Poll: What would you do in order to kill camping?


New member
Jul 9, 2008
Jumplion post=9.71078.712787 said:

CAMPING: The act of staying in one spot for an excessive period of time, often for a whole match. Not to be confused with Defending or Sniping, Camping does not have an objective to justify the act of said Camping. Motivations of Camping include, raising Kill:Death ratio, being a dick, knowing that people usually come in the area of the camper.
EXCEPTIONS: Game modes requiring camping (which would be considered Defending), Games that encourage Camping (Metal Gear Online), a newbie at the game at which until said newbie gets good enough to go out on his or her own, a maximum or 2 kills and if streched 3 kills while camping. An enemy chasing you and you quickly hiding and poping out will be considered escape and defense and not condemn you of camping. Camping in a key building or structure that is essential for winning shall not be considered Camping but be considered Outsource Defending
EXAMPLE: A man staying in one spot with a shotgun the whole entire match in Call of Duty 4. This man popped out every time someone was near and quickly rushed back to his "heaven". His spot was the perfect place to throw back grenades and sheild himself from bullets. As a result, this man ranked up the most kills. This is considered camping as there was neither a mode or objective to justify this behavior.

Let's not compare Video Game Camping to Real Life Camping. They're two completely different things unless the Video Game is trying to be like real life.

For example, what about Camping in Unreal Tournament where you have these big-ass guns? What about in Halo when you're a super soldier with regenerating armor? What about if you just regenerate health in general? In real life, of course you're going to stay in one spot because you're not stupid enough to barge in head first. In video games however, there's a chance that you could just barge in and take out all the enemies without anyone noticing.

And because I like you guys, I'll post the other defenitions I wrote;

DEFENDING: Although similar to Camping but not to be confused with it, Defending requires an objective to justify the player staying in one spot often for an entire match. If however, you have a shotgunner far away from the actual objective and staying in one spot, that shall be considered Camping. As a result of this, weapons must be in reasonable fireing range for this to be considered Defending. Examples of this would be, Snipers on high ledges or other appropriate spots facing the objective or entrances (either outside or inside of the objective) of said objective, shotgunners near objective or possibly near entrances of said objective, Assault rifles near shotgunners or near entrances, etc... Defensive spot can be anywhere near or outside while still within reasonable distance of the objective.
EXCEPTIONS: A single or possibly group of people far away from the objective. What constitutes as far away from objective is debatable, but usually accross the map is a bit to far. Men/Women on the other side of the map staying in one spot instead of near the objective shall be considered camping.

SNIPING: While very similar to Camping, it must not be confused with Camping but can be a result of Defending. A Sniper is a person who chooses a Sniper Rifle type weapon for medium to long range attacks. Depending on the type of Sniper Rifle (Semi-Automatic, Bolt-Action) the person weilding said Sniper Rifle cannot move too much for fear of being caught in CQB which is the Sniper Rifles weakness in some cases. A Sniper can stay in one spot for an entire match provided that he or she does not exploit glitches to give the Sniper and unfair advantage.
EXCEPTIONS: Semi-Automatic Sniper Rifles in some cases, staying in one spot not suited for a Sniper Rifle in an attempt of getting "No Scopes" and "One-Shot-Kills" while staying in that one spot shall be considered Camping, an enemy coming up behind the Sniper and the Sniper using his Rifle for CQB for defense.

OUTSOURCE DEFENDING: Outsource Defending, while also similar to camping, is staying in one spot which is not near the objective but staying in a key spot for victory such as a Building or a Spawn Point. However, once you gain control of said Key Point, depending on the Key Point taken, staying in there can be considered Camping. If there are other Key Points (bases to be caputred) then staying at one can be considered both Camping and Defending which is why spotting Outsource Defending so difficult.
Thank you Mr. Gaming Term Dictionary Man. Everyone please read up on what we're talking about here before posting?


New member
May 26, 2008
The only game I play where there's camping is CoD4, so I just shoot them through the wall or smoke them out with a grenade.


New member
Apr 25, 2008
Have you tried shooting back?

It's a war game, what did you expect? A walk in the park?


