Poll: worried about half-life3


New member
Aug 5, 2009
I dont care about HL3, I never did, I never will.
Ill buy it if its good.

I just dont get why theres so much Hype over it.


New member
Apr 18, 2009
Valve is a bit of a clusterfuck, aren't they. There are a whole lot of different people working "with" them or "for" them... I'm sure HL3 exists as a project somewhere, but how many man-hours are actually being put into it is impossible to tell. They might be waiting for Activision to finally milk CoD to death and toss away the carcass before releasing it.


New member
May 29, 2011
I'm currently under the impression that they're just taking their time developing it, waiting for the right moment to show what ridiculous stuff they've come up with and blow our minds.
Think about how long it took for the FPS industry to catch up with HL2; in some aspects they still haven't caught up. Valve probably wants the same giant leap forward with HL3.
May 5, 2010
Yes. Let's all debate about the hypothetical quality of a game that, for all intents and purposes, does not actually exist in any way, shape, or form. This will obviously be a hugely productive discussion.

Seriously, Escapist. Even for you, this is pretty bad.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
Lilani said:
ohnoitsabear said:
Lilani said:
Gabe Newell has confirmed that there will be a HL3 annoucement at E3. And I mean really, just use your head a minute.
No he hasn't. Nobody in Valve has said anything regarding HL3, except dismissing ARG and announcement rumors.
You don't remember the 4 chan email thing?

And then later to be even clearer about what he said in that email, he later said "Something with a three" would be announced at E3. They have said the wild claims of ARG are false (which is pretty obvious with how far-fetched it got), but nobody from Valve has said anything about this being false.
Here's the escapist article, read



New member
Oct 21, 2008
Herp Derp

Ignore my post. People have already stated exactly what I said.


New member
Sep 1, 2011
The Virgo said:
Also, I feel bad for any gamer who hates FPSes. Their game collections must be thin. <:-(
I know that first person shooters are sadly very dominant right now. But not that dominant.

I own over 1000 video games. Games I actually like. Because they aren't first person shooters made by Valve.

And hey, the thread asked me if I was worried about Half Life not getting here or being "bad", and I'm not, because I never cared about Half Life to begin with. If Nintendo and Zelda haters can come and do this in Zelda and Nintendo topics, why not a Valve topic.

And it appears I'm wrong about Valve not making games that aren't first person shooters. Thanks for correcting my ignorance there. I hope to see a game from them I care about someday. Half Life isn't one of them, though. Which means I could care less if Half Life episode 3 or Half Life 3 or whatever doesn't get released or ends up bad. It's just not something I care about.


New member
Oct 5, 2009
No, no, I'm not worried, at all, because I trust Valve, because they still haven't made a bad game, really. I really like all of their games.

Lucian The Lugia

New member
Nov 4, 2011
Frozen Donkey Wheel2 said:
Yes. Let's all debate about the hypothetical quality of a game that, for all intents and purposes, does not actually exist in any way, shape, or form. This will obviously be a hugely productive discussion.

Seriously, Escapist. Even for you, this is pretty bad.
This. So much this.

I mean, come on guys; HL3 hasn't even been announced, nor has Episode 3.

Personally, I don't care if it's good or if it sucks, I just want to see an end to the tiresome weight jokes, because they've been going on for years and are just tiresome and old. :|


New member
Nov 21, 2007
Valve making a shit version of a game from their most famous, most popular, and most beloved flag-ship franchise?

Uh, yeah. Not gonna happen. Even their least popular franchises get fantasticly made games. (day of defeat anyone?)

I'm curious. Has it not occurred to anyone that Valve may be waiting for the next generation of consoles and hardware to release both the next Half-Life AND their next engine? I mean, come on people, it's been this long. Logic all but dictates that to be the case. Especially given that Half-Life has been their primary, go-to series to showcase their new engine tech.

