Poll: What would you do in order to kill camping?

Woe Is You

New member
Jul 5, 2008
steeltrain post=9.71078.712730 said:
If someone wants to sit in a corner all game thats their perogative. I say let em.

Jumplion post=9.71078.712787 said:

CAMPING: The act of staying in one spot for an excessive period of time...
I argued this point before (that time I argued your idea that camping is only allowed when you have an objective to defend doesn't really hold up to scrutiny), but now I'm taking a different spin on this. I'll ask. How much is excessive? For something to be completely killed out of a game, it must first be completely definite. Is it 5 minutes? If it is, then staying in one spot for 4 minutes and 59 seconds isn't camping.

Camping has been an hot issue since the old Quake days and the only proper way for a developer to take it into account and design your game accordingly. Especially in a game like COD4...if you get shot by a camper repeatedly, you can only blame yourself. In a word: killcam.

For those that think I'm sounding like David Sirlin, it's because I'm a huge fan of him. [http://www.sirlin.net/ptw/]

urprobablyright post=9.71078.713785 said:
I'd just make it so every time you killed the same guy twice in a row/without taking any damage/something that can be applied to camping you'd swell to twice your former size and lose 80% of your health for 60 seconds, if u kept going you'd get bigger and weaker.
Um, what? What next? Disable guns from players that have more kills than deaths?

Unless we're talking about spawn camping, it'd be asinine to be going the same path that got you killed a minute ago.


New member
Jun 12, 2008
Once a camper's 'nest' is found, there's almost always a way to chase them out and dominate them in the open. Even in COD4, if you have nuts of steel you can drop a grenade at your own feet, let a couple seconds tick off of it, then toss it in.

Danny Ocean

Master Archivist
Jun 28, 2008
I don't really mind camping, just so long as it's not with my dad, he snores like a fucking chainsaw.


New member
Aug 7, 2008
If people want to sit in the same spot all the game thats fine with me.

... but it must get boring for them


New member
Jun 13, 2008
How do i beat it? Simple! Airstrike!

If they want to camp, let them, but remember there is a difference between camping and defending or sniping. Nothing worse than some arrogant prick whining at you for camping after using a mounted weapon.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
Under noral circumstances, campers get dealt with by the natural progression of gaming.

They kill a few people> the people get upset about it> The people hunt the camper down from a different direction and rape him until he bleeds from his eyeballs...

...Or sometimes they just shoot him.

However, when it come to spawn camping things go like this.

Warning> Kick> Permanent Ban.


New member
Jul 4, 2008
urprobablyright post=9.71078.713785 said:
Lol trust the highest percentage of users to click 'it's a tactical decision' so they can fit in with the forum stereotype of a leet gamer
Okay, I have to ask something and it might not sound very nice.


TJ rock 101

New member
May 20, 2008
campers in WoW are horrible, rogues most of all.
Once you die, you spend 30-1 seconds in the graveyard and when your alive you get backstabbed and then this process is repeated until you leave out of anger.


New member
Oct 4, 2007
As I said in an earlier topic about grenade launchers in COD4...if there's an unfair advantage in a game, it's up to the developer to iron it out using game mechanics. In a simple example, make the grenade launcher do less damage. It shouldn't be a morality thing up to the player.

Y'know what's funny though? When you Kick someone in America's Army, you have to choose one of 8 reasons. If you pick reason 8, "Player is camping", this appears:

Camper_Hater has initiated a vote to kick Camper_Hater.
Reason: Player is complaining about campers.
Yes: 1 No: 0


New member
May 24, 2008
Yeah, camping is a part of the game, you got to learn to deal, yeah its annoying sometimes (not when your doing it), but it is really a tactical decision, unless its spammed of course (like being the last guy on your team and hiding in a single freaking spot when your supposed to be saving the hosties!).


