Poll: Will you stop buying Bioware?


YOU'RE a pie chart.
Nov 30, 2009
I don't plan to, no. Not because of BioWare, though. Because of EA. I'm sick of EA's tomfoolery in general, and want to give them as little of my money as possible. BioWare would have to do something really awesome to get me to buy another full game. I plan to pick up some DLC for ME3 at sale prices and then stay far away from EA as possible. Which shouldn't be too hard for me because aside from Mass Effect, EA has nothing I give a shit about anyway.

So for me, any company under EA would have to put out something extremely awesome for me to pay attention. And even then, if it has any of EA's trademark bullshit (such as the continuing trend of always online DRM that they're forcing upon the new Sim City game), still no sale.

Bara_no_Hime said:
Biased poll is biased.

Also, your topic question and your poll question are reversed, meaning that any results will be confused at best, rendering your numbers meaningless.

Please people, if you are making a poll, make sure your topic question and the poll question are the same!
It astounds me how many people can't figure out this simple fact. Make the thread title and poll question match, it's not rocket science. Not doing this should be a moddable offense (hey, it would make more sense than the "no short posts" rule).


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Depends on what their next game is.

To be honest, the entirety of Dragon Age 2 made me far warier of them than a 5 minute slip-up in Mass Effect 3. An important 5 minutes, sure, but I can appreciate what they were trying to do. (Although I'm inclined to agree with the indoctrination theory, at least most of it.)

I'll lose more respect for them if they literally change the ending. Less so if they add something to it (assuming it's free), although I'm still not entirely comfortable with that idea.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
No I'm not still buying Bioware, but it has nothing to do with this ME3 fiasco. My grudge is against EA so I'm refusing to buy anything with EA's grubby fingerprints on it, which unfortunately includes pretty much everything Bioware. It's partially for this reason that I have not actually seen the ME3 ending that everyone is whining about like spoiled little brat children in desperate need of a good solid smack upside the head with s 2 by 4 (as in a plank of wood, in case anyone doesn't understand).


Needs more Dakka
Apr 13, 2010
Only after waiting to see reviews, extensive amounts of gameplay and community feedback.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
Probably. I still enjoyed both ME3 and DA2 despite their flaws, so unless they really ramp up the douche factor with their business practices then yeah i'll still buy Bioware.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
I'll probably pick up Mass Effect 3 sooner or later, when the price has dropped significantly, or after all the DLC is released and packaged up. I'm in no hurry, ME2 was for me a disappointment, and a trusted reviewer indicated I'd be disappointed in ME3, although it seems a competent gears of war clone. I'm not interested in sub based MMOs, so I won't be getting SWTOR, I played the demo for Dragon Age 2 and that killed the series for me, I don't see Bioware producing anything else I'd be interested in since they seem determined to move away from traditional RPGs. Luckily there are still plenty of other devs to fill the gap.


New member
Aug 2, 2008
Why lose out on potential enjoyment (if games get good reviews ect., obviously if their next game turns out terrible people won't buy it.) just becaause one game got a bad ending? Most people agree the rest of the game was really good, don't they?

They make one mistake (which I don't think is that big a mistake, contrary to popular opinion) and you write them off as a company? Wow.

Never played DA2 though, so mabye that was horrible or something. Hey, Greg Tito liked it! (it was him who gave it 5 stars, right?)


Elite Member
Mar 25, 2010
If anything, ME3 has increased my likelihood of buying Bioware's next games. Why? Because it was fucking awesome, and Mass Effect is one of the best series of gaming history, if only by what it's functionally done.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
Nope. Haven't spent any of my money on Bioware since they were bought out by EA.
ME3 hasn't changed that policy in the slightest.

ASIDE: Every time I fill in the AD-Captchas, I feel like a shill. Honestly, I can't imagine these ads stopping real bots for very long.


New member
May 29, 2011
Depends on the game. Actually, it always depends on the game. Just because I love a company's work doesn't mean that I also don't acknowledge that they can make total crap. Square Enix has made some shitty Final Fantasy games, Studio Ghibli made the incredibly boring Tales from Earthsea, Dan Brown's Digital Fortress makes The DaVinci Code look like the Mona Lisa (hahaha I'm so witty) and Bioware made that shitty Sonic DS game.

Just because a company makes a couple crappy things doesn't mean I'll swear off everything they produce in the future.

Arina Love

Apr 8, 2010
No, i will never buy from bioware again. ME3 turned me from bioware fan in to bioware hater.


New member
Jul 8, 2009
Their last two games have been a clear cry for help (it was present in ME2 as well but it was somewhat obfuscated). Once EA's squeezed the life from the corpse and the talent shows up at another studio, I'll start buying their products again until the next corporate overlords start calling every shot.

Obviously if they somehow managed to squeeze out a gem free of the DLC/Add-On madness that EA injects into all of their properties (eventually and inevitably, apparently), I'd consider it; once a brand tarnishes its name as EA's done to BioWare it never gets to be a day one purchase from me ever again.


New member
Mar 21, 2011
Depends really, as a rule I don't outright boycott anything, it doesn't really achieve anything, other than make you miss out on stuff, unless done in substantial numbers and to be fair, even if the endings as shit as people say, they cocked up a game, we get fed crap games all the time, yeah it sucks but that's why you shouldn't get conned by pre order bait. It's as simple as that, instead of saying you'll never buy Bioware again, make them prove the game is worth £40 before you give them the money.

Oh and if you've got something against EA good luck making a point, you'll just be ignored, let's face it out of the total amount of people who buy games I'd wager it's only a small minority who actually care enough to object to EA stomping on their face, because at the end of the day most people will still consider the games worth buying despite all of EA's shit. It sucks yes, but not enough people care for anything to happen.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
For me, it completely depends on whether they charge for the ending DLC and whether the Indoctrination Theory is true. This whole thing rubs me the wrong way, but what Bioware does next will determine whether this whole thing was unforgivable


New member
Oct 21, 2008
boag said:
I will not be purchasing a Bioware game or product, until I am sure 100% that it will satisfy me completely.

Ive been called an Entitled Idiot by the after purchasing their product, so yeah that doesnt put them on my preferred producer list.
Know what this means, man?

More reason for EA to ***** about why they want to make used games illegal.

So that you either buy it new, or can piss off, because they want moniez, because fuck the consumer.

Anyway, OT: I'm most definitely not buying a game from them until it's been out for some time and I can be sure it isn't regarded as a massive disappointment.

I'll probably just rent it even then.

Because fuck EA. If they're gonna give me the shaft, then I'll shaft them right back. If they don't give two shits about the consumer, why would I give two shits if I give them my money or not?

And this isn't simply because of a single ending to a game. This is multiple things, such as Origin.

EA's PR is horrendous.


New member
Mar 2, 2009
I've only bought one BioWare game ever and that was Mass Effect 1 and I got bored with it halfway through the game.

So...no, I'm not still buying BioWare because BioWare isn't exactly releasing titles that I am keen on buying in the first place.


iDrink, iSmoke, iPill
Nov 16, 2008
Good company that makes good games. I don't see how an entire series or hell even the game is trash now after 5 minutes made everyone angry. Does depend what their next game is though before I buy it.

Aris Khandr

New member
Oct 6, 2010
Other: I didn't have a problem with the ending to ME3, and Bioware makes games I enjoy. So yeah, I am going to keep buying from them.