anyone needing to do anything at 3:30 based on my time will arrive on-time or a couple of minutes early.

If it's just after, I'll say it's just gone half past 3. That way people know they've just missed 3:30 - and probably the bus they were waiting for.

Unless you need the exact time to set your watch, people don't need the exact time..

Also, there is no point giving someone the exact time - it's my exact time as told by my watch, which may be incorrect as it was me who set it, based on a source which may or may not be correct.. so a rounded time works out on average to be more accurate.

(unless my watch has in fact stopped - then it will only be perfectly accurate twice a day)

Crazy Zaul

New member
Oct 5, 2010
I round to 5 mins but some time you get the situation when you waiting for something where someone asks what time it is, its just gone 25 past and you say 'half past' then at nearly 25 to they ask again and you say 'still half past' and they say 'how can it still be half past' and then you go uuuuuuurghhh and have to explain what you did.


Another Regular. ^_^
May 22, 2008
Cpt_Oblivious said:
When I check my watch I round it to the nearest five, but always prefix with "it's about...", but if I check the computer or my phone then you're getting the exact time because it's easier just to read it out.
Sometimes I'll be exact even from my watch, but for the most part... Yeah, "this".


New member
Jun 14, 2011
When my friend asks the time I merely state the minutes, and vice versa.
E.g. Friend: "s'time?"
Me: "22."

Capt. Crankypants

New member
Jan 6, 2010
Eh, a mix. Depending of the time of course, it's either 'two-ish' or maybe 'quarter to' or 'half past'. You know, I'm not sure this is thread-worthy, but then, I'm the one posting in it eh? At least it's not a poll.