Poll: What would you do in order to kill camping?


New member
Aug 2, 2008
i'm not so sure about camping requiring no skill, after all, they need to be smart enough to find an actual choke point (which designers try to leave out as much as possible) and ensure that nobody can sneak up on them. and really, if it's a strategy you can beat with a single, well placed grenade, then i don't see much of a problem with it...


New member
Jan 1, 2008
I play TF2.When a games gives you a class with Sentries and a primary objective of Area Denial, the line between camping and defending disappears and you simply stop caring.

It did bother me in CoD4 though because Campers(ie: People who hid in buildings only popping out to shoot other player, always had higher K/D's than Active/Open Fighters.


New member
Jun 25, 2008
I guess it depends on the game, WOW yeah it makes me angry every time i played it (i'm done with it now thank god)there was no really way to stop some loser level 70 shaman from frost shocking other than login out for the rest of the afternoon. call of duty (i play call of duty 2) if it's a loser camping a spawn point with a shotgun thats plain stupidity and it's solved with a nice sucidal grendade or a nice rifle shot to the head. (sry if i sound like any1)but if your a sniper who's in a good spot thats skill and precision but only if your not in a glitch or have a aimbot, of course i'd just try to get in the building and shove a grendade in his little skilly butt.