Poll: Would you have sex with your cousin?


New member
Sep 21, 2009
3rd cousins don't have any bloodlink to you. So naturally speaking there is ZERO risk of deformed children and the two of you could procreate all you wanted.

A more real issue would be your family's sensibilities. Yes, they might and most likely will frown on it. So what.


New member
Apr 13, 2011
As part of a meaningful and loving relationship: Yes.

One thing I don't get about the taboo on incest is how it's seems guaranteed there will be some form of birth defect in any children due to the genetic similarities. In which case why don't we do a genetic background check on everyone who tries to get married and ban them from having children if there is a possibility of genetic deformity. A child is equally likely to get any of their parents genes, regardless of whether their parents are related or not.

Ex. 2 people are in love and want to have children, but they both have a recessive gene for a severe genetic deformity. Should they be banned from having a child due to the possibility of the child being genetically deformed regardless of relation, or should they be banned from having a child only if they are blood related?

[Disclaimer: I am not a biologist or genealogist, but I do have a basic understanding in the subjects from school. I understand how genes are passed from parent to child and the difference between dominant and recessive gene types.]

To the OP: If you like her you should pursue a relationship with her if you aren't uncomfortable with the existing blood relation.


New member
Jan 30, 2011
First or second cousins would be out of the question. Anything more distant than that though and there's no genetic reason not to, there are no laws against it (hell, it's legal to marry your first cousin in quite a few states), and the social implications wouldn't be too bad. Might lead to some interesting conversations anyway.

I'd go for it.


New member
Mar 10, 2010
VincentX3 said:
Yup. If she's that distant and nether of you have problems then go for it.
Sane people! You exist.
Seriously guys, 3rd cousin? And you all act as if this man is tea-bagging your dead grandmother... I am ashamed.

Your choice, if there is both the connection and it is that far off, then do as you please :)


New member
May 21, 2008
Makhiel said:
We are only allowed to have sex with one person ever? I don't understand this argument.
With a world population that's just breached the 7 billion mark, it baffles me that anyone would look to their own kin for sexual gratification.


New member
May 28, 2009
I would bail, waaaay too many awkward conversations

There's an interesting theory about how you don't get attracted to family, doesn't apply in this situation though but still. It states that everyone you learn to know bup to a certain age (around age 4) you wont get sexually interest in.


New member
Jul 17, 2010
would i sleep with her again. Yes. have we? yes.

I guess im just a redneck :p If it helps we're only related by name, not by blood.


New member
Aug 1, 2011
Holy hell, I didn't see this thread going as far as it did.
Conza said:
Just for someone who wants to have a conversation with someone he doesn't know on the internet and not look it up on Wikipedia (you caught me, I realised I could look it up, but hey I'm asking anyway), do you have any blood with this cousin?

For me blood, no, no blood, what's the difference? Maybe in a giant family where everyone knows each other or something, it could be a bit akward, but in a strange way its perfectly logical to me. People in both families were attracted to each other somewhere, so, you should both be attracted to someone who was from the same family as before (if you get me there).
There is blood, we have the same great great grandmother. But being 3rd cousins, theres barely any relation.
Reishadowen said:
Yeah...if you're both into it, go for it. Though I think checking to see how your other family members would respond to the idea of you before you did it. Of course, then again, that might be a socially acceptable thing there.

West Virginaaaaaaa, country rooooooaaads, take me hooooooooome...
Seeing how most of my family(well, my 1st cousins, aunts and uncles) are mostly raging alcoholics, deadbeats, and lazy motherfuckers who live off welfare, I really couldn't give a fuck what most of them may think. Now my mother, sister, and step dad are the ones I may have to talk to about this.
LightspeedJack said:
No, why bother? Just find a girl who's NOT related to you.
I can. Still, this girl may be my cousin, but there is barely any relation because how distant we are(we have the same great great grandmother). So to me, shes just another girl I want to plow.


Level 2 Lumberjack
Jul 17, 2009
Me? No, I only have 1 girl cousin and while others might think she's hot, I certainly do not. Plus, she's a 1st Cousin (Or maybe even my niece), so that's out of the question anyways.

But you? You should definitely try. Especially since you only intend to have a little fun with her and nothing serious. Plus, she's a 3rd Cousin, so it all works out fine.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
ravensheart18 said:
scw55 said:
No. Because the likelyness of genetic deformities being passed down is increased significantly as there's a high chance you both share the same gene. It would be amoral to inflict it upon a child knowingly without the child having a say about it.

If it's just some kinky fun, then I have no right to comment; whore.
If you tend to read any of the many links (including one a few posts above yours) you will find that deformity rate is urban legand based on centuries old biases and some studies from a couple centuries ago that have been totally discreditted. Two smokers having sex have much higher chance of having problems than two non smokers who are first cousins.
Are you sure it's complete BS? When an ovum and sperm is produce a cell is produce with 50% of the DNA. Say the gene for an abnormally is recessive then the sperm/ovum DNA needs to match up with DNA with the same gene for it to come in effect. Close genetic relations simply increase the likely hood because both parents are more likely to have the same gene.
It is true that smoking will cause more harm because it's a reliable variable. Genes are some-what based on probability. The gene would have to be very unlikely to exist anyway since the detrimental affect of it in the species (either recessive or the offspring perishes as a result of it).

This is my understanding of basic genetics and reproduction. In less I have good reason to be angry at my school for teaching me bull shit.

In a way you're saying it's fine evolutionary to have sexual intercourse with cousin relatives.

(I don't know what a third cousin is. I stop caring after first. I guess I'm lucky to have close family so I don't have to rely terminology that stops me feeling alone. Apparently my Dad's cousin daughter's husband is the Irish Comedian Derren O'Brian. He's so uninteresting related it's not even worth mentioning/boasting about).


New member
Aug 1, 2011
IamLEAM1983 said:

Flirt with a distant relative?

I just- Wha?
When we started talking, I figured she was a friend of someone in the family(I had never seen her before and I thought I just knew about every damn person in my family). She thought the same. But as we were talking that realization came up.
Kelly Wells said:
No. It has nothing to do with blood, babies, or law - It's weird.
Do you know how many people there are in the world? Go fuck one of them.
I have. 4 different sex partners so far(though for a guy my age that may not be a lot compared to others). This girl just wants a fling(as do I), she just happens to share very little blood with me. So to me, she really is just another girl. Only thing that was on my mind was what my immediate family would think.
s2dio said:
7 billion people on the planet and someone's looking at their cousins? Might want to get outside a little more... Maybe leave your backyard.
I'll leave it when I want to, thank you very much.


New member
Sep 13, 2010
Since I only have 4 cousins (2 girls, 2 guys), and because I am heterosexual, only the girls are applicaple in this situation, and because their father and my father are twins, which means their genes are likely to be much more similair to mine (technically it would be on the same level as half sister or half brother), I do not really think of this as an option...


New member
Aug 22, 2010
I don't see the issue if you're both that distantly related and didn't grow up around each other so you don't have a pre-existing family type relationship. Frankly, people have an issue with it are simply getting hung up on the idea that if you're related in anyway it should be wrong, but frankly, if you go back far enough we're all related. Even better, if you're family has lived in the same place long enough, particularly small towns, then you probably don't have to go back that far to be related to most of the people there.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
i'd have no problem with it, but then again, my two cousins are both guys so that's not something I've ever considered xD