Poll: Time travel, is it possible?


New member
Aug 2, 2009
Lukeje said:
Of course Time-Travel is possible; I'm travelling through time right now...

that was yesterday's comic right?

King of the N00bs

New member
Aug 12, 2009
Frankly I think that scientifically,everything is predetermined. Because supposedly a whole bunch of chemical reaction crap happened and it is affecting my mind as i type this.

sorry I forgot that that is why i think time travel is possible. Because its all predetermined anyway then I think its entirely possible


don't upset the insane catgirl
Apr 11, 2009
Unlikely, but not impossible.

First of all, Time is an illusion, and it's 'real' nature is almost impossible for the human mind to understand.

But fundamentally, the consequences of what happens if time travel exists depend on the nature of reality.

Is the 'many worlds' theory correct? - If so, all that will happen is that the time traveller will create additional 'realities', without actually changing the one they came from.

If not, things get a lot more difficult.

Also, never say never - Even the 'laws' of physics aren't guaranteed to be fixed, nor are physical 'constants' nessesarily constant.

Quantum mechanics even implies anything you can think of can happen, it's just that most of the events have such a low probability that the chance of them having happened even once within the known life of the universe is almost zero.


Overly Proud New Yorker
Dec 18, 2008
theklng said:
soren7550 said:
Time travel is impossible. There's no way to bend time forwards or backwards.

It's kind of like teleportation: it sounds nice but it will never work and never happen. Hell, for teleportation to work you'd have to be able to create a machine that could break something down past its atoms, send them somewhere else and put them all back together. People are made up of trillions of atoms, and trying to remove & put back the most simple of items/organisms that there is next to impossible. No complex organism can be teleported in any such matter.
just to take you as an example: please shut up when you don't know what you're talking about. unless you're one of the scientists of CERN (which you are not), hold a degree in physics (which you do not) or at least know the basic about quantum physics (not something you know), your opinion is void.
And how by your expert opinion do you know that I have no bloody clue to what the hell I know or don't know what I'm talking about? Do you have any degree in any form of psychology that shows that you're a expert at determining if someone does or doesn't know what they're talking about?

Or are you pissy and heartbroken because I was able to explain how teleportation is impossible?


New member
May 19, 2009
I might aswell throw my stuff in here too. I feel there are three stances on the effect of time travel.

1.) The Multiple Universes Theory. Basically if you were to go back in time and do something: it would create an alternate universe. Each action would therefore create an alternate universe. i.e. Killing JFK before he was assassinated.

2.) The Butterfly Effect Theory: Pretty simple, anything you do directly affects the future. No matter what.

3.) The Concrete Theory: Another simple one, if you were to go back in time and do something; "what's happened already happened" type stuff. So if you were to go back in time and kill JFK, then it would still be the same as before. It'd still be a 'magic bullet' and all that jazz.
In other words, history was already written. Even the part you went back for and tried to change has already happened.


New member
Sep 2, 2009
I'm gonna have to say yes, though perhaps not in Hollywood/Chrono Trigger form, based on a combination of time dilation and wormholes (fuuuuun combo). We know that motion causes time to dilate, and that a wormhole links two points in both time and space. Therefore, should a wormhole be created and one end of it begins moving faster than the other, that end will experience time dilation; time will flow slower for the wormhole than everything around it. So travelling through the first end would theoretically link you to the other end at a point in the future.

I'm also going to have to agree with CrystalShadow's excellent explanation on all counts - time's an illusion, parallel realities are likely, and most importantly, time travel is possible but as of now it seems unlikely humanity will achieve it.

Of course, who knows? Maybe in the future some miracle formula or discovery will be made. Is that being overly optimistic? Perhaps, but before E=mc^2, who would've thought we could convert matter into energy, destroying entire cities with 130 pounds of uranium?


New member
Mar 2, 2009
According to the laws of physics as we know them currently, it is not, in fact, possible.


New member
Dec 28, 2008
Yeah, it's possible to go forward in time, just not back. It's a strange scientific formula called "Sit down, shut up and wait patiently".


New member
Feb 28, 2008
Lukeje said:
Of course Time-Travel is possible; I'm travelling through time right now...

I just got Ninja'd so hard, it hurt.


New member
Jan 14, 2009
Time travel, I doubt it.

Bending time, yes, yes, I think so.

Going into the past, though, I don't.


New member
Oct 20, 2008
well, right now what scientists are trying to to is basically trying to spin space/time enough to create a whirlpool effect and travel down that (they explain it like spinning the liquid in a mug until you see the bottom). Currently they are using lasers and positioning them so they intersect to make a square and have a column of those. Right now lasers are not powerful enough to confirm or deny this theory.


New member
Mar 25, 2009
mongolloid said:
I actually have a time traveling watch. I have on al the time, but it only goes forward at regular speed.
I see what you did there -_-

OT; I'm reading a book by Michio Kaku, and he's classifying it as a Class II Impossibility, which means we might be able to "time travel" in thousands or perhaps millions of years.

He cited the energy needed to rip open the fabric of space time and the stability of the "portal" as being the two biggest obstacles.

But some people think that time exists simultaneously, past, present, future. So wouldn't effects from future being's meddling mess up our reality? Or would we even notice?

...Fuck. Another sleepless night of mulling for me :p

Jurassic Rob

New member
Mar 27, 2009
No. I'm afraid not. But think about this. IF it is possible, then it has already happened in the future.


New member
Feb 17, 2008
No, it has been proven that entropy can only occur in one direction and therefore time travel is impossible.

Cama Zots

New member
Jul 10, 2009
Accelerating time or slowing it down is very possible, it's called relativity. Simply slow down or speed up to manipulate time.


New member
Apr 29, 2009
i'm too lazy to do an extensive link search, so i'll used wikipedia like a n00b

in my defense I have watched a few specials on time travel on the discovery channel and so far, it's been determined that traveling back in time will be pretty much impossible.
if in fact, one could travel back in time, they could only travel back to the time when the first time machine was invented.

also, an off topic side no.. Stephen Hawkings is a NUT


New member
Oct 20, 2008
JaredXE said:
Time travel is a reality. I go forward in time all the time.

Look, I just did it again.
one (like me) could argue that it is us standing and time is traveling by us.

War Penguin

Serious Whimsy
Jun 13, 2009
Yes. I'm from the past. (sorry)

OT: So far, I'm sure time travel is impossible and will be for years. However, we could find something that can send things back or forward in time. But that's a big "could".