Poll: What Fallout game is the best? and Fallout 3 or Fallout New Vegas


New member
Dec 18, 2010
I would have to say new vegas was the best for me, the only things i dont like about new vegas is the horrible bugs and the first DLC dead money (to me it was a bore fest) i found a revenge story much more appealing than a chase your dad story, fall out 3 was good but not that good, plus i like the map much more, i really disliked all the underground railways in fallout 3 and in new vegas had much more colorful areas like Jacobs town and new vegas of course.I felt that I connected more with new vegas than fall out 3, as for the first fallout games, im sad to say i have not played them and will not unless they come out on console.


New member
Apr 14, 2010
I only say fallout 3 because of its setting,all those memorable US monuments fully realized and exploring them in a fifties post apocalyptic setting was way better than an empty desert and some casinos.If I could put iron sight aiming into fallout 3 I would of just played 3 again,but other than that New Vegas can't touch the Capital Wasteland.


New member
Mar 28, 2009
Fallout 2.

I know it's been said, but it really is my favourite game in the series.

New Troll

New member
Mar 26, 2009
I chose FallOut 3 because that game gave me purpose. I wanted to play it, wanted to finish the story, wanted to explore EVERYWHERE! I'm not getting any of that from New Vegas. No purpose.

I beat FallOut 3 once good, once bad, and once nuetral. I've been to every inch of the map excluding expansions. I played most the expansions with a new good character. Only reason I quit playing this fourth time through was I got New Vegas. Yet I have a feeling I will probably go back and finish it before I ever completely finish NV. Just more fun!


Slayer of Bothan Spies
Sep 28, 2008
My order of favorites is the order they came out in, not counting that X-box game they released.


For the Emperor!
Aug 15, 2008
I have only played F3 and New Vegas. And I loved 3, spent hours on it. Then New Vegas came out and I was psyched for it. Then I started playing it and wasn't happy.
I really couldn't put my finger on why I wasn't enjoying myself. Everything was more or less the same. Interface. Controls. General idea of the game... everything I loved from F3 was here. Apart from the setting there was one thing that was different... the PipBoy colour.

I thought to myself; "Naaah, it can't be that.... could it"

Changed the orange to Fallout 3 green. Have barely left New Vegas since.

I still prefer F3 though. I don't know why....


New member
Jan 2, 2009
I absolutely ADORED Fallout 3, but I'm playing through New Vegas right now, and though it took me a while to get into it, I'm actually having a crap load of fun right now...


Who are you?
May 6, 2010
ExaltedK9 said:
I get so sick of hearing this. Theres a reason none of them are options on the poll. They are not comparable to the new installments. They are ancient and suck next to their predecessors,

OT: Fallout 3, but only because of the abundance of glitches, and invisible walls in New Vegas.

Looks like we are going to be having ourselves an execution...

(Just kidding!)

OT: I've yet to play through Fallout 2 yet, so my vote right now goes to Fallout 3. With that said... i've loved every Fallout game i've played, and based on what people have said about the second game, I could see the possibility of that surpassing Fallout 3 in my mind.


No Comment Necessary.
Sep 19, 2009
Both are great games, but New Vegas felt lacking slightly. Although there's plenty more to do, that means there's less time for exploration.
Not to mention Mr. New Vegas isn't exactly an ideal companion for the long walks across the Mojave. Three Dog across the D.C 'Hellhole' was ten times better.
Plus looking for Bobbleheads and finally managing to get them all. It wasn't the same sense of accomplishment as before, even if you got paid.
So yeah, cutting it short, Both are awesome, but Fallout 3 was GOTY for a reason.


New member
Jun 23, 2010
New Vegas.

It's Fallout 3, only with more guns, weapon mods, gambling, and a better enviorment.

Seriously, I loved the Mojave so much more than the Capital Wasteland. In fact, I might go pick up the first 2, just so I can spend more time on the west coast.

EDIT: Oh yeah, I also enjoyed faction rep, opposed to karma (which is still there, just not as important).


I enjoyed selling Arcade Gannon into slavery.... That'll teach him to tell me I can't support the legion...


New member
Jan 1, 2011
IMO New Vegas wins by quite a bit of a lead when it doesn't doesn't doesn't doesn't doesn't doesn't doesn't doesn't... You get the point.
Iron sights make non-VATS easier and most of the new features are pretty good; its also dark enough to warrant being an 18, whereas Fallout 3 felt really reserved at points. Still removing the skill-boosting perks and giving us almost no good energy weapons, well grrrr.... I normally favour guns, but energy weapons are nice once in a while, providing the gauss rifle isn't the only powerful one.


New member
Jun 23, 2010
Don said:
IMO New Vegas wins by quite a bit of a lead when it doesn't doesn't doesn't doesn't doesn't doesn't doesn't doesn't... You get the point.
Iron sights make non-VATS easier and most of the new features are pretty good; its also dark enough to warrant being an 18, whereas Fallout 3 felt really reserved at points. Still removing the skill-boosting perks and giving us almost no good energy weapons, well grrrr.... I normally favour guns, but energy weapons are nice once in a while, providing the gauss rifle isn't the only powerful one.
Have you tried Silver Rush?

They got some cool stuff.


New member
Apr 27, 2009
I like them both. Although I admit, FO3's leveled enemies, and abundance of raiders made it very, very fun; and the fact that I liked that pretty much, if you could manage it, you could go there in FO3. In NV, however, there's invisible walls on every "illegitimate" rout. But NV has more weapons, more recognizable weapons (I'm looking at YOU, Combat Shotgun!), and not only better weapon animations, but single-bullet reload animations. Sure, they're buggy, but they're there. Especially since they have a pump-action, weapon mods, and iron-sights. I have no problem with not iron sights, but when that means I can't sharp shoot unless I have Godly aim, or use VATS, there's a problem. Using iron sights not only makes me smile as the kind of person that enjoys aiming down the sights of a weapon, realistically, rather than slightly centering it to me, like my character's is afraid of the weapon; but it allows for sharpshooting, given you have the patience/time to wait for the loud end to be pointing at the enemy, rather than guessing; or just shooting and hitting a whole lot on non-living targets, like with the centered-aim method. I happen to like the whole Western theme, and the fact that there's now factions that actually have a major presence, and you can choose to side with. Although I'll admit Three Dog and the classics of GNR were a great companion, I loves me some cowboy tunes. I hate jazz more than I hate rap, though. And I hate rap more than "Your mom" or "Your face" "jokes". And that's a level of hatred I cannot explain, and wouldn't care to disclose if I could explain it.

As far as retro Fallout goes, though, that's way before my time. But, I haven't shunned these classic gems, however; I tried the Tactics demo not too long ago, and although I hate having the computer tell me I missed a shot I could have EASILY made in FPS mode; it's pretty fun. Generally, the only tactical RPG series I ever liked was the Disgaea series; another set of polished, yet under-appreciated gems. I'm thinking about trying to get me hands on the two original Fallouts, however. Let's hope they're as good as all of the Fallout nerds claim they are.


New member
Jun 19, 2008
I picked New Vegas. I loved being able to align myself with the different factions, and it made me feel like I had a lot more to do. I thought that the game was just generally better in nearly all ways. I really hated the plot in Fallout 3, but I guess that's just me.