Poll: Would you join the Space Marines?


New member
Jul 26, 2010
Well, if i had a choice (which i wouldn't have) i would say no living in the current universe. Life here is pretty okay.

However if i lived in the 40k universe and wouldn't be lucky enough to be born in a good position, hell yes. Being a semi-psycho war machine beats being a mindless factory drone/farmer, an underhive outcast or a guard recruit.


New member
Mar 23, 2009
I wonder how many who voted yet actually know a thing about Warhammer or Space Marines.

To put it bluntly.. NO!! FUCK NO!!!. Is there anything I can cover which hasn't already been covered here. Life as a space marine is not fun.. at all.


New member
Jan 27, 2010
agentorange98 said:
So I really don't know anything about Warhammer 40K although it seems hella bad ass but with all the trailers for the game I was wondering if Space Marines were real would you join?
No because as I am past puberty it is impossible for them to recruit me.

I am more likely to be selected by the Tau Empire to be an Etherial (and as a human that is not likely).

The lore surrounding the Space marines is more complex than it is for say the storm troopers of starwars. So it may take a LOOONG time to read through all the details so the quick run down:

1. space marines are selected from humanity to be her champions and to fight with some of the best equipment around.
2. Space marines are selected for early adolesence or tween years for training
3. young space marines are scouts and are still entirely human
4. once promoted to the rank of SPACE MARINE they are given the "gene seed"
5. Then they fight as they do in the game space marine (although in the game you are a Captain)
6. there is also chaos who are often humans/space marines that have decided that daemons are better for their interests than the emperor of mankind is.
7. Space marines hate these guys (as it is essentially like Christian vs Witches in the middle ages)

also it may be worthwhile to note that the Space Marines are not given any luxuries like the ones we have IRL


New member
Mar 23, 2009
ivansnick said:
Basically imagine the infamous Spartan training in space and then taken up to 11. They literally do just live to fight. Nothing else but that. You don't get to feel cool as well, you don't really know or care about it... Pretty much a slave in big armour and weapons.


New member
Jan 27, 2010
Sovvolf said:
Basically imagine the infamous Spartan training in space and then taken up to 11. They literally do just live to fight. Nothing else but that. You don't get to feel cool as well, you don't really know or care about it... Pretty much a slave in big armour and weapons.
Damn I should of used those exact words because that just about sums it up


New member
Jul 6, 2009
lior13 said:
come on pussys im joining the army(the isreali one) next year(partroopes)at list you could join a fake one
Oh wow you're so hardcore joining a force that attacks Aid flotillas.........oh and learn to spell

OT: Hell to the no would I join them though the Inquisition sounds like a lot more interesting and slightly less lethal


New member
Dec 6, 2010
Xooiid said:
Me? I'm going to be a Commissar [http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Commissar]. Though I could be nowhere near as awesome as The Ghost [http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Ibram_Gaunt] or CIAPHAS CAIN, HERO OF THE IMPERIUM! [http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Ciaphas_Cain]
Hell yeah, definitely gotta get me assigned to an artillery battery. Oh no the enemy is 20 miles away Retreat!


New member
Feb 19, 2010
Hal10k said:
You do not "join" the Space Marines. You are recruited out of populations of several trillions if you happen to possess the right characteristics, namely a near omnicidal lust for combat and the rough shape of a rather muscular flatbed truck. You also have to possess these characteristics as a child, becase adults tend to go completely insane from the transformation as opposed to only mostly insane. After being "recruited", you're put through several years of training in which you will, more often than not, die. If you don't, you're outfitted with several superfluous organs, genetically modified to make you an even more absurd specimen of manliness, and brainwashed into fanatically supporting the empire and its various conflicting ideologies. If you somehow manage to survive that, congratulations, you're a scout.
I used some scouts once... they all died, DERP!!!


New member
Mar 23, 2009
ivansnick said:
Sovvolf said:
Basically imagine the infamous Spartan training in space and then taken up to 11. They literally do just live to fight. Nothing else but that. You don't get to feel cool as well, you don't really know or care about it... Pretty much a slave in big armour and weapons.
Damn I should of used those exact words because that just about sums it up
And to add to it, your a preachy religious zealot to the point that the WBC look subtle. Only your armed to the teeth, pretty much just armour and you feel no fear. Also, you don't have a choice in this...

No going home to your mates and showing off at how bad arse you are. No going to a bar and picking up chicks (no point either as your dick is pretty much useless. I don't think they're even allowed to get drunk.

