Poll: "Torture Porn" films.


New member
Oct 30, 2008
I enjoy them, but prefer them in small doses (I watch a scene or two once in a while)


Apr 28, 2008
They never bothered me on any level except their horible acting, contradicotry plotlines and boring premise.

Susan Arendt

Nerd Queen
Jan 9, 2007
corroded said:
I thought parts of Saw were actually quite sneaky. I've also laughed at parts of it, quite heavily. I mean, if you've seen Saw 3, towards the end they obviously realise they've actually forgotten to kill off one of the characters and she then goes about doing the stupidest thing possible. Twice.
Oooo, I don't quite remember that. Remind me in a spoiler tag, will you?


Inexplicably Awesome
Sep 27, 2008
I don't like them, at all. I can't stand to watch them. Gore for the sake of it creeps me out. I don't mind it as part of a well constructed story, but in those films it's just horrible.

Emperor Inferno

New member
Jun 5, 2008
For some people, it's an acquired taste. Others never like it at all. For twisted fucks like me, who spend a decent percentage of their time concentrating on fulfilling and using the phrase "Dark Side points!," it comes natural, and is awesome.


New member
Dec 28, 2008
Torture is the most inhuman and disgusting thing anyone can commit. Making movies about torture made by people who know nothing about it and targeting it for the teens is just wrong. Those torture films are the only thing that I believe should be banned.


New member
Aug 16, 2008
curlycrouton said:
I'm sure many of you have watched films like Saw or Hostel. I myself have watched about a half hour of both. But only a half hour, it's really all I could take.

I can't understand how these films are entertaining. Perhaps I'm being a wimp, but it seems to me to be disgusting torture scene after disgusting torture scene, backed up by a thinly veiled attempt at a plot, created for the sole purpose of warranting all the torture. Every time I attempt to watch one of these films, endeavouring to find out what the appeal behind them is, I end up feeling slightly sickened and horrified that such scenes can ever be branded entertaining.

Don't get me wrong, gore and blood is often necessary to add a sense of realism, or to outline the horrors of war in various films, but when it's just violence for it's own sake, well that seems to me as mindless blood lust, almost animalistic.

So the question I ask you is this. Do you enjoy these films? If so, can you explain the appeal?
It's gore horror, in the best traditions of Hammer horror, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Grindhouse, American Psycho et al. If it's not an appealing niche for you that's understandable but it's a fairly legitimate branch of the horror genre...


New member
Feb 11, 2009
I enjoyed Hostel 2... but only for the fact that it was hillariously bad.

Actually, I quite liked the first couple of Saw films now I think about it. They at least had a unique element to them. After that though, they seemed to become exercises in imginative death scenarios and unimaginative plots.


Old Man Glenn
Feb 13, 2008
curlycrouton said:
I'm sure many of you have watched films like Saw or Hostel. I myself have watched about a half hour of both. But only a half hour, it's really all I could take.

I can't understand how these films are entertaining. Perhaps I'm being a wimp, but it seems to me to be disgusting torture scene after disgusting torture scene, backed up by a thinly veiled attempt at a plot, created for the sole purpose of warranting all the torture. Every time I attempt to watch one of these films, endeavouring to find out what the appeal behind them is, I end up feeling slightly sickened and horrified that such scenes can ever be branded entertaining.

Don't get me wrong, gore and blood is often necessary to add a sense of realism, or to outline the horrors of war in various films, but when it's just violence for it's own sake, well that seems to me as mindless blood lust, almost animalistic.

So the question I ask you is this. Do you enjoy these films? If so, can you explain the appeal?
There's a large difference between Hostel and Saw. Hostel pretty much is just a bunch of torture scenes. The original Saw - the sequels were all terrible - was fairly philosophical and actually had purposes for the tortures. All the following ones were just more elaborate and gross ways to kill people

Doc Theta Sigma

New member
Jan 5, 2009
The first Saw film was good. It had a fairly original plot and not that much gore. Then Saw 2 had more gore and less plot. And then I noticed a pattern developing. Hostel I've never seen but I've heard it's pretty bad.

If you want a decent thriller movie go and rent either of the Cube films or Mindhunters. They'll blow your mind.


New member
May 16, 2008
I enjoyed them in the earlier iterations Devils Rejects/Saw/Hostel era but now it's very 'meh' because I've grown out of gore and/or become desensitised so I no longer find it interesting. That said, I still look out for gore films that will shock me but haven't found one in a few years.

corroded said:
A girl walks into a room with a perspex box in the middle. It has the antidote in it. She looks at the box, it has two holes in it. She puts one hand in to grab the syringe and gets her arm locked in by four razor blades. She then puts her free hand into the other hole, which has the same effect. She bleeds to death.
That's Saw 2


New member
May 11, 2008
I don't like random horror. I like horror like SAW where someone does something wrong and is punished for their evil/stupidity. I like horror where people get killed and I can think smugly to myself "If I was there, I would live."

I wouldn't open that door/try to grab the keep without listening to the carefully placed tape.

I don't like Japanese horror that my housemate watches or gangster films. In those people suffer for no reason than living/there is no ultimate 'good' from the film. Like in SAW, people are forced to get rid of bad character traits in order to survive. But I do enjoy seeing stupid people suffering. When I say stupid, I don't mean just intellectually, also emotionally as well. Those people who care only for themselves and probably enjoy the misery they cause other people with their torments and pranks making good descent people hide away in corners. Maybe its a psychological thing from the bullying I suffered at school. Mental pay back for the morons that made my life hell...
I may be a little sadistic, but its all good.

Rant over.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
i hate watching torture or getting cut. i dont see the point.

ya know, now that i think about it i dislike scary movies too. i like suspense but scaring me isnt fun for me.


New member
Dec 9, 2008
bad rider said:
I think they are awesome. Never thought they were "porn" though. It's just films that explore a darker side of human nature, that phrase dosen't really do justice anymore since books *cough* twighlight *cough* but it's more like why I like hannibal lecter. Sure the films aren't quite as good as red dragon or silence of the lambs, but they follow along the same lines which make them an intriguing watch.
I don't know why they are called "porn" either. It seems to be a misnomer. Personally I like them because I like to see how messed up someone can write a plot and how much of it I can watch before I flinch. I don't think there is anything wrong with watching these types of movies because they are not real. Someone who watches them is as likely to go and torture someone as is someome who plays GTA going to steal a car and shoot people. Highly unlikely in my opinion.

Side note: I didn't like Hostel because the makeup on the girl with the missing eye was so bad that I couldn't pay attention to anything else.