Poll: What's Your Deal With Easy Mode


New member
Oct 13, 2012
I almost always play any and all games on their easiest available difficulty setting.I like to enjoy the story in games and i do not want challenging gameplay to become an annyonce or hindrance in me enjoying the plot of the game.I am clearly in the minority here as most gamers either prefer to play on normal or hard.


New member
Nov 30, 2012
felbot said:
never use it, how can something be fun if you're not even being challenged? that's just boring, that's like having monster hunter game in where all the monsters die in one hit, completely awful.

actually while I am on the topic of challenge, who thought it was a good idea to have certain difficulties only available after you have beaten the game already? absolutely hate that.
Sometimes it is fun to sit back and feel invincible, that's one of the many reasons the invincibility cheat codes were so prominent in games on the PS1 and 2. So yeah, easier modes have their purpose, but are not for everyone.

And yeah, I agree with you the whole, "unlock hard mode" crap is annoying, it's fake longevity.

OT: I'm indifferent, easy mode has it's purpose, and I occasionally play games like Mass Effect, Dragon Age and Mortal Kombat on easy just for a fun quick play.


New member
Mar 13, 2012
Depends on the game yet not the type of game. More how lazy the devs were in making the difficulty levels.

Say normal/hard etc actually unlock parts and abilities of the AI then yes I do enjoy that kind of challenge. If higher difficulty just gives them cheat codes, or turns AI into bullet sponges, screw that. That kind of 'challenge' ruins a game for me in mere minutes.


New member
Jun 13, 2011
I will use easy mode for a heavily story based game cause I hate breaking the flow of a story by dying loads but other than that I won't really use it.


New member
Nov 3, 2008
I don't use easy mode, but I don't have any problem with it. Gaming is all about having fun, the whole people having a problem with easy mode being in games just makes me roll my eyes so hard that I almost give myself a concussion. You want to play on hard mode fine, be my guest, have fun; just don't dictate how other people play the game.

Sehnsucht Engel

New member
Apr 18, 2009
I usually play on normal the first playthrough, but if I end up in a situation where I can't get past anyway I'd switch to easy. There's also games which I play more for the story or the characters, and I don't care about the difficulty in those. I've not played through a saints row game on any other difficulty than hardcore, since the first one. I like being challenged in those. Same with some platform games where you need to collect things, and I can spend a lot of time just trying to get one of those even if it's difficult.

Sometimes I use easy, sometimes I enjoy a challenge. It depends on the game.


New member
Oct 13, 2011
Depends very much on the game. If it's a game that's focussed almost exclusively on the gameplay (driving games are the most common ones that fall into that category for me) then yeah, I feel like I'd be cheating myself if I don't at least play it on normal difficulty.

But if story is the major focus I've got no problem dropping the difficult so I can just get on with enjoying the game. In Dragon Age: Origins, for example, the moment I realised that combat was largely just a dull grind that was going to literally add dozens of hours to an already lengthy playthrough, I dropped that sucker right down to easy mode so I could get on with the stuff I was actually enjoying in the game.


New member
May 20, 2009
mohit9206 said:
I almost always play any and all games on their easiest available difficulty setting.I like to enjoy the story in games and i do not want challenging gameplay to become an annyonce or hindrance in me enjoying the plot of the game.I am clearly in the minority here as most gamers either prefer to play on normal or hard.
i kinda agree. i tend to play on the second easiest mode as the very easiest tends to be a bit too forgiving that it is no longer a challenge. i will play on hard mode if it limits my HUD or increases enemy AI or perhaps gives me something that will make it more enjoyable or challenging. however if it just serves the purpose of throwing more enemies at me or gives me stupidly low health then its just infuriating and no longer fun or challenging

hitman does difficulties quite well. the guards change routes and tend to always watch certain important locations on higher difficulties which means you need to be a bit more intelligent in how you get past them and you need to take advantage of very small gaps rather than just throwing a load more guards at you or making them omnipotent and omniscient


New member
Mar 1, 2011
I rarely play on low difficulties, but I have no problems with low difficulties being present in games. If other people want to use them, that's fine, though.

If I do play on lower difficulties, it's usually because the gameplay isn't very interesting in the first place. Single player campaigns in most RTSes and fighting games are good examples of this.


New member
Sep 14, 2009
Don't see a problem with easy mode. I tend to stick with normal and maybe jump up to hard on a second play through depending on the game. Having a easy mode can be good thing for new players, or even a more experience player if you're having a bit of trouble.

For games like Dark Souls/Demon Souls most people buying it will expected to die and die again.


New member
Dec 27, 2009
If i like the game then i will play it on medium/hard, but if i just want to finish it as fast as possible so i havent completely wasted my money then i will probably do it on easy.

Scott Rothman

New member
Feb 2, 2012
Easy mode isn't for me. I will typically play on the default setting or on hard. It definitely has a place though, specifically for people that want to experience all of the game's content but might not be skilled enough to trudge through the game's harder sections.


New member
Jun 15, 2010
I use easy mode to enjoy the story then use the harder difficulties to enjoy the challenges. I just never liked it when they mix.


New member
Feb 5, 2010
00slash00 said:
So what do you all think? How do you feel about easy mode in games?
they are single player games. if someone wants to play on easy, who cares? same goes for someone who wants to use every and all available cheat codes they come across in single player games. who cares? it is their game and they can enjoy it however they hell they want.

and on consoles you bet i play on easy. after 30 years of using a mouse and keyboard i simply don't have the finger dexterity to manipulate the PS3 controller with enough precision to survive most games. move with this, aim with that, shoot with this, zoom with that ... fuck that shit.

edit (added): I also enjoy and chuckle at the implied disparity when people refer to it as "easy mode".


New member
Sep 20, 2010
I grew up where there was no "Easy" mode. There was "Beat it, or die trying. Probably the latter." Nowadays, I usually make my first run on whatever "Hard" would be classified as, and if I can't handle it, I re-roll and go on "Normal".

I play video games for a challenge. I don't play them if they're like an interactive movie.


Desdinova's Successor
Feb 3, 2009
Most games, I play on the lowest difficulty my first time through, so I can get a feel for the game. If I liked the game, I'll crank up the difficulty on a second run. There are exceptions to this, though:
Like, "Dust: An Elysian Tail" was pretty easy even on its highest difficulty setting. Or any of the "Touhou" games: I love them, but I can only hope to have a chance of beating them on Easy.


New member
Jul 20, 2011
I've been slowly leaning towards max difficulty recently thanks to some Scottish guy i've been watching on youtube, but it used to be Easy 100% when it was available.