So that's what you become and armoured religious zealot that's received training that Spartans would even cringe at. Enjoy your life... ho and you don't get a choice in this.


New member
Nov 28, 2010
I strongly doubt i would meet the requirements at 5'6" and getting a bit pudgy...But hey the religion is one of the few I could buy into and makes more sense to me than most of the present religions. Killing Orks and other nastiest would be psychotic good fun. So yeah if I was picked and made it through the conversion process I'd be pretty damn happy about it, whats 20 years of pain for hundreds of years living like a god?


New member
Jan 27, 2010
matell said:
well the Imperium IS going down the drain, with more and more rampant psychers, and the Golden Throne not being what it once was, IMO the end will be a galaxy in which only the necrons and the tyranids continue to battle.
So I guess I would join (become?) the Orkz, they have the most fun even when losing battles.

The orks will be there at the end I imagine. They don't birth they spore and can do so on the most baron worlds making them virtually impossible to wipe out. Combined with there mass low level physic powers... *shrug*

Rayne870 said:
I strongly doubt i would meet the requirements at 5'6" and getting a bit pudgy...But hey the religion is one of the few I could buy into and makes more sense to me than most of the present religions. Killing Orks and other nastiest would be psychotic good fun. So yeah if I was picked and made it through the conversion process I'd be pretty damn happy about it, whats 20 years of pain for hundreds of years living like a god?

Hundreds....Dude they are functionally immortal. The oldest oldest most skill members of the spacemarine orders are several thousand years old. Supposedly some of they can remember the heresy.


New member
Feb 1, 2011
Davesdepository said:
Xooiid said:
Me? I'm going to be a Commissar [http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Commissar]. Though I could be nowhere near as awesome as The Ghost [http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Ibram_Gaunt] or CIAPHAS CAIN, HERO OF THE IMPERIUM! [http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Ciaphas_Cain]
Hell yeah, definitely gotta get me assigned to an artillery battery. Oh no the enemy is 20 miles away Retreat!
I still remember reading that part from the first story, and imagining this scene in my head.

*Battlefield scene, men on the lines firing their lasguns as hard as they can against the horde. Suddenly, from behind them, a man is running as fast as he can, screaming like a little girl as he heads to the motor pool to get a ride out.*



That's basically what he did...well, aside from cutting open a genestealer to save his driver, luring the horde into the heavy gun firing lanes and therefor becoming known as a hero.

Yeah, That hero bit ended up biting him on the ass far too many times.


New member
Jan 27, 2010
Sovvolf said:
ivansnick said:
Sovvolf said:
Basically imagine the infamous Spartan training in space and then taken up to 11. They literally do just live to fight. Nothing else but that. You don't get to feel cool as well, you don't really know or care about it... Pretty much a slave in big armour and weapons.
Damn I should of used those exact words because that just about sums it up
And to add to it, your a preachy religious zealot to the point that the WBC look subtle. Only your armed to the teeth, pretty much just armour and you feel no fear. Also, you don't have a choice in this...

No going home to your mates and showing off at how bad arse you are. No going to a bar and picking up chicks (no point either as your dick is pretty much useless. I don't think they're even allowed to get drunk.

So that's what you become and armoured religious zealot that's received training that Spartans would even cringe at. Enjoy your life... ho and you don't get a choice in this.

To be fair their xenophobia is well founded. Before the fall there were races that they didnt kill that were part xeno and they were looking to be more open minded. The manipulation of the chaos and resulting fall of of Horus is what killed that which is technically the falt of chaos not of the Imperium itself. As it is in 40k as apose to the fall which is 36k(?) literally everything in the universe is killing on sight so its not really xenophobia so much as proactive self defence :p


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Join the space marines I don't think so not one of us in this thread would be fit for the imperial guard seeing as you have to join your planetary defence force and then being the top ranks of that to even get in the guard who then go and die a horrible death granted you keep your balls so that's a plus

would I want to be a space marine? still no rouge trader on the other hand hell yeah best place to be in 40k you get your own ship can come and go as you please get to explore uncharted space get your crew to do all the hard work make tones of cash and genraly be a badass

links are nice :p :http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Rogue_Traders


New member
Nov 30, 2009
Nah, it seems like one of the primary characteristics of the Space Marines is complete and total loyalty to their emperor or whatever. I don't like the idea of being a mindless drone, even if I get a chainsaw and can kickass. I kick ass my own way.