Poll: The most overrated genre of music!


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
diggy140892 said:
you listen to radio? (and watch TV?)....well theres your problem, you should know beter

moral of the story is when it comes ot music people get stupid...somthing they "dont like" they automatically see as "lesser" (hence aparently "metal is just noise") thats not to say all music is eaqual...but peopel are very harsh when judging

theres a different between not liking somthing and actually thinking its "inferior"

"derp! metal is just noise"

"derp! rap/eletronic isnt music because it doesnt use instraments"

"derp! countey isnt REAL music because i think its god awful"

"derp! old music is gaaaaayy!!!"

"derp! new music is HORRIBLE!"

alot of the time trying to bring logic into any musicalbased disscussion is a headache waiting to happen..I think because music is just too subjective of an art form

Offworlder said:
And electronic today is just...uninspired is the only way to describe it.
depends on what your listening too...might have to be more specific


New member
Aug 6, 2010
Mainstream pop in a nutshell: "Omg that artist/person is so incredibly talented, and they are such a cool person too! LOOK AT HOW THEY DRESS! Oh man, I want to be JUST like them when I grow up. They tell me that I can do anything I want with my life and I will! I'll be the first person on Mars while listening to their music! I AM SO FULL OF LIFE RIGHT NOW".

For a cynical jaded person like myself, it is enough to make my head explode.
I'd say certain bands are more over-rated than others, over entire genres.

TakeshiLive said:
Don Savik said:
Jazoni89 said:
IamQ said:
I'm not that great at musical genres, but Queen fits right in with classical rock, right? Because Queen, and all music that sounds like Queen is being praised like I don't know what anymore.

I have some Queen songs in my playlists, sure, but for christs sake, their not worth going up in arms for if someone dislikes them.
I once got hit in the arm by a girl when I said I didn't like Queen.

I don't hate them now though, but then again I don't like them either, so I'm kinda neutral on the subject of queen.
I like some of Queen's songs, but only some. Maybe I'm too young for that kind of music, but its just not a good band to sit down and listen to. I mean, you can't really jam to "we are the champions". They have too many weird songs that don't really fit the mood for any kind of activity. But since the lead signer is gay and he died that band is exempt from all insult apparently. Sigh....ppl these days.

OP: Mainstream pop/rap/hip-hop is probably the worst. I mean, classical is the king of pretentiousness, but it doesn't stand a chance to the amount of Jay-z, Kanye, Katy Perry, Adele, Drake, Nicky Minaj (VOMIT INDUCING), trash out there.

on another note, Katy Perry first album was actually good. Before she was super popular. You have to admit.
Some of Queen's songs are just KILLED by the amount of people playing it and saying "they're a true fan of classic rock." The three victim/culprits are Bohemian Rasphody, We Are The Champions and We Will Rock You. Bohemian Rasphody was actually my fave Queen song until I found Killer Queen. This song was just leaking with the abundance of personality and charm.

I will also give a nice meaty backhand slap across the faces of people who think that Queen ripped off of Vanilla Ice when it came to Under Pressure. "Bad idiot person who thinks they know music, BAD!"

As for mainstream pop, I just feel like they rely too much on synths and electronic sounds. A lot of songs just use a drum machine in the background instead of a real drummer. The melody is just more "whewmn" and "swhoops," I don't even know anymore. The reason I got into Travis (post-britpop) was because 95% of their sounds use live instruments. Hell, "Sing" has a nice backing banjo melody.

Whenever I watch an HDstarcraft or HuskyStarcraft video, an android phone ad pops up of these girls singing Bohemian Rhapsody together over their phones. Not for the first time, I find myself sick of Queen, and that is bad. I mean, Bohemian Rhapsody is a fucking GREAT song, but when you hear it a thousand fucking times in a day, and only a snippet of the fucking chorus, it grates on ya.

Kind of like how the Beetles are a great band (I don't really like their stuff because it bores me to death, but I respect their music) but every hipster fucking girl in high school LOVES the Beetles because... Well I really don't know. I know Across the Universe got a lot of bandwagon jumpers. Ugh... People make me so sick sometimes most of the time.


New member
Aug 6, 2010
Vault101 said:
alot of the time trying to bring logic into any musicalbased disscussion is a headache waiting to happen..I think because music is just too subjective of an art form
There is a lot of space between a and lot. Its how I remember how to spell it, it might help :D

There's this one comedian I saw a long while ago (who's name eludes me atm) who said (this is heavily paraphrased):
"I never understood how someone can say what bad music is. How does someone go around saying 'What you are listening to is bad. The sounds that you are hearing, sound bad! Stop listening to them!' I mean, that just strikes me as the strangest thing in the world."