Apr 24, 2008
As a sniper in any FPS i can get my hands onto a rifle in (or any equivalent, just keep me a distance away from the frakkers) i find being called a camper an insult.

Sniper, you dicks, and there is a difference.

A camper sits in a position of power and exploits it.

A sniper exploits any position into one of power, and then abuses it.

A camper is a creature of opportunity, a sniper makes his own opportunity, don't confuse us.


New member
Mar 22, 2008
Well no Joe, The Definition of a Camper is:

"the practice of a player staying in one area of the game world waiting for enemies or useful objects to appear or to come to the player rather than actively seeking them out."

And that's any area not just Choke Points. So anyone who sits in one Area for an Extended period of time is a Camper, and that means

Snipers = Campers
Defenders = Campers
People who sit in the Corner all Game waiting for a Kill = Campers.

Sorry to burst Your Bubble but...



New member
Aug 27, 2008
I mainly play free-for-all and deathmatch type games but it can be annoying. I think CoD4 has a good system with it showing you the kill from the shooter pov so you can learn where they are hiding.

Also you very rarely get hardcore campers winning deathmatch games because they can't rack up kills fast enough. I defend my choice of camping when I've got a 6 kill streak and I need one more to get chopper support.

Team fight though? Everyone without a sniper rifle should have so kind of radar locater kick off after a set time limit. Just sick of it.


New member
Feb 7, 2008
I really hate people who sit in a corner or watch one door, etc. the entire game. Once I get done, I get revenge. Generally, though, most game levels don't allow for prolonged camping. For example, in COD4, there are almost no spots that are impervious to attack from one entrance. Even if they managed to find a place like this, I just grenade them or flash them, then knife them.


New member
May 19, 2008
Über Pyro rush!

In other words, if it's a good game, it has some technique built into it to make life sour enough for campers that they give up that strategy.


New member
May 8, 2008
I have only been playing TF2 lately, and camping is never a problem in that game. The only time I had any problem with camping in TF2 was when some guy used Aimbot. It's usually not too bad most of the other time though. (It's really bad in CS, however.. Asian CS server is filled with campers.)


New member
Feb 25, 2008
Goon165 post=9.71078.718075 said:
Snipers = Campers
Good Snipers = Mobile, precise, communicative.
Defenders = Campers by default
People who sit in the Corner all Game waiting for a Kill = Campers.


Beowulf DW

New member
Jul 12, 2008
I have nothing against snipers who find a good spot and exploit it, that's what snipers are supposed to do. If the other guy keeps showing up and getting shot, he's stupid and it's his fault.

However, I do have a problem with a jerk getting his hands on a freakin' shotgun and waiting just a ways off from the respawn point. That's not very sporting, it requires no skill, and it pisses me off. I've found only two effective strategies in these situations:

1) let the team idiot go first, and if the idiot manages to get a few shots in, finish off the camper

2) hurl a few grenades, hope they hit bastard enough to kill him or enough to weaken him for a killing shot.

Another strategy is to simply wait the bastard out, but I don't recommend this because he could get impatient and rush you, or his teammates might show up when you least expect them.


New member
May 14, 2008
TJ rock 101 post=9.71078.716092 said:
campers in WoW are horrible, rogues most of all.
Once you die, you spend 30-1 seconds in the graveyard and when your alive you get backstabbed and then this process is repeated until you leave out of anger.

hm but there are ways to deal with it on wow. and to be honest if he gave you the chance would you kill him.

But in general the concept of camping is a good one because it tends to split gamers. If you are playing wiht mates. one half camp and the other try to herd the enemy into the grinder.

Also as an established Anti-tank dude on nearly all big fps' i dont tend to have a problem as you can hardly call 'tank hunting' a form of Camping. If i see a tank comming i will hide in a bush, building or behind a wall. And wait for it to turn away before poping the engine block. I only have problems with the guys who wait in corners the ENTIRE game for no reason.
Again, if you think that 'Tank Hunters' and 'Snipers/Recon' are campers then you need to understand what playing that role involves.
I agree with UltraJoe, only realy dumb snipers stay in one place for more than 2-3 kills or even go to the 'Sniper Spots'.


