Poll: would you die for your country?


New member
Jan 25, 2011
It really depends what the threat to my country is. I mean, if we're under attack from evil aliens who want to murder everyone then sure. If it's just a peaceful foriegn takeover then I could care less.
Context is important in these situations however as a general rule I'm not patriotic and apart from being fond of australia I don't feel any obligation towards protecting it.
So no.


New member
Jan 22, 2008
Not if I can avoid it.

And really, when you consider the cost of training a soldier, equipping a soldier and all the rest, it's kinda silly (and expensive) to expect them to die for their country when they can do more good living to fight another day when there's a chance of victory.


New member
Mar 10, 2010
Well I was in the Army, so technically I did agree to put my life on the line but I'd much prefer to make the other guy die for his. Dead men can't spend their pay.


New member
Jan 8, 2011
Depends, is this saving the country from chavs (like say the riots?) or is it in global conquest for more oil. I'd be willing to sacrifice my life in a glorified way if it was against the scum of this country (btw I live in Britain) who have caused misery and dispair to me and many of my friends and family, but if it's against "the terrorists" who are only threatening us because we stood up for America in that one schoolyard fight, then I really couldn't be arsed. Fallout's gonna happen at some point so I could either destroy most of the raiders before I build my bunker or get a headstart on building my bunker and save the weaponry for when I emerge blinded from the vault...hmm, tough choice...


New member
Aug 8, 2011
gabe12301 said:
Would you die for your country? It's pretty straight-forward.

For me yes. If your not willing to die for it, then why live there? You obviously don't love it there very much.

like tha man said, its a straight forward question:

would you die for garth brooks or travis tritt?

cause you would if you loved em!

in fact, you should remove absolutely everything from your life that youre not willing to die for

then you should die

no but seriously, what kind of inflammatory troll bs is this question anyway?

since when have the type of untermensch who believe that love has anything to do with something so arbitrary as nationalism learned to operate computers?

do you love your car? are you willing to die for it? if not then you should just drive it right off a cliff

are you willing to die for your city, or your state?

how about your extended family?

are you willing to die for a third cousin?

how about this: do you love life? then you should try not to encourage your own inevitable death by coming up with reasons to die sooner than you have to


New member
Apr 24, 2010
I do love my country, and I love living here but I don't believe dying for something is ever the answer. War is stupid. I realise how immature that sounds but I really hate war and I feel it's a senseless loss of life for what?! I mean the Gulf e.g. Shitloads of people died and for what?! Things like World War 2 I can kind of see cos we were fighting a loony... but in all these cases, it's just one man. Why are so many people dying. Hitler, Sadam, Bin Laden, Gadaffi. It's stupid. :(


New member
Sep 10, 2010
No, because:

1) I'm a coward
2) I'm a pacifist
3) I'm quite unpatriotic (well, I appreciate that my country is a nice place to live, but I didn't choose to be born here)


New member
Sep 22, 2008
No country is worth dying for. The people you care about however is another deal entirely.
I find it that countries come and go, but as long as the people continue their thing (and the government isn't a totalitarian dictatorship) it doesn't matter who runs it.

However, I think we should throw nationality and patriotism aside and merge into a single world-spanning community. Countries are nothing more than very advanced tribes, essentially.

I got out of the mandatory military service we have over here in Norway on the basis of some heavy hayfever, so this issue doesn't really bother me much anyway. If I lived in the US I wouldn't join the armed forces even if they -threw- money at me; And even more so if the insane Republican Party is running the show.


New member
Jul 10, 2010
Dying over some arbitrarily based borders doesn't seem like my idea of fun. I refuse to put myself in the way of someone's projection of power simply for the pursuit of some ideology that is supposedly better than another.
I like where I live, but just because that guy over there doesn't like me, doesn't seem like a particularly good reason to fight.
Besides, if we want to truly hit some form of pure liberal internationalism, it's sort of counter productive to be overly patriotic. Patriotism creates borders, and that's something that we're trying to break down for the betterment of humanity. That's one argument at least.


New member
Feb 24, 2011
I see absolutely no point in dying for my country. See, we have a deal: I pay them taxes, they use this money to benefit myself and others of the same nationality - it's a big, mutually beneficial club.

When they start dicking around fighting against other nations, they're wasting my money.


Vocal SJW
Nov 15, 2009
Hell no. I'd fight for my family, and my friends- I would try to not die doing that, of course- but my country? The same country that will not let me marry the person I love because we both foolishly decided to be born male?

Fuck that. This country can burn for all I care of it, until it pulls itself together.


New member
Oct 22, 2009
I think I could serve my country better for living FOR IT... And that's not saying I don't love my country.. but...

Facts are, Australia is a land of an aging population, and I am a fertile, childbearing female. Australia needs the next generation (and even mine, and previous) to work, pay taxes and help support the pensioners, and staff hospitals/respite centers/Aged care facilities.

Killing off a source of future, much needed citizens would not be overly bright... I think I could do more alive...