Poll: what's worse,beating up a girl, or getting beat up by a girl?


New member
Apr 16, 2009
Beating up a girl.

If you get beat up by a girl your friends will just rip on you and call you a pussy for a while but I would never hit a girl.
Sep 14, 2009
i wouldn't make fun of someone for getting beat up by a girl, she could've straight up launched him in the nuts as a cheap shot at first

if a girl does hit me though, ill just grab her arms and take her feet out and hold her down on the ground till she calms down, otherwise i can take a few hits without flinchin to get ahold of the situation.

also sometimes females (i have had this proven by girls/women i know personally) they will use the that fear/honor men have to their advantage of not hitting a girl, they will straight up push that to the limit if they can to get their way or to try and stand up for something expecting the man not to do anything about it. then if it doesn't go their way they will resort to anyway hitting the man in the "privates" and any other dirty fight technique.

so overall, when shit goes down, i will not doubt anything a woman might do to me when shit hits the fan


New member
Feb 5, 2009
I will say this: I would never strike first. To strike first is nothing short of the act of a bully's assault.

But if some pillock, some BINT is ready to strike, she best be ready for any and all consequences that follow.

A number of you are probably thinking of the whole chivalry gig, but I am telling you now that that idea comes from hundreds of years past, when women were seen as delicate things to be protected and raised on pedestals. Except now, today, women don't WANT the pedestal treatment. They made that clear over the last century as suffragists petitioned for women's rights- they want to be EQUAL to men.

Alright, then, fair enough. Get off the pedestal, and stand on the same ground. Just don't forget- You're fair game.

That said, striking in self-defense is the ONLY form of striking I condone. If someone is a nuisance, it is nothing short of your obligation to try to keep your temper under control, and avoid fighting as much as possible. Defuse the situation. Otherwise, you're little more than a bully.

If she strikes first, and you get beat up, well, at least put up a fight. Even if you're weak, at least you tried.

If she strikes first, keeps coming, and you do nothing? You are a fool, a coward, and a weakling, and I have no respect for you.


Goes "Ding" When There's Stuff.
Aug 14, 2009
lonercs said:
saintchristopher said:
I don't care if she is kicking your ass 8 ways from Sunday; YOU DON'T HIT GIRLS.
You are an idiot! So abuse is ok if it's girl on guy. I hope you get the living shit beat out of you by an abusive girl and is put in the hospital. You probably will not be able to defend yourself legality and you won't defend yourself physical. Please if you try, you most likely get sued.

The domestic abuse laws are screwed up in the worst fucked up ways you you only make it worst. The only way to show you the truth is if your victimize or your close friend/family member suffers from it.
Okay. If you want me, or anyone to take you seriously, proofread what you type. I've never seen anyone articulate a speech impediment into text before now.

I don't know what world you're living in where women are just going around putting men in the hospital, but neither I nor my friends are stupid or emotionally fragile enough to be around women - or ANYBODY, for that matter - who have violent outbursts, let alone cultivate relationships with them.

Cook up all the hypothetical situations you want. If I were physically attacked by a girl, I'd probably have it coming. But never once in my life have I been in a situation where I felt threatened with physical violence. Do you want to know how I managed that? By not pissing people off by running my stupid mouth, a trick you would think more people might have figured out by now,


Survivor, VDNKh Station
Jan 14, 2009
HG131 said:
Neither. They have varying levels of badass just like men. I'd never insult a guy for getting beat up by a chick and I think that if you're going to give it, you should take it too. Randomly hitting anyone is a dick move, but if she started it you have every right to give it back 10 fold.
I have to agree with this, there is little shame in either, depending upon the circumstances. However, if I were forced to pick one, I would have to say beating up a woman. I have no respect for someone who randomly beats up a woman.


New member
Mar 6, 2010
lonercs said:
XSA37 said:
Beating up a girl. If you get beat up, that's not a big deal. But, if you beat someone, that's just wrong. Beyond belief.
So abuse is ok when is girl on guy?

