Poll: What do you think of Facebook?

Lord Kloo

New member
Jun 7, 2010
Bloody useful for planned events, finding out what the homework was and then getting the answers as well..

Also useful for talking I hear, although not much goes on anymore..

I live in a Facebook friendly area (England, West Midlands) so I know plenty of peeps who love FB so I kind of like it just because I can talk to people on it after I go home.. and since I don't know anyone around my specific area it gives me something to do..


New member
Oct 11, 2010
FoolKiller said:
jamiedf said:
its a fun way to talk with people who you otherwise wouldnt have the opportunity to.
also its fun to publicly humiliate friends at every given chance, hell me and mates have made a game of it, as the score stands im 2nd ha
at being humiliated or humiliating others?

And where is the option that I think its a great social tool but I personally do not like it and would not want an account.
at humiliating others, its a simple score system, evertime you find something you can use to embarrass a fellow player, you spread it as fast and as far as you can using only facebook. its one point if you get other people laughing at them, 2 for truly embarrassing picture (~with a bonus point if it has other implications) and 3 point if something escalates quick enough. we have another mate who stays neutral and judges points. im at something like 30,

Someone Depressing

New member
Jan 16, 2011
It's decent.
But I wish the game requests were sent to a different wall.
The most social interaction you can get out of the games are : "lol u gve e sum cows lol plz!!111!!", other than that it's quite a helpful social network.
That is when your Ex-Girlfriend isn't beggin' for "Likes" all the time, the smarmy bit-- Sorry, where was I going with this?
It's helpful once you look past the poorly designed interface and all the dumb-ass people you haven't seen since high-school that you fuckin' hated and wanted to feed lead... Good times trollin' that little bastard out of existence (That'll teach 'im to get "your" and "you're" mixed up!)


New member
Mar 29, 2009
It's okay. I just hate people though, who use the "Like" button all the time. Wasn't facebook ment to be a social website? Well, the "Like" button removes everything social, since people don't need to say anything, now that they've "Liked" something.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
I use it to share funny pictures and news bits with my friends. Other than that, I don't use it a lot. I do hate it when people take it as serious business.
ANd when they do, one of my good friends and I troll the person out of existence.
For example, one of our friends who says it's serious business made a group so he could "Say whatever he wanted." He then invited all of his friends. My friend and I were 2 of these people, and made it our goal to post as many stupid links and worthless comments within a small time period. Combined, we had left around 59 stupid comments and links, and we were promptly kicked from the group.
Good times.


New member
Oct 5, 2009
InfiniteJacuzzi said:
If you ignore most of the features, it just becomes a helpful social tool.
Yeah, because I found my friend on it, when he moved back to Ukraine, so that helped.


Pixel Pusher
Mar 25, 2009
it's evil. check the agreement you accept and you'll never want to make a post or upload a picture again. creepy shit

terrible for an artist


Me, I'm Counting
Sep 24, 2008
Souplex said:
I hate all social networking sites.
Souplex said it best.

I do have an account, but i absolutely never go on it, and the only time i ever touch facebook is when i get an email saying <this person has commented on your wall / sent a private message>. Other than that i simply talk to everybody through MSN messenger or Steam. I detest Facebook as it always seems to be nothing more than a fucking popularity contest. No, i don't care about what you're thinking right now, nor do i want to post and be posted some inane comment about something i don't and won't ever care about. Stop poking me, stop sending me junk, stop trying to make witty comments. It's irritating.

But hey. Different strokes for different folks. Just because i loathe social networking and way it's impersonalising communication and socialising (especially among actual friends rather than those 500 you don't actually know but comment anyway) doesn't mean it's not a success or something people enjoy. If you like Facebook and knowing every little thing your friends are thinking or doing, then good for you. It just ain't for me.


New member
Dec 29, 2010
I have an account, I just go on two times a month maximum. The only reason I go on, is to check the news feed and accept or ignore friend requests.


New member
May 13, 2010
I had one for a little while, but didn't use my actual name so assbags I never actually liked in high school couldn't find me. After a while I got sick of posting crap and my farmville was a soulless factory with no decorations. Then I just used it for messages. Then after a few months of doing nothing with it I deleted it. Good ridance


New member
Feb 19, 2009
I don't like it. I do have an account for when I need to see some fotos that people SIMPLY RE-GODDAMN-FUSE to mail or something.