New member
Apr 10, 2008
Voted for tactical decision. If you can't cope with someone repeatedly killing you in the same place, go somewhere else! If I see an opportunity to hold up in a frequently passed-through location where I can get a lot of kills, I'll do it. It's part of the game. Kill the most people = win.

Woe Is You

New member
Jul 5, 2008
Jumplion post=9.71078.716148 said:
I mean, do you really have to take a stopwatch and say "Oh, he's been in the same spot for 4 minutes and 45 seconds, therefore it isn't camping". There's tons of other variables involed when declaring a camper that it's almost impossible to define, but I tried my best to define it.
I'm just saying that for those that for those that are talking about forbidding it, you basically have to have a discrete definition of "camping", so that there's no question whether a person is camping or not. If you define a time limit for camping, you will sure as hell find people who care about winning through camping enough that they'll count the seconds. It's just how some people work. (Hey, if you have an internal metronome good enough that you can play Hilde in SC4 nicely, you can surely count seconds while sitting still).

Another thing that people seem to be forgetting is that while camping might make taking an aim easier for some, it also means that they'll stick to one spot and are easy to find once you have an idea where they are. And in just about any team-based FPS, if people work as a team, campers will be smoked out in an instant. Especially COD4, where it explicitly shows you where they are.

I find the whole camping issue a non-issue, really.


New member
Mar 10, 2008
Woe Is You post=9.71078.722459 said:
Jumplion post=9.71078.716148 said:
I mean, do you really have to take a stopwatch and say "Oh, he's been in the same spot for 4 minutes and 45 seconds, therefore it isn't camping". There's tons of other variables involed when declaring a camper that it's almost impossible to define, but I tried my best to define it.
I'm just saying that for those that for those that are talking about forbidding it, you basically have to have a discrete definition of "camping", so that there's no question whether a person is camping or not. If you define a time limit for camping, you will sure as hell find people who care about winning through camping enough that they'll count the seconds. It's just how some people work. (Hey, if you have an internal metronome good enough that you can play Hilde in SC4 nicely, you can surely count seconds while sitting still).

Another thing that people seem to be forgetting is that while camping might make taking an aim easier for some, it also means that they'll stick to one spot and are easy to find once you have an idea where they are. And in just about any team-based FPS, if people work as a team, campers will be smoked out in an instant. Especially COD4, where it explicitly shows you where they are.

I find the whole camping issue a non-issue, really.
Again, I'm not saying camping is bad or that it's an issue at all (though again, it can get annoying (DAMN SHOTGUN BASTARD!!)) and there are so many variables in "defining" camping that it's pretty much impossible to define.

If you're so dedicated to finding a camper, sure get a stopwatch and time them, but otherwise just make a rough estimate and if they've been there for 9/10 of a match (depending on length i guess) then sure, they could very well be camping.

But it is true, most of the time campers can be easily flushed out most of the time though either nobody notices, one person is always going to the same person trying to be the hero, or everybody ignores him because the enemies are closer.

But what about "unrealistic" games like the Unreal Tournament series and the Halo games? If you have a semi-automatic rocket launcher with full health and armor with a powerup there should be no reason why you can't go out there and get some kills instead of standing in one spot wasting your powerups and armor and fully freakin' automatic rocket launcher.
People are comparing camping in Video Games to camping in Real Life but they can't really be compared. One is where if you die, just respawn and try to kill that one person. The other is if you die, you die no restarts. If you're life's in danger then OFCOURSE you're not going to be stupid and go out there and try to headshot everyone with a Shotgun because your fucking life is at stake.

The only time when the comparison could be adequette is if it's comparing, let's say, CoD4 in Search and Destroy (Hardcore mode respectively) to real life. The mode requires you to camp because you die in pretty much two or three hits. Sure, you could try to go all Gung-Ho, and possibly you could win the whole match, but 8/10 it fails anyway.


New member
Sep 12, 2008
Campers are very irritating in most instances, though there are times (such as defending) where I can agree that it is needed.