Poll: The Elder Scrolls or Fallout? Which game/s and why?


New member
Dec 15, 2009
TestECull said:
Fallout has assault rifles. Oblivion does not. Fallout has nuclear weapons. Oblivion does not. Fallout has jetpacks(Well, on PC, okay they're mods but bear with me). Obli...you guessed it.

Base it around Fallout. It's just better.
That argument could be countered with: Oblivion have fuckin AXES, Fallout does not, Oblivion has Fireballs, Fallout does not, Oblivion has horses- bla bla bla
Arguing about the individual items and weapons that for one person may seem fantastic and to another person may turn them off the game completely is invalid because it is based on ones play style.
Gameplay, quests, story etc is what defines whatever game as better in my opinion :)
And I really can't decide between the two, I love them both but i guess Elder Scrolls win becasue it has more of an EPIC world feel :D


Tastes Like Chicken!
Apr 11, 2008
It's like asking Dragon Age or Mass Effect. If the developer is good enough then you should enjoy both.

Argonian alchemist

Master-level alchemist
May 5, 2011
MercurySteam said:
It's like asking Dragon Age or Mass Effect. If the developer is good enough then you should enjoy both.
Well of course, but I have this feeling that around 90% of these people including you have only read the title, If you did... just read the full thing.

If you however have read it I'm wondering why you answered as such.

A lot of people are comparing Fallout 3 or New Vegas here to Oblivion and Morrowind, that's not what I wanted. I'm saying that if Bethesda offered to make one ultimate RPG and put all their knowledge from past games and all their money and manpower into it what would you want that game based around?

The Elder Scrolls or Fallout...?

I'd personally prefer The Elder Scrolls mainly because I like that combat system more and some of the lore is pretty cool as well, however Fallout gives that "Your alone... in the wasteland... with a butter knife, and OH MY GOD THERES A DEATHCLAW! RUN!" type of vibe and I feel truly immersed in the game when I play.


New member
Mar 2, 2011
If Bethesda were making "the ultimate RPG," it's best if they stuck to The Elder Scrolls. It's their own series and it's what they do best.

If I were to say which one I prefer, however, my pick would be Fallout. Fantasy RPGs are plenty, but post-apocalyptic ones? They might be out there, but I don't think I've heard of any.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Jay Parrish said:
Okay so, I was playing Oblivion earlier when my friend called me, just to talk about something (I forgot what) but we ended up talking about the games we were playing, turns out he was playing Fallout: New Vegas.

So after some in depth discussion on how freaking spammy the salamanders are we started to get into a little bit of an argument about which game was better, and I must admit he made some good points.

But it depends on what you like of course, and that is my question. Now I don't mean "Which is better, New Vegas or Skyrim" no I mean which one of the mini series do you prefer?

Like if Bethesda announced they we're going to make the ultimate RPG ever. And it was going to be based around either Fallout or The Elder Scrolls... which would you choose?
standard high fantasy world? or crazy ass Post apcolyptic wonderland with a retro 50's flvour? and LAZERS???? Ill take fallout based on setting alone

I mean really it depends on which you prefer, I dont hate high fantasy but It takes a little more to impress me

LebbyLegs said:
TestECull said:
Fallout has assault rifles. Oblivion does not. Fallout has nuclear weapons. Oblivion does not. Fallout has jetpacks(Well, on PC, okay they're mods but bear with me). Obli...you guessed it.

Base it around Fallout. It's just better.
That argument could be countered with: Oblivion have fuckin AXES, Fallout does not, Oblivion has Fireballs, Fallout does not, Oblivion has horses- bla bla bla
Arguing about the individual items and weapons that for one person may seem fantastic and to another person may turn them off the game completely is invalid because it is based on ones play style.
Gameplay, quests, story etc is what defines whatever game as better in my opinion :)
And I really can't decide between the two, I love them both but i guess Elder Scrolls win becasue it has more of an EPIC world feel :D
actually fallout NV does have axes.... fire axes plus theres a actually a unique one called Knock Knock...does alot of damage (especially in the hands of veronica)

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
A mix of both...? somehow. Like oblivion with V.A.T.S?

