Poll: Would you have sex with your cousin?


New member
Jul 8, 2009
Deathleaper said:
Lets say you have a distant cousin(3rd, 4th, or 5th) and the 2 of you find each other attractive, and both of you were close enough to actually have feelings for each other. You hang out, and the topic of it comes up, and your cousin is up to it. Would you do it if no one knew about it?

If she were my 3rd cousin, I may. 4th or 5th definitely, we're so distant it wouldn't even matter.

I'm asking because recently I was at a family gathering, and a lot of my relatives brought along some friends(ie, people not related to me), which wouldn't make it a "family gathering" anymore and just a party. I was sitting at a table and this girl I have never seen before sat next to me. I figured she was a friend of one of my relatives. Yadda yadda yadda, we flirt but then we find out we're related(3rd cousins). She still seems interested in me, and Vindictive God help me, I may go for it.

So what about you, Escapits?
Well no, but I'm not interested in sex/dating/etc, so that's just my general answer. By 3rd/4th/5th cousin, do you mean your cousin's cousin's cousin (etc)? So there is literally no actually relation? Or do you mean that the closest relative is your great (great great) grandparents?

Pedro The Hutt

New member
Apr 1, 2009
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cousin#Explanation_chart Here's how this whole cousin business works (in English).


New member
Jan 15, 2010
Have you seen my cousins?
Anyway yeah by the time it gets 2nd 3rd and so-forth it no longer is in the realm of incest.


Needs more Dakka
Apr 13, 2010
faspxina said:
Waaghpowa said:
The results say 6 for yes. So either people are deliberately fucking with the poll, or people are freaks. My money is on the first.
Or maybe you're just judgemental as hell. I hope you're trolling or something.
I did say that I thought it was likely that people were just messing with the poll to throw the numbers off. But you're right, I'm being judgmental. There's no way that people on the internet will do anything like skew the results of a forum poll for the lulz.


New member
Nov 7, 2010
Deathleaper said:
Conza said:
Just for someone who wants to have a conversation with someone he doesn't know on the internet and not look it up on Wikipedia (you caught me, I realised I could look it up, but hey I'm asking anyway), do you have any blood with this cousin?

For me blood, no, no blood, what's the difference? Maybe in a giant family where everyone knows each other or something, it could be a bit akward, but in a strange way its perfectly logical to me. People in both families were attracted to each other somewhere, so, you should both be attracted to someone who was from the same family as before (if you get me there).
There is blood, we have the same great great grandmother. But being 3rd cousins, theres barely any relation.
A drop of blood, deals off pal... well, maybe with a DNA test, but look, Jerry Seinfeld once said '95% of the population is undatable', to virtually any given population (I think he was talking specifically of the USA, but it applies world wide too) Because 50% is not the sex you want, and the other 45% are too young, old, or unavailable.

Now if you took my country, Australia, 22.8 million people *gets out calc* ((22.8 / 100) x 5) = 1.14 million people. So for me, there are 1.14 million women in my country who are datable, cut that up for the various states, I've probably got a potential of 300-400 thousand women in my local city.

Now you gotta ask yourself, most countries our bigger than ours, and so are many cities, do you really think its worth risking incence when you've got a whole 5% of your population to date?


New member
Oct 4, 2007
FilipJPhry said:
I was weirded out once when a girl who shared the last name as me asked me out. I assumed we were cousins, and it turned out we weren't related. Still, it'd surely have felt odd going out with someone sharing the last name as me. So I declined.

In your situation, I wouldn't go for it. Your family will frown upon this, and God help you if your children are born with deformities.
Odds of deformities for close cousins roughly = to odds of deformaties for having the mother be over 35. Odds for further cousins...almost nill. Exists...but your kid is in more danger from the painkillers you take and the chance of you getting a cold.
Jan 22, 2011
i see no problem with wincest, besides it's cousins..however the ones I did grow up with are more like my brothers/sisters than an normal relative but I am sure some of you would like that as well. One fun fact I do wish to point out is that it is legal for cousins to marry in japan all they way up to first... so maybe that explains so much drama/shojo anime with those themes..not that I happen to mind ya know.


