Poll: Would you ever burn a book?


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Already did.

Found a Scientology Indoctrination Book. Burned it to ashes.

Also, I am not sure what the value or discount on Snookis book is at the moment, but my head can't decide whether to steal one just to either burn it or get some use out of it as toilet paper.

(Most Wannabe-Famous-Person-Biography-Books shouldn't be printed in the first place. Waste of resources.)


New member
Aug 7, 2010
Only books I don't like or are just plane terrible like the Twilight saga and anything saying Justin Beiber is good or deserves his fame BECAUSE HE DOESN'T HE'S A TALENTLESS HACK WHO HAS NO TALENT OR SKILLS! TAKE HIM OUTTA THE F*CKING LIMELIGHT AND PUT SOMEONE MORE DESERVING IN HIS PLACE!


New member
Aug 7, 2010
Basically I wouldn't burn a book if it was well written or contributed some good to the arts or humanity.... In my opinion XD


New member
Jun 29, 2010
JJMUG said:
Yes, it would be both twilight and any book by the cast of Jersey shore.
None of them can read or write, so you don't have to worry about that nightmare coming true.


New member
Nov 3, 2010
Yes, but probably not for any ideological reason. And even then, it would be for lack of content, rather than content. I.e. i would burn a book if it was worthless, but not because i found it offensive.

PissOffRoth said:
JJMUG said:
Yes, it would be both twilight and any book by the cast of Jersey shore.
None of them can read or write, so you don't have to worry about that nightmare coming true.
If only that were true. Snooki has a book out (obviously it was ghost-written, since she's surely illiterate, but still...). Also, i think i've seen body-building books or "How to be a douchebag" books by The Situation.


New member
Mar 29, 2008
Generally, no. I once read that, paraphrasing, "burning a book is tantamount to killing a person". If in the act of burning a book you are trying to destroy the message it conveys, what it tries to teach, or the ideas expressed, you are doing something as criminal as taking a life. For what makes a person more than their beliefs, ideas, and knowledge? For what they are passionate about and what drives them to do what they did in life is what made their existance unique. Even the most paltry of novels are an expression of the person, whomever it is.

However, many books are mass produced and the burning of a few is unlikely to detract from the ideas, education or messages they express; in fact if done symbolically it tends to have the reverse effect and inspire more to find out what was so dangerous it had to be covered up. If I needed, in an extreme scenario, something to burn and all that was available to me was books, I would burn some to achieved whatever it is I desperately needed fire for. A good example is the scenario they are put in in the Day After Tomorrow, where the characters are trapped in a library and require heat to protect themselves from the siberian-like temperatures outside. They burnt tax-records I believe...


New member
Mar 15, 2010
We always used to hold a book burning at the end of our high school year. Usually only managed to steal a few copies of each text, and we supplemented them with our notes from the year. Made a nice big fire, and a good excuse to drink. Does that count?


New member
Sep 19, 2008
I have. A bunch of my textbooks from college (this was pre-eBay) when I graduated. I knew I could never sell the old editions. My friends and I had a bonfire on my parents farm where it was mostly text books.

That colored ink smells bad.


New member
Dec 31, 2010
Only if the book deserves it.

...OK, serious time.
I've burned school books before, because a friend of mine used to host end-of-the-[school]year book-burning parties, but the only books I recall burning were old, filled up notebooks. Actually, I don't think anybody ever burned an actual textbook at one of those parties.

As for regular books, well... It'd have to be a REALLY bad book for me to hate it so much to warrant a burning. Considering how few books I buy per year, I highly doubt I'd buy a book that I didn't think was worth my time, and I highly doubt I'd go out and waste my money on a book I'm sure I'll hate. And I'm more the type of person who would give a book away when I'm done with it anyway.

So for me to burn a book, it would have to be a real pile of crap, so irredeemable I wouldn't dare let it fall into the hands of another and sully their eyes/mind with its filth, for it to warrant me wasting the time, money, and effort required to burn it.

In other words, it has to be so bad it deserves being wiped off the face of the earth.


New member
Sep 18, 2010
I still have most of the books that I've ever bought for college... but I've also burnt old moldy books that were made useless through neglect. Usually to help warm the house in winter.