Or an Arcanum sequel made by Bethesda *drools*

It's a really hard question. I'm going to have to go with Fallout 3 becuase oblivion gate sections just make me want to cry.


New member
May 17, 2009
Fallout 3 and New Vegas were pretty good, but fallout 1 & 2 were isometric and made my eyes bleed. Plus S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Shadow of Chernobyl did it better.

No problems will the Elder Scrolls games though, and Morrowind is still one of my favorite games of all time.

Yay for Elder Scrolls!

Mace Tulio

New member
Feb 5, 2011
Until Skyrim hooks me, I have to say Fallout, I love both series' though, Oblivion was just, kind of weak, especially when compared to Morrowind.


New member
Feb 10, 2010
I used to be all about TES but I lost interest in the series around Oblivion so now I would vote for Fallout. Even though there was a time when I disliked SF settings I grew to prefer them over run of the mill fantasy ones.


New member
Sep 23, 2010
Fallout 1 and 2 are drastically different games than 3, New Vegas, or any of the Elder Scrolls. My personal favorite was Fallout 3, but I'll go with Elder Scrolls since they have more games, and I can actually play them.


Insane Faceless Stranger
Sep 1, 2010
Well for one fallout 1+2 were very different to fallout 3 and made by different people.

So if you just want to do a fallout 3/nv vs elder scrolls I'd have to say elder scrolls.

The Elder Scrolls Lore i way better than fallouts.


Local Cat
Aug 15, 2008
Because punching people to death is a far more impressive feat when they have guns and/or are mutants.

Although Skyrim may be able to change my opinion since I'll supposedly be able to punch dragons to death.

But right now, Fallout.


New member
Dec 4, 2010
Oblivion and they already are making the ultimate RPG, Skyrim. Vikings!!! *wait...what they aren't Vikings?*...ahem...Viking-like people!!!


New member
Jun 12, 2010
I just love the elder scrolls universe. It was my first foray into true high-fantasy. Ah fond memories...


New member
Apr 18, 2011
Funny, this topic reminds me of a podcast I heard on www.thepodcast.co.cc (shameless plug yes i know :p ) because I would go with Fallout, just because of the mixture of genre. I feel like it gets me more interested in the mechanics, the way it blends rpg and fps. So I'll go with Fallout

Assassin Xaero

New member
Jul 23, 2008
I'd say Fallout because I liked Fallout 3. Oblivion I couldn't get into at all, but New Vegas was also really bland and boring.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
Definitely Fallout. I could never get into any of TES games. I felt no direction or connection within the world. It reminds me of WOW, so many people are so enraptured with the mythos but I just don't see it.

Fallout 3 at least gave me better direction. Yes its buggy but it was infinitely more fun. New Vegas wasn't as fun, once I got to New Vegas and took care of Benny it lost most of its direction, but it did bring me into its world and made me care about it.

Also I don't feel it took itself too seriously, I know the tone of Fallout is pretty heavy but it didn't make me hope that someone would break down the 4th wall and reference some hobbits and stuff.


New member
Jan 12, 2010
Combine them. Fallout with magic and more fantastical races/creatures. Basically, let me play an Orc in a fallout settings, who can summon Daedra and wield an Axe in one hand and hold an assault rifle in the other. That is the ultimate RPG.

Basically, make it a Warhammer 40K RPG.


New member
May 14, 2008
Azaraxzealot said:

i tried oblivion but quit after 3 hours because it's so big it feels like the world and all its options are suffocating me.

i traded that in for Crackdown 2.

oh. and morrowind also had the same problem. i traded that game in for KOTOR.

i'm not immersed, i'm drowning.
The little oblivion fanboy in me is screaming out, but im shushing him cos thats a very fair point to make and i felt very much the same as i do in alot of open world rpgs, Its too old a game to worry about now but if you get the chance it might be worth trying again and just focusing 100% on the main plot, ignore every little side quest for your first playthrough or atleast until you get comfortable in the world, That way its not overwhelming and considering you picked up KOTOR you clearly have a good taste in rpgs, and TES are really good once you get past the bullshit.

huh.. Guess i cant really shush the fanboy in me -.-