Poll: Will you buy the Xbox 720 if the rumors that it blocks used game usage are true?


New member
Sep 2, 2007
Pimppeter2 said:
Yes, I only buy new games anyway.

Even if it isn't lies, that is pretty sad. Sure maybe Game Stop style used game sales are bad for buisness, but in no way is a second hand market itself bad for buisness.

Besides how would you ever get a copy of some of the wonderful games of the past you might not have had the money for at the time if you never buy used or borrow? Unless you are so hopped up on the "woo is us publishers" sob story that you would actually wait for them to re-re-release it in digital format for whatever console they feel like, when they decide to get around to it.


New member
Mar 13, 2010
If the rumors about it are true, I definitely won't be giving them my money for that system. I rarely buy used games (the last one I bought was Haunting Ground for the PS2, and only because I couldn't find a reasonable price for a new copy), but this is just ridiculous.


New member
Jul 11, 2008
My trouble with a block on used games is this.

Won't many customers not do the research, and then, when confronted with the fact, look for a way around it, in the form of hacks, chips and mods?

Therefore driving those honest customers who just wanted to play games bought cheaply or borrowed from friends, into the murky world of piracy?

If they can pull off the miracle that is Steam's success on the PC, offering a quality service, with good prices, and great sales, with invisible DRM and good multiplayer service, and this time without a monthly fee, because you're already killing used games, throw me a fricking bone here... THEN people won't mind so much. Most people don't mind Steam not having a resale value, however, it may be different when there's no options at all. At least now you've got Steam or hard copies.

Also, how do they distinguish between a 'used' game and a friend bringing a game over for the evening? If they're going to block same console multiplayer just to try to sell one more copy every now and then, screw that. I don't mind taking my games to a friend's house, I'm not gonna pack my console too.


New member
Aug 10, 2011
Nope. Not even for the fact that I can't buy used games.

Me and my friends always share games with each other. I really only end up buying 2 or 3 new games a year. Fuck with that system, I'd probably end up switching over to the PS4.

Really, a strategy like that is doom for the system. 6 months ago I would have laughed at the idea of them doing something like that. But with the just plain stupidity of some of the shit that's happened in the passed six months, I wouldn't put it entirely passed them.

Hopefully, the PS4 won't try that bullshit. Perhaps Microsoft will see that and think "yeah, let's rethink"


Me, I'm Counting
Sep 24, 2008
Yarp. Two reasons:

1) I only buy new games these days anyway; used games are generally only bought if i cannot get them new anymore, which leads me onto my next point~

2) Like it or not, "cloud gaming" and digital distribution is here to stay. Mark my words, it is far more profitable for publishers to produce their own distribution software - like steam - and cut distributors and retailers out of the picture entirely. It's coming, and the only reason we still hold onto physical media is internet speed restrictions in many homes and the fact brick and mortar stores can quite literally hold publishers at ransom by refusing to stock certain games if their criteria isn't met. But general internet speed will pick up and i can almost guarantee that in ten, twenty years at the most we'll have seamless digital distribution for all major platforms. You'll be buying every game new, because you'll be downloading it instead of inserting a hard copy. Therefore used games will be nonexistant. This also means that we'll have access to any game for purchase, old or new, successful or not. But we're not at that stage yet, and so for the 720 to try this so soon it does feel a bit like 'jumping the gun' - but nevertheless, it's a bold move, and we've yet to see if the consumer will see any benefit to a 'non used game market', for example, games on release are £10 cheaper and remain that way as a fixed price and only devalue after X amount of time has passed, as there are no used games competition in sales.

Oh, and i'll be buying the 720 anyway for the pure fact i'm an achievement addict. Take from that what you will.


New member
Sep 3, 2010
Apart from the fact that not being able to play used games blows, I dislike Microsoft to begin with. A pox upon their endeavors I say!!


Dec 1, 2011
Like hell I would buy it. Most of the games I own are used. Not to mention it would kill business for the xbox because, along with not being able to play used games, you wouldn't be able to sell any game that you bought new and got tired of because no one would be able to use it after you have. Thankfully it would be almost impossible for anyone to make a system that could tell the difference between a new and used game. That and you'd have to be an complete idiot to even think that such a feature would be a good idea.

Gralian said:
Yarp. Two reasons:

1) I only buy new games these days anyway; used games are generally only bought if i cannot get them new anymore, which leads me onto my next point~

2) Like it or not, "cloud gaming" and digital distribution is here to stay. Mark my words, it is far more profitable for publishers to produce their own distribution software - like steam - and cut distributors and retailers out of the picture entirely. It's coming, and the only reason we still hold onto physical media is internet speed restrictions in many homes and the fact brick and mortar stores can quite literally hold publishers at ransom by refusing to stock certain games if their criteria isn't met. But general internet speed will pick up and i can almost guarantee that in ten, twenty years at the most we'll have seamless digital distribution for all major platforms. You'll be buying every game new, because you'll be downloading it instead of inserting a hard copy. Therefore used games will be nonexistant. This also means that we'll have access to any game for purchase, old or new, successful or not. But we're not at that stage yet, and so for the 720 to try this so soon it does feel a bit like 'jumping the gun' - but nevertheless, it's a bold move, and we've yet to see if the consumer will see any benefit to a 'non used game market', for example, games on release are £10 cheaper and remain that way as a fixed price and only devalue after X amount of time has passed, as there are no used games competition in sales.