I can justify why I listen to the music I listen to and why i dislike certain kinds of music, but I try my best to avoid telling people that they cannot possibly enjoy listening to the things they like to listen to. Musical choice is entirely subjective, like taste and smell is.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Don Savik said:
OP: Mainstream pop/rap/hip-hop is probably the worst. I mean, classical is the king of pretentiousness, but it doesn't stand a chance to the amount of Jay-z, Kanye, Katy Perry, Adele, Drake, Nicky Minaj (VOMIT INDUCING), trash out there.

on another note, Katy Perry first album was actually good. Before she was super popular. You have to admit.
queen is probably one of the few well loves mainstream classic rock bands I liek (I mean come on...flash gordon?! princess of the universe?! HELL YES!) I prefer their "less" popualr songs though


Kanye? Jay z? adele? (seriously?! adele?) and even nicki minaj...why are they trash? Kanye is arguably one of the better ones out there (my beautiful dark twisted fantasy is awsome) you may not like then but they are far from trash (even nicki minaj)

The Night Angel

New member
Dec 30, 2011
Good to see mainstream pop leading the poll, even assuming they do write their own songs, and assuming they don't get their voices touched up electronically on their albums; their music just isn't good anyway.


New member
Dec 7, 2011
Anything that is popular and has auto-tuned vocals. Glorious fucking gods, auto-tuned vocals are the most abysmal thing I've ever heard in music. I don't know why, but as soon as I hear it, I just have to sit down and have one nice, big facepalm.


New member
Jun 15, 2010
I'm not sure why R&B and mainstream pop have been separated for the poll. They've pretty much merged now.

I voted for R&B, because it is just pop music. Anyone who thinks otherwise is just kidding themselves. Dubstep's kind of headed that way, but it's still just a trend at the moment.


New member
Mar 16, 2008
Gonna go with hip-hop/rap. No offense meant to anyone who likes it, there are some good songs out there, but even as extremely white as I am, I know there's some MAJOR differences between what rap was in the 80s/90s...and what rap is today. There are still some good rappers out there. But the majority of them just want to pretend their thugs and make lots of money speaking fast about bitches and hos, making the same damn music video over and over again.


New member
Jan 28, 2011
Im a metal/hard-rock fan yet I'm quite eclectic with my tastes and personally enjoy alot of music that reaches my ears. I like some pop, and I personally love some electronic just because of the clever use of synths that has sadly left the other genres of music.
I love most Classical apart from mozart (I prefer Hendel), and I can live with the fact people listen to rap even if I dont enjoy it.

The one thing that bothers me though, is when people feel obliged to listen to music in order to "fit in", music is a wonderful thing and as such you should listen to what you actually enjoy; and anyway since most people listen to music in their own homes or on their MP3's or Ipods their friends dont have to listen to it, its none of thier business as I told a friend when she was disgusted after noticing my Taylor Swift album nestled between Arkonas:Slovo and Motley Crue:Red White and Crue. =p


Add a beat to normality
Nov 16, 2009
Dubstep. I despise most mainstream music, but dubstep steps up the ear cancer a notch further.

Dreamer of Theaters

New member
Jun 15, 2011
kman123 said:
I think technical/progressive metal is overrated.

I don't hate it...I just don't get it. And a lot of it is critically acclaimed. I just don't dig stuff like Protest the Hero, or Gojira.

I'm gonna get hate for this...
Noooooooo! Why is that? I love prog metal.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
Regnes said:
Current mainstream is incredibly overrated. Mainstream has rarely ever been the best music of each generation, but these days it's just awful.

Fact: If you can easily detect the use of autotune in a song with your ears alone, then the person in the song sucks and can't sing.

Fact: You can detect autotune in almost every mainstream song these days.

Fact: Autotune has become so familiar to people that the robotic sound it produces when combined with untalented people is popular.

Fact: It is now trendy to have no talent.
Nope you're wrong...

The Marmite album of 2011, but it's a great example of Autotuning done (mostly) right.


New member
Mar 27, 2010
I'd vote Metal if it was on the list. That's bound to get me a lot of hate on the internet, but that's my honest opinion. I don't hate the music itself or anything, but I don't enjoy listening to it and the way people tend to go very overboard about their affection for metal and define themselves by it seems very overrated to me.

So yeah, the culture around heavy metal. Since that wasn't an option, I voted Mainstream Pop because Lady Gaga, thats why.

Also, mandatory none of these things are overrated objectively, they are just more liked by different people. If you honestly believe one genre of music is better than another then you're just wrong.

By the way, what the hell is Britpop and why does it get a place on the poll rather than just going under mainstream pop?


New member
Aug 1, 2010
rap hip hop because just go and listen to it. i can understand mainstream pop because its supposed to be what it is due to the fact that it is mainstream pop by definition. rap hip hop can't hang on to that excuse. any generalizations one makes about it would probably end up being mostly true. now I know a few rap hip hops songs that I thought were pretty good, but mostly the genre sounds like one boring beat holding up some jackass rambling on about himself in the manner of 3rd grader. thus I think it is overrated.