New member
Dec 16, 2009
Deathleaper said:
Lets say you have a distant cousin(3rd, 4th, or 5th) and the 2 of you find each other attractive, and both of you were close enough to actually have feelings for each other. You hang out, and the topic of it comes up, and your cousin is up to it. Would you do it if no one knew about it?

If she were my 3rd cousin, I may. 4th or 5th definitely, we're so distant it wouldn't even matter.

I'm asking because recently I was at a family gathering, and a lot of my relatives brought along some friends(ie, people not related to me), which wouldn't make it a "family gathering" anymore and just a party. I was sitting at a table and this girl I have never seen before sat next to me. I figured she was a friend of one of my relatives. Yadda yadda yadda, we flirt but then we find out we're related(3rd cousins). She still seems interested in me, and Vindictive God help me, I may go for it.

So what about you, Escapits?
If condoms are used, then yes, otherwise you're looking at potential genetic problems with offspring.
In conclusion, if it's just for sex, not procreation, and precautions are taken, what's the problem?

Suicida1 Midget

New member
Jun 11, 2011
NO. Now if you ask again repeat that again and again in a never ending spam fashion. Genetically speaking, yes they are almost unrelated (on the .4-.9% of DNA that counts), but heres the thing. One being eight teen and all of them under the age of 11. Those that are like 20+ are either guys or already have a bf and are not the good looking to start with. That last bit is to explain the physical why-not and not just the i am culturally inclined to say no.


New member
Oct 20, 2011
Charles Darwin, founder of modern evolution married his cousin. but even though I'm not even blood related to any of my cousins, the answer is NO! my ancestors did that enough, and so did the royal families, who were all related. this is the reason I'm Austrian, French, English, Russian, Mongolian, Scottish, Irish, Swedish, etc. I hated the 6th Harry Potter book because I had the stupid peeve-name Half-blood prince all of high school when it came out.


New member
Feb 26, 2011
ccggenius12 said:
Jebediah Springfield: People, our search is over! On this site we shall build a new town where we can worship freely, govern justly, and grow vast fields of hemp for making rope and blankets.
Shelbyville Manhattan: Yes! And marry our cousins.
Jebediah Springfield: I was- wha... what are you talking about, Shelbyville? Why would we want to marry our cousins?
Shelbyville Manhattan: Because they're so attractive. I... I thought that was the whole point of this journey.
Jebediah Springfield: Absolutely not!
Shelbyville Manhattan: I tell you, I won't live in a town that robs men of the right to marry their cousins!
you win


New member
Jan 27, 2010
I definitely say no to this one. Was at a family reunion saw a really hot girl there, didn't recognize her then found out later she was like a 3rd cousin or something like that and bam. Instantly less attractive

Von Strimmer

New member
Apr 17, 2011
Awful lotta guilt in this thread. I theorise that many people here have entertained the notion but quickly moved past it. Hell I've seen a distant cousin and though "dayumn" but I thought NOPE and moved on. I blatantly refuse to judge anyone who wants to marry their cousing because quite frankly, I dont have a right to judge.

I think many of you need to get the fuck over it and realise that everyone is different, it makes us unique. So everyone just Chillax!

Also OP if you want to marry this girl, come to Australia because its legal in our marriage act :D


New member
Apr 16, 2009
There's nothing wrong with marrying your cousin(unless the family tree is already heavy on the cousin marriage), but I wouldn't go for mine.

Section Crow

Infamous Scribbler for Life
Aug 26, 2009
well i am not related to over half of my cousins through bloodline, only by law

so i go with maybe


Nov 1, 2009
..I would be very tempted (3rd and onwards), but the only one that looks even slightly attractive among my female cousins just got married last year. So that is off the table.. morally speaking.

So, no?


New member
Dec 15, 2010
s2dio said:
Makhiel said:
We are only allowed to have sex with one person ever? I don't understand this argument.
With a world population that's just breached the 7 billion mark, it baffles me that anyone would look to their own kin for sexual gratification.
I still don't understand what does the rest of the world have to do with this.

The question isn't "if you could have sex with anyone would you pick your cousin?" the question is "is sex with your cousin ok?". There are no implications of said cousin being the one and only person you want to have sex with.