Like 3/5 people, the only 'console' it should ever be played on, a PC. Lets face it, despite how basic its going to be, it should still be played on a PC, like every other Elder Scrolls.jackpackage200 said:I think i will play this on my ps3. I have a personal preference to play multiplayer game on my xbox and single player on my ps3.
Too right, I second this actually, love moding these sort of games (when done well, and elder scrolls usually is). I know a friend who got so obsessed with modding, he never finished the game.teebeeohh said:PC because of mods
It can easily be argued that they did the same thing for Oblivion to be honest. That said, so long as it comes with mod tools, I'm satisfied enough. If they can do something to make the game less dreadful to play (and I say that having spent hundreds of hours in various Bethesda games) I'll be even more excited. The weak point in all Bethesda titles has always been that they have absolutely no idea how to make any particular task actually interesting.ks1234 said:PC is winning with 60pct of the vote but they're making the game for consoles and giving it a "PC port"
This is the ONE thing that Bethesda has done to piss me off, ever.