Serge A. Storms said:
Well, if a girl does beat you up, chances are she started by kicking you in the nuts
Am I the only one somewhat offended by this? I didn't spend half my life learning how to defend myself to be reduced to nothing more than a manipulator of biology.
From what I've seen, the general consensus here is that, providing the woman in question is either acting with the intention of causing serious bodily injury, or genuinely deserves it, all events that occur afterwards are fair game. This is something I agree with. If a woman decides to enter a physical fight with a person and that person is male, she is not doing so without the knowledge that, biologically, men are stronger on average. There is no more shame in either beating or being beaten by a man or a woman.
That being said, a study of martial arts has taught me that size matters even less than people might think. I've seen many a 6', 180 lb athlete get their asses kicked by people a little over half of that, and it was due to transfer of kinetic energy, accuracy, speed, and reaction time.
Having made this point, I'd like to point out that, though I would gladly accept a beating provided that I had legitimately been bested in physical competition, and I would do so as quickly as I would defend myself to the best of my ability if the situation demanded, senselessly assaulting anyone is nothing to be proud of, regardless of gender.