I was going to take you seriously until I read that last little snippet. I am offended, because I have a truly mentally retarded family member, and my girlfriend's brother is as well, and people who use retard as an insult are just as bad as the people they are insulting. Please refrain from using that as slang.


New member
Apr 2, 2010
XSA37 said:
Beating up a girl. If you get beat up, that's not a big deal. But, if you beat someone, that's just wrong. Beyond belief.
What is they are a huge assface that everyone hates?


Goes "Ding" When There's Stuff.
Aug 14, 2009
Demented Teddy said:
saintchristopher said:
I don't care if she is kicking your ass 8 ways from Sunday; YOU DON'T HIT GIRLS.
Indoctrination is still alive and well I see.
Sorry, I forgot to finish my thought, You don't hit girls... because psychological damage is so much more permanent.


New member
Feb 11, 2010
I wouldn't really mind getting beaten up by a girl, I really don't see a problem with it.

But if you beat up a girl (as long as they aren't trying to kill someone/cause lots of people pain or something), then you're just an asshole.

Serge A. Storms

New member
Oct 7, 2009
Blair Bennett said:
Serge A. Storms said:
Well, if a girl does beat you up, chances are she started by kicking you in the nuts
Am I the only one somewhat offended by this? I didn't spend half my life learning how to defend myself to be reduced to nothing more than a manipulator of biology.

From what I've seen, the general consensus here is that, providing the woman in question is either acting with the intention of causing serious bodily injury, or genuinely deserves it, all events that occur afterwards are fair game. This is something I agree with. If a woman decides to enter a physical fight with a person and that person is male, she is not doing so without the knowledge that, biologically, men are stronger on average. There is no more shame in either beating or being beaten by a man or a woman.

That being said, a study of martial arts has taught me that size matters even less than people might think. I've seen many a 6', 180 lb athlete get their asses kicked by people a little over half of that, and it was due to transfer of kinetic energy, accuracy, speed, and reaction time.

Having made this point, I'd like to point out that, though I would gladly accept a beating provided that I had legitimately been bested in physical competition, and I would do so as quickly as I would defend myself to the best of my ability if the situation demanded, senselessly assaulting anyone is nothing to be proud of, regardless of gender.
Judging from the fact that I started with "chances are," and you were the only one to respond, it might be that you were the only one offended.


New member
Jul 24, 2010
Griphphin said:
You get beat up by a girl, you get viewed as a wuss to an extent, but "You would never beat up a girl!" is a pretty valid excuse IMO.

Beating up a girl conjures the word wuss into ones mind as well, as who else would pummel a defenseless girl than someone who couldn't fight someone his own size as the case would often be perceived. But you are also labeled a coward, a wretch, a blemish on society's otherwise spotless figure with brains of cabbage and a heart that shines not the valiant bravery of red, but the sickly, putrid yellow cowardice that you now embody in everyone's mind when your PATHETIC EXCUSE FOR A NAME COMES FORTH AS THE TOPIC OF CONVERSATION!!!
[/fun outburst for no reason]
Yeah, that :p
So what if its a girl who A started it and B is bigger than stronger etc than you ie masculine i mean ive seen some girls almost my size and im 6'3 200 pounds would you not defend your self or fight back if theres a chick my size after you

Skeleton Jelly

New member
Nov 1, 2009
Girls are men without penis'.
If one starts to hit you over and over, bash her god damn face in.
You need to give them warning though. Women think that the vagina protects them from men, so they need to understand that if you're going to physically hurt you, you have to right to defend yourself.

I never understand why people have to be white knights and say, "NEVOR HIT A GORL!!! THEY'RE DELICATE AND STUFFF!"
Someone is hitting you, hit them back.

What does the type of genitalia have to do with the right to defend yourself? They're EQUAL TO MEN. You'd hit another man who's weaker than you. And only a fool who knows they are weaker than someone, would start a fight with said person.

OT: To me, personally, neither is bad (although beating ANYONE requires a good reason to). But society would sure look down upon you if you got beat up by a girl.