New member
Mar 10, 2008
Woe Is You post=9.71078.715059 said:
Jumplion post=9.71078.712787 said:

CAMPING: The act of staying in one spot for an excessive period of time...
I argued this point before (that time I argued your idea that camping is only allowed when you have an objective to defend doesn't really hold up to scrutiny), but now I'm taking a different spin on this. I'll ask. How much is excessive? For something to be completely killed out of a game, it must first be completely definite. Is it 5 minutes? If it is, then staying in one spot for 4 minutes and 59 seconds isn't camping.
I adressed this issue with "Defending" and "Outsource Defending"

DEFENDING: Although similar to Camping but not to be confused with it, Defending requires an objective to justify the player staying in one spot often for an entire match. If however, you have a shotgunner far away from the actual objective and staying in one spot, that shall be considered Camping. As a result of this, weapons must be in reasonable fireing range for this to be considered Defending. Examples of this would be, Snipers on high ledges or other appropriate spots facing the objective or entrances (either outside or inside of the objective) of said objective, shotgunners near objective or possibly near entrances of said objective, Assault rifles near shotgunners or near entrances, etc... Defensive spot can be anywhere near or outside while still within reasonable distance of the objective.
EXCEPTIONS: A single or possibly group of people far away from the objective. What constitutes as far away from objective is debatable, but usually accross the map is a bit to far. Men/Women on the other side of the map staying in one spot instead of near the objective shall be considered camping.

OUTSOURCE DEFENDING: Outsource Defending, while also similar to camping, is staying in one spot which is not near the objective but staying in a key spot for victory such as a Building or a Spawn Point. However, once you gain control of said Key Point, depending on the Key Point taken, staying in there can be considered Camping. If there are other Key Points (bases to be caputred) then staying at one can be considered both Camping and Defending which is why spotting Outsource Defending so difficult.

I'm not saying that Camping is wrong (though it is fairly annoying sometimes), and I think you're taking the "excessive" amount to literal.

I mean, do you really have to take a stopwatch and say "Oh, he's been in the same spot for 4 minutes and 45 seconds, therefore it isn't camping". There's tons of other variables involed when declaring a camper that it's almost impossible to define, but I tried my best to define it.

Or atleast, I tried my best to define it as how I see what camping is. I listed some exceptions to, like certain modes (Search and Destroy) certain games (Metal Gear Online) and certain situations, so look into that a bit more.


New member
Apr 10, 2008
In my opinion the justification of camping depends highly on the Game. The pay off from camping should be proportional to the realism. Realistic games just require that tactical component and thus a more cautious approch when it comes to crossing no mans Land (e.g. use of smoke granades).
Since just very few Multipayer games spare realism(example: Opperation Flashpoint, Day of Defeat 1 (not source)) for balance, game flow or plain fun they should max out this sacrifice and put some mighty tools in the hands of the Players to defeat campers.
The most common Tool is the Granade, killing without line of sight. Unlucky is the fact that most of the time the granade can be abused in such ways that the game balance suffers severly so many Games nerf the Blastradius or the one hit kill capability of these little bastards.
The Killcam is another great option if the camper chose his spot for carmuflage reasons.
There are only a few ways to counter the the advantiges bad level design can give campers, in a case like that your best bet is a providet long range explosive Weapon, Rocket Launcher, Granade launcher or Rifle granades are the best choise here.

One thing i don't understand is why the leveldesigners put the camping weapons (most of the time sniper/railgun) next to a good campng position. The need to pick up the Weapon and make it accross the map without being shot would make camping somewhat more of a chalege. More importent is only the fact that players with no intention of camping could still acces the weapon to beat the camper in his own game. To kill a sniper with a sniper rifle is not very difficult since you knows he is out there but he has no knowledge of his nemesis closing in :)

Edit: corrected some mistakes; ther might be plenty of them left...


New member
Sep 14, 2007
Well, it's important to differentiate between the two different types of camping.

GOOD: "Right, they're coming for our flag, so I'll hang around here in case they come and try to stir some shit up".

BAD: "Haha! Silly peoples! When you respawn, you're killed by my turretz! I'm just gonna sit right heeyer".

Maybe when someone sits too long in the same spot, an invincible Pyro/Demoman should hunt them down. And put this in all games.


New member
Sep 4, 2008
If I were a developer I'd make Outdoor PvP realistic, the more you kill other players the more bounty you get and the more reward people get for killing you. For example if you camp a player and kill him about five or six times your bounty goes up, you reach a certain number of kills and you are officially flagged for pvp everywhere (including sanctuaries and safe zones)

For an FPS I'd do the same 'points' strategy only for example.. a Noob with over five deaths and one kill would offer no points, someone with three deaths and ten kills would be worth a lot.