Poll: What's the state of your Forum Health Meter?


New member
Dec 16, 2009
I've had 2 warnings, both from before this new system, a year apart but they both still stand.. Confused I am. Complaining? Meh. Although if it turns out to be the straw that breaks my back I'll be quite displeased.


New member
Aug 2, 2006
I'm a bit disappointed that there's no statue of limitations on the forum health meter. I haven't attracted mod ire in months, and yet I'm still at level 5.

Cosmically speaking, I think my karma's in tact. The snotnosed twits I was bickering with that earned the barbed comments that lead to my getting slapped had pushed things that far by being intransigent ignoramuses, and exhibiting persistence in the face of ignorance is surely a righteous thing to do, or else being an educator is an infernal profession indeed.

However, it's not the moderators' job to be the judges of truth and right in this world, as such intimate consideration is a whole can of worms they've hardly the time for when the stakes are them versus the Internet. No, the bar is set at keeping the forums from burning down, and ergo the resulting rabble rousing of my personal crusade was a conflagration that had to be put down.

I've come to that understanding of that now, and have fostered the necessary cognitive restructuring to no longer be baited by every curious tween's needling, so I'm not entirely sure why my account is considered in level 5 probation other than to be a persistent reminder of an imperfect system.

Cap'n Ninja

Magnificent Malefactor
Jan 16, 2011
Dr. Kurama said:
Strangely enough, none so far.

Also, I haven't actually commented in this thread yet, so what the heck:
Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch.
I'm an upstanding citiz-Yeah I can't finish that with a straight face, but I'm clean.

Corpse XxX

New member
Jan 19, 2009
Wow.. I just noticed this meter..

I am appearantly a level 5 monster..

Though none of the post but 1 i do think was a fair call for probation, i might have taken a joke a bit far.. But what can you do.. There is a reason The Escapist is the best forum on the web.. Very strict on ze rules..


Elite Member
May 22, 2009
A long time ago, I got a suspension (no warning or probation; just straight to suspension.) But since then my thing as been receding (see this offense was way before the forum meter was applied to accounts.)

Yeah, that landed me a 4 I guess, but it's rolled back to a 3, and I think it's about time for it to roll back again.

Baron von Blitztank

New member
May 7, 2010
I have a clean record. You see forum officers, those bodies WEREN'T mine!
There was just a crazy man who kept mailing their limbs to me and I would feel rude if I asked him to take them back so I decided to hang them on my wall and use them as kitchen utensils and back/nut scratchers. And as for the sudden increase in the zombie population and the taking over of that major city with a statue raised up declaring me as the new overlord? I have an identical twin brother with the same name as me that became a Necromancer. I'm sure you've watched the News, it's a common occurance.


New member
Sep 1, 2011
1 level of warning. For stating the fact that a lack of piracy is lost sales of the video game industry.

Ohohohohoho~, I might get another warning just for this post~.


New member
Mar 9, 2010
1 warning for being a jerk, 2 because I recommended the use of programs the Escapist doesn't like. And one that I was able to successfully appeal because they somehow thought I was advocating piracy when I wasn't.