Poll: What do you think of furries?


Monk of Tranquility
Nov 1, 2009
Chrono212 said:

I kid! I kid. :p

OT: Yay...not.
Each man to his own thing.
Some are really, really good people who just like that stuff and others are just really, really werid.
Kinda like life, if you think about it.
Actually you know they are, Joke ^_^

The fan?s them selves are not; but it?s become a Fandom ?Like? the Furry Fandom


Elite Member
Dec 25, 2008
To say that I'm indifferent would be something of an understatement, to say the least.

Live and let live, you wanna go jerkin' your gerkin' to an anthopormorphic cat? I don't care, do whatever you feel like, just don't try to blow me up and we'll be cool.


Want Skyrim. Want. Do want.
Nov 26, 2008
In all honesty, they creep me out.
But, so long as you keep it to yourself, It's... tolerable.


New member
Nov 25, 2010
As long as they don't come knocking on my door, I couldn't care less. Sure, it may be a weird fetish at times but I've never really been exposed to it on a personal basis so I can't say exactly how I'd feel.


New member
Jun 9, 2010
It's a hatred I don't understand, beyond the sadly common 'it's scary because it's different' angle. It really is no different than hating gamers, otakus, hippies, etc. Of course there are certain people that are drawn to the group that are...questionable, but it's true with every sub-culture.

Hell, I'm sure most people here have heard of the freaky things those 'gamers' do...killing people because their murder simulators told them to, stewing in their own filth because they can't stop eating cheetos. THOSE people are weird.

My point being: prejudging based on the worst public information is a poor decision. Stereotyping is a great way to dehumanize a community, but keep in mind that it's pretty much never an accurate view to take. Basically, research objectively first or your opinion is, frankly, not going to be valid.

Personally, I have no problem with them. I know some nice furries, I know some mean ones, and I know some I would stay away from. Funny, that's almost like how it works with people in general.

...this is my 1000th post? Really?


Fluttershy has a mean K:DR
May 19, 2009
Fox KITSUNE said:
Chrono212 said:

I kid! I kid. :p

OT: Yay...not.
Each man to his own thing.
Some are really, really good people who just like that stuff and others are just really, really werid.
Kinda like life, if you think about it.
Actually you know they are, Joke ^_^

The fan?s them selves are not; but it?s become a Fandom ?Like? the Furry Fandom
I was going to be nice, but since it's you I don't have to be. :p

Yeah. Fine. You're right. [sub][sub]Damn you Rule 34! [/sub][/sub]
But still...brony and proud!


Senior Member
Nov 6, 2009
Do you mean people who draw furry fanart?
Or people who roleplay as furries (ie, "I'm a dragon-werewolf who *insert Mary-Sue description here*")?
Or people who dress up as animals and have sex?

Because, in that order:
1) I love them! Yay, cute furries!
2) They creep me out, don't let them near me.


Monk of Tranquility
Nov 1, 2009
Chrono212 said:
Fox KITSUNE said:
Chrono212 said:

I kid! I kid. :p

OT: Yay...not.
Each man to his own thing.
Some are really, really good people who just like that stuff and others are just really, really werid.
Kinda like life, if you think about it.
Actually you know they are, Joke ^_^

The fan?s them selves are not; but it?s become a Fandom ?Like? the Furry Fandom
I was going to be nice, but since it's you I don't have to be. :p

Yeah. Fine. You're right. [sub][sub]Damn you Rule 34! [/sub][/sub]
But still...brony and proud!
Mmm Hmm Yup your Loveing your in the Furry Pony Fandom, I mean you Furries Brony's are nice but god debate one show of MLP you get all Angry :p

And for your info I watched afew epsiodes of MLP and Ifind some them cute. Will I keep watching it.. Eh IDK. Like the fandom.. It's all a choice ya know.


New member
Jan 21, 2008
Bags159 said:
Dexiro said:
Bags159 said:
Dexiro said:
Bags159 said:
Not sure why everyone cares about furries so much. I'm of the "do whatever the fuck you enjoy as long as you don't hurt people" mindset.

Terminate421 said:
They are the way I feel about Gay people, so long as they aren't trying to shove something up my ass, I don't care.
Uh, what?
Like I said in a previous post, there are some parallels between furries and gay people. Probably not what this guy had in mind though :p

Most furries/gays are just like normal people, they'll keep it to themselves unless it's appropriate and you wouldn't even know they were furry/gay unless they told you.

However you get the minority of furries/gays that are drama whores and like to tell every last person they meet just to stir things up or get attention. It's unfortunately these people that are a vocal minority and give furries/gays their negative stereotype.
I've never seen this. Ever. I think you're making this up.
You srs? xD

If so you've probably never seen it because the non-dramawhore types are usually indistinguishable from normal people. You couldn't pick a regular gay/furry out from a crowd unless you knew them personally.
Exactly. I stumbled upon a furry TF2 server and didn't realize I was on one until I looked at the server name. It was probably more polite overall than your average TF2 server.

