Poll: Worst place to live in fictional America?

Corpse XxX

New member
Jan 19, 2009
Must say Washington.. There is almost not a single game or movie where washington isn't leveled with the earth.


New member
May 4, 2008
Indigo_Dingo said:
Where's Gotham?

And no City 17?
Owing to the surrounding areas having seemingly Eastern European architecture (Ravenholm for example) I always assumed it was implied that the location of City 17 wasn't neccessarily America.

My votes would go to:
Condemned City... I don't remember what it's called
Noir York City from Max Payne
Seattle, if you're to believe World in Conflict
Paradise City, because you never know when some prick is going to plow into you at full speed.


New member
Jul 7, 2008
Indigo_Dingo said:
GloatingSwine said:
Indigo_Dingo said:
And no City 17?
City 17 is probably somewhere in Eastern Europe.
Where everyone speaks with American accents, and all the former staff of a New Mexico-based research lab live? That sounds real likely.
And the architecture is of Eastern European influence and the cars seem to be based of European rather than American ones?

Personally after MGS3 I learned that voice means absolute bunk in regards to where a game takes place.


New member
Nov 10, 2007
Indigo_Dingo said:
GloatingSwine said:
Indigo_Dingo said:
And no City 17?
City 17 is probably somewhere in Eastern Europe.
Where everyone speaks with American accents, and all the former staff of a New Mexico-based research lab live? That sounds real likely.
Well, yes. Do remember that the Combine came and fucked up earth's shit, forcibly relocated everyone, and generally began depopulation, enslavement, and strip mining the planet for resources.

Also, Nova Prospekt? Sound American to you?


New member
Jan 7, 2008
South Park, Colorado

Do i really need to count all the horribly bizarre things that could happen to you there?


New member
Nov 10, 2007
Indigo_Dingo said:
Besides, its not that there are American accents in the city, its that there are no accents but American ones.
There are no accents but American ones (and possibly the odd stray Canadian) in Mass Effect, and the closest to America you get in that is the fucking moon.

This is not a strong argument you are making.


New member
Jul 7, 2008
Indigo_Dingo said:
GloatingSwine said:
Indigo_Dingo said:
Besides, its not that there are American accents in the city, its that there are no accents but American ones.
There are no accents but American ones (and possibly the odd stray Canadian) in Mass Effect, and the closest to America you get in that is the fucking moon.

This is not a strong argument you are making.
The difference is that thats the idea of a future globalised earthern culture, that simply became American because everyone in North America, Canada included, is still under the mistaken impression that China won't control the future with an iron fist. Half Life 2 is supposed to take place next year.

"City 17 was a city in an unknown European location and was the headquarters of the Combine on Earth, dominated by their imposing Citadel. "

There. Done. Has nothing to do with jingoism.


New member
Jul 7, 2008
Indigo_Dingo said:
AceDiamond said:
Indigo_Dingo said:
GloatingSwine said:
Indigo_Dingo said:
Besides, its not that there are American accents in the city, its that there are no accents but American ones.
There are no accents but American ones (and possibly the odd stray Canadian) in Mass Effect, and the closest to America you get in that is the fucking moon.

This is not a strong argument you are making.
The difference is that thats the idea of a future globalised earthern culture, that simply became American because everyone in North America, Canada included, is still under the mistaken impression that China won't control the future with an iron fist. Half Life 2 is supposed to take place next year.

"City 17 was a city in an unknown European location and was the headquarters of the Combine on Earth, dominated by their imposing Citadel. "

There. Done. Has nothing to do with jingoism.
Once again, I'm stating that thats something people accepted without thinking about it. The developers said they were influenced by Eastern European architecture, that doesn't neccesarily indicate location in the same way NPC's does.

If there is a quote from a designer or developer saying it is set in Grolovnia, I'll accept it Otherwise, you must accept my idea has merit.
And if you had taken the time to read the whole article maybe you'd have seen this

In Half-Life 2: Raising the Bar, City 17 is described as being in an Eastern European setting:

?One of the reasons that we liked Eastern Europe as a setting was that it represents the collision of the old and the new in a way that is difficult to capture in the United States. You go over there, and you have this collision between all of these things, the new architecture, the old architecture, the fall of communism... there's a sense of this strongly-grounded historical place. We left out the gothic themes associated with Prague and vampires and looked into a different aspect of the region.? - Viktor Antonov

City 17 is assumed to be heavily based on Sofia, Bulgaria, the hometown of the art director of Half-Life 2, Viktor Antonov. This assumption is based on both City 17's general resemblance to Sofia and the frequent appearance of Bulgarian words (written in Cyrillic characters) on signs and graffiti throughout the game. One clear example is "цимент" ("cement") written across the top of a large building in Ravenholm - the only language that spells the word in this way, using the Cyrillic alphabet, is Bulgarian. Furthermore, near the beginning of the game a newspaper entitled "Работническо Дело" (Rabotnichesko Delo) can be seen - this was the most popular newspaper in Bulgaria during its Communist period. Hints of the city containing elements of cities from the Baltics or Baltic countries is also evident with the presence of signs reading "Café Baltic."


New member
Feb 2, 2009
Indigo_Dingo said:
GloatingSwine said:
Indigo_Dingo said:
GloatingSwine said:
Indigo_Dingo said:
And no City 17?
City 17 is probably somewhere in Eastern Europe.
Where everyone speaks with American accents, and all the former staff of a New Mexico-based research lab live? That sounds real likely.
Well, yes. Do remember that the Combine came and fucked up earth's shit, forcibly relocated everyone, and generally began depopulation, enslavement, and strip mining the planet for resources.

Also, Nova Prospekt? Sound American to you?
And all of them were moved to the same city?

And you really think that was its name before the Combine took it over?

Besides, its not that there are American accents in the city, its that there are no accents but American ones.
Well theres that Father Gregori dude in Ravenholm, and if not wrong the guy that gives you your rocket launcher in HL2 has a shaddy brittish accent.


New member
Nov 10, 2007
Indigo_Dingo said:
The difference is that thats the idea of a future globalised earthern culture, that simply became American because everyone in North America, Canada included, is still under the mistaken impression that China won't control the future with an iron fist. Half Life 2 is supposed to take place next year.
No, there is in fact no difference, they all feature American accents for exactly the same reason, that those were the voice actors that were available.

The alternative is either hilarious fake accents or the traditional Silent Hill method of dragging people in off the street to do the voices (Silent Hill games up to 4 were voiced in English for their Japanese release. Rather than get an American studio to do the voice recording they just grabbed whoever they could find thanks to the extremely limited range of English speaking voice actors in Japan.)


New member
Jul 7, 2008
Indigo_Dingo said:
GloatingSwine said:
Indigo_Dingo said:
The difference is that thats the idea of a future globalised earthern culture, that simply became American because everyone in North America, Canada included, is still under the mistaken impression that China won't control the future with an iron fist. Half Life 2 is supposed to take place next year.
No, there is in fact no difference, they all feature American accents for exactly the same reason, that those were the voice actors that were available.

The alternative is either hilarious fake accents or the traditional Silent Hill method of dragging people in off the street to do the voices (Silent Hill games up to 4 were voiced in English for their Japanese release. Rather than get an American studio to do the voice recording they just grabbed whoever they could find thanks to the extremely limited range of English speaking voice actors in Japan.)
When trying to portray a regular american doctor, did the creators of House go with an American actor? No, they got Hughe Laurie. Did they then just let him speak in his British accent? No, he adopted an American one. How many people were fooled by this?

There are levels of quality other than "hilariously bad" and "nonexistant".
And not every voice actor can be Hugh Laurie.