Oh, and i'll be buying the 720 anyway for the pure fact i'm an achievement addict. Take from that what you will.
Unfortunately, I believe that getting rid of the used games could potentially make gaming even more expensive because game companies could charge even more for a game that was made years ago than what you might be charged at a retail store. Then again, there are some games who's prices never seem to go down very much even when they've been out for a long while and the demand for it is way down.


New member
Feb 13, 2011
I wonder if blocking used games also means blocking rentals.

If that's the case, then I won't get it.


New member
Dec 31, 2008
manaman said:
Pimppeter2 said:
Yes, I only buy new games anyway.

Even if it isn't lies, that is pretty sad. Sure maybe Game Stop style used game sales are bad for buisness, but in no way is a second hand market itself bad for buisness.

Besides how would you ever get a copy of some of the wonderful games of the past you might not have had the money for at the time if you never buy used or borrow? Unless you are so hopped up on the "woo is us publishers" sob story that you would actually wait for them to re-re-release it in digital format for whatever console they feel like, when they decide to get around to it.
I don't think it's bad for business, I just don't buy used games. Never have.

Besides, I still have all my games from the past. They work just fine. I rarely buy re-releases. I just don't buy used games because of a bad history of them being broken/scratched/missing ect.

Monkeyman O'Brien

New member
Jan 27, 2012
I am kinda hoping they do. I hate having to choose between 2 consoles so one dying in a horrible firey wreck would be great. And you know that if they did that that would be it for the 360 right there and then.
Now if only Sony were not such a bunch of cunts...

Fuck it. Let them both do it and then gaming will all return to the glory of PCs.


New member
Oct 25, 2010
I really doubt I would. I have a good gaming PC now so I'll just buy games from steam instead. I love my Xbox but I can't afford to buy all my games new, even used they're still pretty expensive. I doubt they would do this though, it would backfire big time.


New member
Nov 22, 2011
I don't even play console. Hehehe...

Wait, before it sounds like I'm trolling (I'm not) it's because I've not really touched console - PSP hardly counts as proper console to me - but I'm thinking of doing it soon. So back to the topic, it will break the deal for me. These guys apparently are not listening to Jim.

Liam Starrs

New member
Dec 26, 2011
Look microsoft i have to pay the bills. that means that im able to buy only so many full price games a year. everything else is preowned. final fantasy gears of war COD soul caliber...if you really think you can get by with every user buying only the REALLY good games you are fucking stupid. cause when i buy the lesser known games its really only because i know i can trade them in against one of the bigger titles. ill buy brink and trade it in against portal 2, ill buy force unleased 2 and trade it in and buy fable 3. otherwise i would just buy fable 3 straight up and no one would buy brink.

this is also a worry for me because i bought boarderlands with the intention of trading it against the next big release and really loved it. i would hate to miss a real gem like that(seriously if you havent played it please grab a friend and co op the whole game DLC and all) because you dont want retailers making a little money on the side.

There is a plus side. maybe if ppl only bought the really good games you would stop making shit ones but they cant be making that much money to begin with. leisure suit larry seriously...


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
zuro64 said:
What option should I choose if I dont plan to buy it anyway?

Also, how the hell will they block used games?
I mean since many games dont need a code or a online account to play!
Maybe they change it to all games need a code? You shouldn't use the present to say what can't happen in the future.
Edit: they could also program it so that the serial code was imprinted as a part of the disc data to prevent you from using used games.

OT: I don't buy used games, but it would suck if I were to visit a friend and not being able to play a game I had, but he didn't have just because it's been used on my Xbox. Most of the time there wouldn't be a problem though so I guess it wouldn't be a deal breaker for me.


Don't ask, or you won't know
Mar 16, 2011
Oh Noes! So console gamers will be FORCED to buy new games...?!!

(Me being a PC gamer, I live with only-new games anyway)
So, while it technically wouldn't be a dealbreaker, I would never buy an X-Box to begin with...

Gmans uncle

New member
Oct 17, 2011
If this turns out to be true, I wont just not get it, I'll fucking boycott the thing!
These developers just have to accept that pre-owned sales are just part of capitalism, and by attempting to kill used game sales they're shooting gaming's future in the foot.
Okay, so used games don't work for the console, just buy a new copy right? Okay that'll work for the time being, but what about in 5 years? How 'bout 15? How 'bout when your game is UNPLAYABLE because you can only use new copies and NO NEW COPIES EXIST?
These companies don't give a fuck about our art form, they just want a few bucks today, and it sickens me. That's why I intentionally buy any game with an online pass-ish feature used, to INSURE that the corporate slime at EA and Sony that thought they would make money with these online pass things make NOTHING off me, and I urge all of you to do the same.


New member
Nov 22, 2011
FelixG said:
Well they are trying to crack down on piracy, so they would naturally try to crack down on used games as well, as to publishers and developers they are exactly the same
*sigh* I wonder how high the price of new games will get. And how draconian DRM will get.