Well I was raised well enough and was always told it was wrong to hit girls. Then again, it was a time (and place) where girls were still the "fairer" sex who played with prams, dolls, Polly Pocket and all that shit and boys had footballs and Scalextric (and in my case, several metric tonnes of Lego). If a boy beat up another boy, that was usually written off as "boys being boys". If a girl hit a boy, he was asking for it and if a boy hit a girl he would be grounded, bollocked until his ears rang and probably get a smacked arse.
Of course I am generalising but you get the idea.
I think there's been a bit of confusion on this thread and I would like to clarify that "beating up" is a lot different to "hitting".
Beating someone up, regardless of gender, is never really a good thing. Mind you, hitting isn't much better but to get to the question at hand, what is worse? Being beaten up by a girl or beating up a girl. I'm assuming in this case that the question is aimed at guys here?
Now don't hate on me when I say that men are usually bigger and stronger than women. It's not sexism, it's genetics okay? Every time I see some shite on the news who beat his girlfriend / wife because she blinked during the Football I want to invade his butt-pucker with a hot poker smeared with chilli sauce. I want him sent to prison and see how he likes a good kicking.
That said, domestic abuse isn't always this one way street. Wayne Bobbit knows what I am talking about and I once read an article about male victims and it made for gruesome reading. One poor sod got red hot wax all over his naked privates after his wife heard about him hugging another woman. It turned out to be his sister but someone saw him hugging her and was straight on the phone. A swift divorce was filed by him as soon as he got out of hospital.
Those two examples were chosen because they show that now the sexes are supposed to be "equal", it's still more common to hear about female victims than male ones because female victims get sympathy and a male victim is worried he'll be laughed at for getting beaten up by a girl / woman. That's because of the programming (which sounds more sinister than I wanted it to) we usually got as children.
As much as I would like to say, in these enlightened times where men cook and women fix the car, neither is worse than the other but old habits die hard and when you couple that to my earlier statement about men generally being stronger and my hatred of bullies, I would have to say beating up a girl is so much more worse than getting beaten up BY one.
That dealt with, I'd like to address another matter this thread has raised.
As someone with a sharp temper (although I have mellowed considerably in my mid-late 20's) I have thumped a few guys for various reasons (I don't like to do it often, simply because I am skinny, weak and feeble and it fucking hurts if you don't get it right!) but no matter how infuriated I have been with certain women and girls, ad we are talking steaming-ears levels here, I have never once, not even in the hottest flushes of anger, have I even thought about raising my hand to one. I kick something inanimate; I storm out and swear until even Satan blushes but for all the reasons already stated, it would have to take something pretty serious to make me do that. Not even if I found out I was being cheated on would I smack my GF.
What would it take? Well it would have to be if she had a weapon and was in such a frenzy she wasn't going to stop waling on me until I was dead. Unarmed, I'd do my best to restrain her. But, if I was getting pounded on with a frying pan or was bleeding from a knife wound then I am sorry but I think I would have to at least try and get an uppercut in.
I know the joke goes that now women have equal rights they have the same right to a bunch of fives but that's a (pretty shit) joke. It's not meant to be serious but I'd laugh just as much at jokes about men, women, white-people, black-people, Asians, Irishmen or lanky English gits with big mouths (I am an equal-opportunities piss-taker) if they are funny.
But yeah, wether it's "PC" or not, getting beaten up by a girl is embarassing wheras beating up a girl makes you a c*nt who deserves to have his bollocks Tazered.