Poll: What is/was your favourite "era" of WoW


New member
Jan 28, 2009
I'd have to say TBC. That's back when everything was a bit more balanced PvP wise (although obviously not completely balanced as the ubiquitous resto druid, SL/SL lock, and MS warrior mix and match bundle would suggest), there was actual difficulty in the raid bosses and we were dealing with major lore characters that we all knew and loved/hated.

To be fair on the last point, Blizzard might have shot themselves in the foot by cramming 4 major villains into 1 expansion and not spacing it out a bit more.

The problems I had with Vanilla were mostly logistical: it was hard getting anywhere, there were long grindy quests everywhere for mediocre rewards (see Scarlet epics that required you to get exceedingly rare drops from the Plaguelands and associated dungeons), and it was a hassle trying to set up and run 40 people through difficult content when 3-4 of them goofing off could kill you.

The problems with Wrath were basically the removal of difficulty in getting gear, rehashing of old content, and extraordinarily simplified bosses when compared to other expansions. Obviously there are exceptions, the end bosses and most of the Ulduar hard modes fall here, but on the whole, the expansion was very, very easy.

Cataclysm was probably my second favorite era, but it got beat out for a few reasons I can name. Firstly, gear was made even easier to get, it was mostly points based rather than the sheer excitement of seeing it drop. Follow that up with the removal of any sort of attunement or dungeon-related epic questline (Argent Crusade dailies tied to the campaign for ICC, the AQ opening as a whole, attunements in BC, etc) made it feel too simple. The dungeon finder improvments (although they were at the end of Wrath I quit playing so I experienced them in cata) completely destroyed any sense of community in the game as you could just queue up for things without thinking or knowing (or getting to know) anyone in the group.

I pretty much don't like any of the new announced changes so my opinion will probably remain the same: the old glory days of TBC reign supreme.


New member
Aug 5, 2010
I'm a man who likes his crunch. Vanilla was just outright terrible in this regard, very unpolished and poorly thought through.
I really think most mechanics were outright broken in WotLK too. Wizard burst was insane in PvP and Haste was wrecking people with over 50ms. And in PvE, healing was boring whack-a-mole. There was too little thinking and too much mashing your highest HPS spell until everything was 100% topped off.

So I voted Burning Crusade. Granted, I'm probably biased. I had a great guild and played a lot during TBC. Also, I was an utter nerd. I knew how to optimize every single class, spec and role throughout all content (minus the very end of Sunwell content, not sure if it changed anything). Even gimmicky ones like rogue tanks <.<.

I liked Cataclysm the few months I played it though. The game is much more polished now when it comes to pretty much anything. That said, balance is still a huge *****, and I don't understand how such a big firm can have so much trouble with it.


Plushy wrangler, die-curious
Sep 9, 2009
TBC because to me it was the only expansion where everything they added seemed great. All the other ones only had 1 or 2 great things and than some miscellaneous ideas that did sweaten the deal, but when looked at individually were pretty meh.


New member
Oct 10, 2008
Vanilla definitely. I took some long hiatuses from the game once I had leveled a character or two to the max and raided endgame for awhile so I missed the launch of both TBC and LK. Everytime I came back I noticed I wasn't having nearly as much fun, mostly because it was a chore to relearn my classes thanks to all the endless tweaking and getting the newer playerbases to work together was much harder than in vanilla. Which explains why it became geared towards average users I would think. Only spent a few months in LK before hanging it up for good, still haven't been tempted to play Cata in the least.

Best times I ever had in Wow were in the lower to medium level battlegrounds


New member
Jul 11, 2008
Yeah, I can't understand the hate on Pandariens, the Tauren race are one of the most serious, respected and honourable races in the game, and they're 'just walking cows' if you have that kind of attitude.

On top of that, EVERY SINGLE expansion, has had a torrent of whiny people essentially going 'OMG WOW IS DEAD', or saying Blizzard has ruined the game, while with every expansion, the game has got bigger, with more content, more options, more to do and gained more players.

How on Earth has WOW survived after dying in TBC, WOTLK, Cata, and the impending doom of MoP?

Maybe by being fun, easy to enjoy and wonderfully playable, but most of all, and its cardinal sin among gamers, popular.


New member
Jul 6, 2009
Classic > Burning Crusade > Cataclysm > WOTLK

Classic was the best for me for several reasons. In the time before paid name and faction changes, you would have to learn your character or be blacklist by most of server, in short reputation mattered. World PVP happened anywhere and everywhere, you could count on there being zerg on zerg warfare at Tarren Mill/Southshore as well as countless skirmishes between two or many all over the world. Forty man raiding, sure it was a pain in the ass but the rewards and sense of accomplishment was much higher. You didn't need a schedule to do ten mans, as in fact every dungeon was a ten man (Dire Maul was the first dungeon that was 5 man only). Hell we even did fifteen man dungeons on a whim (as long as someone had the UBRS key). Original Alterac Valley, that's all that needs to be said.