Couple that with the next generation of consoles "supposedly" being officially announced at E3 and Gabe Newell openly admitting that Valve intends to unveil something major "with a 3 in it" at E3 as well, and it's almost a given that that has been Valve's plan all along.

Still, though, don't worry. Half-Life 3 will come. (and no, there is no Episode 3 at this point. Valve's made it abundantly clear they've abandoned episodic game design in favor of a "games as a service" model.) And you can be damn sure it'll be as polished and well-crafted as any game could possibly hope to be.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
LilithSlave said:
And hey, the thread asked me if I was worried about Half Life not getting here or being "bad", and I'm not, because I never cared about Half Life to begin with. If Nintendo and Zelda haters can come and do this in Zelda and Nintendo topics, why not a Valve topic.
I'm sorry, but that's just a bad line of logic there. You think it's okay to come into a thread obviously not meant for you and ruin everyone's day simply because some asshole did the same thing in a thread relevant to you? Seems a tad mean-spirited to me. Vengeful even.

Not saying you've "ruined" this discussion. Just saying claiming it's okay to do so because some jerk did it elsewhere is a bit dumb.


Sometimes known as CaitieLou
May 27, 2009
The Virgo said:
Since everyone there is still alive, that means there is no E3 announcement. And if there is, I want to see the link. >:-|
I was referring to the 4-Chan email to Gabe Newell, which Valve has not said is fake.

tthor said:
Here's the escapist article, read

You know, I don't often have problems with the way the Escapist reports things, but this particular article really bothers me. It's so sloppily put together and misrepresented for the sake of having a "shocking" headline anyone who doesn't pay close attention to the actual quotes is going to get the wrong idea.

I assume what you wanted me to get out of that article is this:

In case that wasn't clear, Chetf states for the record that there is no HL3 announcement incoming. "I just want to say this so there is no confusion. This is the community trolling the community nothing more. While it is nice to see people excited about anything HL, I hate seeing people be trolled like this," he said.
But you see, it wasn't Chet that said there was no announcement coming. That was the Escapist, specifically the writer Greg Tito. The only thing that Chet said is in the quotes there, and what he said has only to do with the false claims of ARG. Never in his own words did he say there was NO announcement coming soon.

You may see this as splitting hairs, but I see it as sloppy journalism. And if you still don't believe it then fine, it really doesn't matter at all. But I'm excited for E3, and I guess you will enjoy the "surprise" a bit more than I will.


New member
May 16, 2011
I just wish Valve would stop with the cloak and dagger shite, and just give us some info.

It's not like there aren't great FPS games out there, it's not like HL3 is the vital entity that it's predecessors were. Personally I'm more interested in co-op games, like Borderlands2, when more than one person is involved, it's easier to get pumped about a new game. With single player story based games, like HL3 will be - well it doesn't matter if it's released next week or in the next decade. Does anyone still get that buzz of excitement, about a game that isn't even 'supposed' to exist?. I can understand how Halo fans would get excited about a new Halo, esp if it stars M.Chief - but isn't HL really for more mature gamers, PC gamers mostly who want a solid, story based shooter before the market does away with the traditional FPS genre forever.

Before anyone quips me with 'but what about Skyrim' - well what Bethesda's marketting dept did was grab us all by the balls, even people who hate RPG's, even people who have never played nor ever want to play an RPG wanted to see what that game was all about. That's effective marketting. What Valve are doing is dangling their fans from a hook, and flicking them in the nutts everytime they say 'we wuv u'. Ok, strange analogy, I accept that - but that's how it feels. Valve should try and behave, and be straight with all their patient fans for once. Saving up their marketting powers for some sort of meme I'm guessing.

Lono Shrugged

New member
May 7, 2009
I'm done caring about Half Life 3 for the same reason I'm done caring about Firefly, Deadwood, Carnivale or Terminator SCC. Too much time has passed for me to care about the story and when you get down to it that is all HL3 has to keep us this excited. I am more of the opinion that I hope Valve releases a great single player shooter. I don't care what it is.