Poll: What console are you playing Skyrim on?


New member
Aug 6, 2010
Omnific One said:
PC because of mods. Like everyone with a half-decent computer should.
I wanna play it on my computer because of mods, but I haven't got around to setting up bootcamp on my mac, and Bethesda hasn't made their games mac-friendly yet, so I'll likely get it for my 360.
If I do get around to setting up bootcamp (and downloading a version of windows 7 that doesn't try to attack everything on my computer the moment I unpack it...) then I'll definitely play it for PC.


New member
Nov 26, 2008
I have a PC that can run it well, so it would be stupid to get it on anything other than that (although TBH that applies to almost every game).


New member
Nov 27, 2009
PS3. There's more memory on it than my 360, and I don't think it would be worth a whole new computer for the PC version. Just not into the modding scene, even if I do applaud it.


New member
Jul 21, 2011
PS3. Don't have an Xbox 360 after the Red Ring of Death and I've never been able to play proper games (i.e. Not Popcap games) on PC, as I've never been able to get my head around some of the control schemes. Also, I don't want to care about specs to play a game, I just want to dive in and play. Got my copy already pre-ordered by the way.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
Easton Dark said:
Me wanting to play a Bethesda game on anything but PC? Perish the thought. Mods are way too fun to ignore.

*edit: Didn't want this to be a one word answer - but i didn't have a lot to add. The amount of mods that come out for Bethesda titles is insane, and some of the stuff is really amazing (new faces in morrowing, complete balance reworks in Oblivion, etc..). Also, PC gets the game editor, so if i really want something in game, and there's no mod for it, i can actually make it myself.


New member
May 9, 2011
I'm of the opinion that for the game world to become a better place you play the game on the platform that favours the gametype you are playing, such as FPS's and RTS's are arguably more favourable to play on a PC and Zelda: Phantom hourglass would have sucked on any non touch screen platform.

I played morrowind at my PC, sure bought the expansions but didn't delve that much into mods, and in my opinion Oblivion was utter crap so I barely played it at all.

but in the end I see no real reason why an RPG-style game should not be as good or even better if played on a console(dragon age being the exception because of a more strategic battle style), especially considering the more fight-oriented style of bethesda's RPGs.

so, since Bethesda already announced that they are making Skyrim mainly for the 360 I'm thinking that by principle I should play it on my 360, even though I'm much more of a PC-gamer.

besides, I don't have many games to my xbox so I suppose I might as well get a game I'm interested in so I might use it more.


New member
Jun 22, 2011
lithium.jelly said:
I'll be playing on PC of course. Partly for the mods, partly for the better graphics Bethesda said the PC version will have, and partly because it just feels wrong to play a game like this on anything else.

Richardplex said:
When I test my computer to see whether or not it can handle games at ps3 graphics, I'll know for sure. Hopefully, PC. Also depends on what happens at uni.
How old is your computer? Anything built in the last few years should easily be able to surpass any console in graphical ability.

Some of the PCs people are saying they own make me wonder whether they're powered by water wheel or if they still read punch cards. I don't want to single out anyone's computer in particular because I'll probably get a ban, but... just... wow. My computer's nearly two years old but it sounds like it's an NSA grade supercomputer by comparison to some of the ones being described.
It's only a year old, but the games I've played on it; batman, magicka, world of warcraft, it's really struggled with, though I'm guessing internet was a major problem for the latter 2.


New member
May 12, 2010
I would really like to get it on PC but with my PC being a turd with a screen it would be rather difficult to run


New member
Jan 16, 2009
I'm trying to get a new processor for my PC now so that when it comes out, I'll be able to play it; this 1.8ghz dual core just ain't gonna cut it. If I don't get it before the game comes out though, I'm just buying it for my 360.


New member
Oct 23, 2008
I would love to get it for PC, but sadly mine is shite and can barely run browser based games. So PS3 for me. I would actually prefer to do X Box as well, buuuut that bit the dust a while ago.


New member
Sep 3, 2010
Anthony Abney said:
I'll play it on my 360 because that's where all my friends are and I'm going to want to play while talking to them so we can share cool stuff we just found, but I'm also getting it for the PC so I can take part in mods
Sooooo, why not just get it on PC and talk to them via xbox?


New member
Aug 3, 2010
ChupathingyX said:
Jimmybobjr said:
PC. i think anyone who doesnt play a game like oblivion- that is, a readily moddable game- on a PC is a idiot. at least half of the fun of these types of games are the many patches and mods avalable- reballances, fan items and models, quests, areas, and even up to entire campaigns. I mean, look at the oblivon mod http://www.nehrim.de/indexEV.html

Its not a mod. its a entire coversion built on the oblivion engine. Thats -AT LEAST- two games in one, not considering all the other mods and quests out there.

There is no doubt in my mind that Skyrim will have such support when it comes out. And those poor fools on PS3 and XBOX360 are going to miss out.
Generalisations are fun, aren't they?

I'm dreadfully sorry sir that I do not have a powerful PC and can't really afford one right now, I guess that just automatically makes me an "idiot" and a "fool" according to you.

So I'm just going to go crawl back into my box under the overpass.
You can afford a Gaming Console, and you live in a box?
Where do you plug in your Console?
Is there a power-point in that underpass?
I thinks i smell a troll

In any case, if i wanted to cause offence i would have said something like "Anyone who doesnt have a gaming PC is a retard"

So shuddup.

A troll that lives under a overpass?