Every group has its attention whores. Deal with it.
I agree with this.
Though unlike Dexiro, I do not limit the attention whores and melodramatic individuals to minorities such as furries and gays. >_>
that's everyone my friend. all humans have a subset who're attention seeking melodramatic bitches.


New member
Mar 23, 2011
I have no problem with furries, dated one once. Though when I think of it I do believe she was one of the "weird furries" in a sexual way. That might very well be why it did not work out..


New member
May 25, 2010
Short answer: I'm fine with them. Like almost everything, I find them amusing.
They may be a little weird, but everyone is.

The last time I saw a furry I was going Christmas shopping, with my dad.
We saw the fursuiter leaving Wal-mart in full suit, carrying his head underarm. I immediately knew what he was and couldn't suppress an amused chortle. My dad turned to me with a bemused look and asked, "What was that?" "He's a furry." I replied, feeling that the answer was self evident. "What's a furry?", he inquired.
I stopped dead in my tracks with the realization that, for as internet savvy as I believed him to be, my dad didn't know what a furry was, and that it was now upon me to explain it.
Being a man of learning, I defaulted to Occam's razor, and gave the simplest explanation I could. "Basically they're people who, when they see cartoon animals, think, 'Oh Yeah!'." "Really?", My dad replied. "Weird."
Since then I've reflected on my answer and concluded that it perhaps wasn't the most accurate, but then again, a Wal-mart parking lot really isn't the place to get into an in depth discussion about random sexual fetishes, especially with my dad.


New member
Nov 22, 2010
Worgen said:
Krychek08 said:
I find all sexual fetishists pretty creepy. Not that what you do behind closed doors has any effect on me, just saying what I feel.
you do realize how little sense that makes, right? I mean pretty much anything is a fetish, do you like breasts? BOOM fetish, really the only way not to have one is to be totally nonsexual and not have any real attractions to sex at all
I'm not quite sure if you know the definition of sexual fetishism so I'll let wikipedia explain:
Sexual fetishism, or erotic fetishism, is the sexual arousal a person receives from a physical object, or from a specific situation. The object or situation of interest is called the fetish, the person a fetishist who has a fetish for that object/situation.[1] Sexual fetishism may be regarded, e.g. in psychiatric medicine, as a disorder of sexual preference or as an enhancing element to a relationship causing a better sexual bond between the partners.[2] Arousal from a particular body part is classified as partialism.


The Killjoy Detective returns!
Jan 23, 2011
Indifferent. Everyone has their quirks. Including me. It would be hypocritical to call this specific group out.


New member
May 16, 2011
I find it a bit creepy but as long as they dont annoy me with it in which case i will pnch them (nothing against furries on that one i just punch anyone who annoys me)

now its those gays who should really go and die (JOKE)


New member
Mar 11, 2011
ZeroG131 said:
Bags159 said:
ZeroG131 said:
Any man can fap to what they want to fap to, but let's keep it where it belongs: A private situation behind a locked door as a stain on the wall...
And do they do otherwise? Are you implying they fap in public?
No, what I'm saying is that maybe they shouldn't state that they're a furry or even tell us that what they to fap at all. I don't care if you masturbate or what you masturbate to, but in all honesty I don't really need to know either.
They don't tell us what they fap to. At least they don't tell me.

King Kupofried

New member
Jan 19, 2010
They have one of the most hateful 'vocal minorities' I have ever had the misfortune of encountering. Practically living embodiments of the words 'Unwarranted Self Importance' and 'Victim Complex', who cannot help but go around and tell everyone they are a furry even when it has, at best, barely any bearing on a conversation; and god help you if you express any manner of distaste towards their preference.

That aside, while I tend to roll my eyes at the idea that being a furry is anything other than a sexual fetish, or when someone tells me they aren't in it for the sexual nature; I have no reason to dislike them. They aren't bad people doing bad things. They are just people doing what they like. There are unfortunates that fall into my above statement, but in general they are people just like everyone else, and should be judged like everyone else, on an individual basis.

The only thing I would say that bothers me about furries (aside from the aforementioned vocal minority) is their art. It's lazy. The vast majority just seems to use anthropomorphic animals as an excuse to not bother with a proper anatomy and seem to think vomiting rainbows all over their work is suitable coloring.


New member
May 7, 2008
You know what? Good question. Made me think. And I reached the conclusion that though I really do love ripping on furries, I honestly don't mind them at all. They're not hurting anyone, and there are probably worse ways people get their rocks off. Actually as a matter of fact since I've spent enough time on the internet to know who Moviebob is, I can absolutely verify that there are worse ways people get their rocks off.

What has been seen...


The Resident Team ICO Fanboy
May 14, 2009
Eh, I don't really care. Everyone gets off on something, and it's none of my business.