Smug Platypus
Dec 19, 2008
Vanilla and early TBC. Lore still made a modicum of sense, the game wasn't dumbed down utterly, world PvP still happened at times, shoulderpads were not utterly outrageous just yet, etc. Late TBC stuff just started going to hell, what Blizz was doing with the plot was just a series of ass pulls and retcons, and the overal paradigm of the game was going in a wrong direction.


New member
Nov 24, 2009
This applies to everyone:

"My favorite era, was the era that I started playing it!"


New member
Mar 16, 2010
Vanilla. Defeating Nefarian with the ragtag group of barely competent morons my friends and I dragged along was the greatest moment I ever had in that game. I also wore Neltharion's Tear [http://www.wowhead.com/item=19379] all the way until we beat Illidan.


New member
Jul 21, 2010
Stevey M said:
I see you cleverly asked for our 'favourite' era, rather than the 'best'.
Somebody noticed that then :) Yeah, more interested in which "eras" people fondly remember rather than what can be considered "best".


High Priest of Haruhi
Aug 22, 2008
Sojoez said:
This applies to everyone:

"My favorite era, was the era that I started playing it!"
I started playing at release and my favourite era was TBC. In fact I'd go as far as to say that vanilla was my least favourite era.

So yeah, so much for that theory.


New member
Jul 21, 2010
tehroc said:
as long as someone had the UBRS key
Haha yeah, that key... I managed to complete mine after they upped the droprate on the key "base" (can't remember item name).
Made a small pile o' gold with it - don't think many people could be bothered to get the key, so it wasn't uncommon for people to offer gold in trade to open the door :D.


New member
Mar 23, 2004
I never played Catalysm so count that out. I voted Wrath because I'm an idiot. I meant to vote TBC. I think the introduction of Heroics and a better PvP system was awesome. I still really liked vanilla too, but it was so fucking hard, lvl 60 dungeons (Scholo, Strat, UBRS) were 10 man raids. Still, once they fixed the PvP ranking system it was a lot of fun. But yeah, Burning Crusade was the best for sure. WotLK fucked up the Heroics and "epic lewts"... it's not epic if everybody has it. That's called common. There were some improvements to be sure, but overall everything got a little worse. Oh and let's not even mention class balance...


New member
Apr 2, 2010
Burning Crusade. Everything felt like so much more of a challenge. You want to do Kara? You need to do a bunch of quests to get a key. You want to do a heroic? You need to max your reputation with the associated faction. You want an awesome mount? You have to race around a floating rock while having fireballs hurled at you (the fireballs no longer knocked you off your mount when they patched in Wrath - challenge - gone).

Granted a lot of things I like about BC turn out to be terrible situations when it comes to leveling alts, but for your one core character, it actually felt like you were accomplishing something. Everything now gets handed to people, every challenge has been removed (minus dailies, you have my condolences if you managed to do them every day.)

I missed most of the Vanilla endgame, hitting 60 only a few weeks before BC came out, but everything seemed to have a much grander scope. 40 man raids? Sign me up for the chaos. Wrath was purely dreadful, I don't know how they went so wrong, but for an endgame player the raids got repetitious unbelievably fast. At least with Burning Crusade you could have fun in Kara, Gruul's, Mags, SSC, TK, Hyjal, BT or Sunwell Plateau; You weren't stuck farming the same raid for months before something new came along.

I miss Zangarmarsh.


New member
Aug 9, 2008
Vanilla, but that was just because I was in a guild with some close friends and we had a good time. I didn't really level up enough to end up running raids or anything (very few of us did at that point) but we just spent most of our time having a good laugh.

I've never really been invested enough in WoW to pass comment on raid content (I've only been on a couple raids myself, and none of them organised by a guild that I was actually a member of).


New member
Oct 9, 2009
Not a fan of WoW, but I would say TBC, because that was the time period I played around.


New member
Jan 28, 2009
Amnestic said:
Sojoez said:
This applies to everyone:

"My favorite era, was the era that I started playing it!"
I started playing at release and my favourite era was TBC. In fact I'd go as far as to say that vanilla was my least favourite era.

So yeah, so much for that theory.
Agreed on both counts, really. Nostalgia would have me want some of the idiosyncrasies of Vanilla back, but it was just objectively worse.