jhoroz said:
Casual Shinji said:
It's still a fine game, but in the shadow of Dark Souls...
In the shadow of what? Dark Souls being an overrated piece of shit?
Nice way to start off a discussion.
I'm really baffled when people complain about the lack of variety in weapons and environment. The core combat of DS always basically boiled down to two handing a melee weapon, rolling out the way and wailing on the enemy. BB basically capitalized on that. Yeah there's spellcasting and archery, but they've always been god awful mechanics. I'm glad Bloodborne decided to focus less on them. BB has also a much more specific theme when it comes to environments, and it still has more atmosphere and dread than Dark Soul: Prepare to Play Unfinished Edition and Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the First DLC. Give me the tightly designed atmospheric quality of Demon's Souls and Bloodborne over anything in either Dark Souls or Dark Souls 2. Artorias of the Abyss is the only piece of content I genuinely love in Dark Souls, the rest I can take it or leave it.
If you boil the combat of
Dark Souls down to two-handing everything and rolling out of the way, then that's all on you. I've played through
Dark Souls many times, either as a tank or a mage. Each offered its own pros and cons, but each offered a viable way to play through the game. I've never even touched the miracles or pyromancy, so that can lend to even more builds.
My problem with
Bloodborne is that while it focusses less on RPG elements, it still puts a certain emphasis on them eventhough the added value is barely a blip on the radar. Which is why I rather they'd stripped the RPG mechanics entirely and made it a full-on action game.
Dark Souls is an RPG. You can play it in a variety of ways, whether it be a strength, dexterity, magic, miracle, or pyromancy build, or a combination of the sort.
Bloodborne gives you the impression of being an RPG, but then basically forces you down a path of action that consists of only melee action and parrying. And I'm fine with melee action and parrying, but then why am I navigating through stats that offer little choice, and finding spells I can't activate unless I spend the first 2/3 of the game dedicating myself to a weak character?
It's a good game, but as an RPG, which it claims to be, it's terribly shallow.