Poll: Would you join the Space Marines?


New member
Apr 4, 2010
yes for one reason i might actually survive that hellhole of a universe

i love the 40k universe but living there i don't think so


New member
May 8, 2010
Actually, if the allternative would be bing recruited into the Imperial guard, I'd take my chances with the Spacemarine training


New member
Jul 28, 2010
Neverhoodian said:
No, simply because of how brutal the selection and training/augmentation processes are.

You can't just put in an application and hope for the best. Many citizens of the Imperium don't know that Space Marines even exist, while many more believe them to be mythical figures. Only the Space Marines themselves get to decide who is worthy of joining their ranks.

Space Marine chapters are extremely selective with who they recruit. Typically only the most physically capable male adolescents are selected from particularly unforgiving places, such as psychotic undercity gang members on hive worlds or hardened warrior tribes on feral/death worlds. Recruits are typically between the ages of 12 and 16, as their bodies have a better chance of accepting the myriad implants that will be surgically inserted into them later.

The training regimen candidates are put through is extremely unforgiving and deadly. The vast majority of trainees die before they even begin the aforementioned augmentation process. Augmentation itself is extremely hazardous. The process is extremely painful and every new implant carries with it the danger of being rejected by the body, often with fatal results. Finally there's the indoctrination process, where trainees are brainwashed into total subservience to the Imperium and unwavering belief in the Imperial Cult and the supposed divinity of the Emperor.
OK so I just read that in the voice of the narrator from Dawn of War Dark Crusade. It got a bit creepy.
I'm not gonna lie.


New member
Sep 6, 2011
I think it'd be almost worth it all if you didn't become a pious dick at the end of it all...


New member
Sep 2, 2010
Don't think you can join the space marines. Pretty sure you have to be "made" a space marine. Though if I had to choose a chapter I would choose Raven Guard. Sneaky ambush tactics FTW


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Boo hoo hoo. You have to have hard training where you might die, and then you become a super human with the Imperium's best weaponry and armour, brainwashed into doing and believing what you're told!

Anyone who doesn't do what they're told in the 41st Millenium gets killed (usually worse) anyway. There are no atheists in the future, and if there are, THEY are the deluded ones, what with there literally being gods, souls, hell, demons and a man who, whether he really is a god or not, (we don't even know canonically for sure) is at least a really really awesome wizard who watches over all humanity(there's countless numbers of them at this point), guides their ships through hell, can sense the deaths of every one of them (which makes him cry magic healing tears) and implanting an extremely diluted form of his genes into someone turns him into a nigh unstoppable superman. I don't actually care if he's a real god or not at that point. He knows if the hypothetical fictional me dies in his name, and can save my soul from the demons if I was a pretty cool guy. I don't mind tossing him a few prayers now and then, and probably don't need much brainwashing to be convinced that the very real man who helps my spaceship not get lost in hell is the deity for me.

Of course, the training and surgery fatality rate is high, but they usually recruit from planets/areas with fatally harsh living conditions in the first place anyway. I'm probably already wrestling firebreathing spacelionbears and sabretoothed spacekangaroozards just to get out the front door (think Australia in space).

Besides, once again, this is the 41st millenium, all that training, genetic engineering and the best weapons and armour available, is all really going to come in handy, because chances are better than not that something is landing on my planet and trying to pull my head off one way or another. It'd be nice to be able to do the same back to it.

Soviet Steve

New member
May 23, 2009
No I'd rather be a wealthy corrupt shithead in some backwater planet well the fuck away from the tyranids, orcs, chaos legions, eldar, tau and other assorted nasties.

Actually the Tau don't sound too bad, I'd probably defect to them if given the chance.


New member
Jan 20, 2009
Planetary defense forces on a civilized world or a garden world and not being good enough to be recruited into the guard, is prolly the best place for a commoner to be in the imperium.

If the xenos attack, you die, but atleast you don't go following trouble like the equally squishy imperial guard.

Navy might also work out and the inquisition is best if you're a villain.

Imperial guard is bad.
Space marines is worse, because you'll become a brainwashed fanatic who can only fight, train and pray.


New member
Aug 13, 2010
Only if it means I can later join the Thousand Sons. ALL IS DUST!

But no, it's too stupid to join.


New member
Mar 13, 2010
i would probably chose to join the tau insted, why? Well i'll tell you.

1.)the tau have awesome tech like pulsh rifle and big mech suits like the xv-88 broadside suit.

2.)They will not send me to my death without a second thougt.

3.)I will be far away from the suicidal imperium. And thats three reasons that the tau are better then the imperium including the space marines.


Nov 11, 2009
agentorange98 said:
So I really don't know anything about Warhammer 40K although it seems hella bad ass but with all the trailers for the game I was wondering if Space Marines were real would you join?
You don't JOIN the Space Marines.
You are Chosen by the Space Marines.

That said I think life in the 40k universe is pretty shit. The race I would choose to be myself is a Space Ork, mainly because their biggest thrill in their life is Killing and WAAAAGH!

Gunner 51

New member
Jun 21, 2009
I'd rather join the Imperial Guard. They may only have glorified flashlights for weaponry and are expected to clog up the enemies guns with their corpses, but they still have their junk mostly intact.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
You don't choose to become a space marine, they choose you. It is cool but if you fail the consequences are terrible worse then death in some ways.
If you fail training you could be brainwashed and converted into a slave servitor.
but if you get though training survive the enhancements, operations, strict regiment etc. Then you live to fight.

Do I want all that...no


New member
Mar 29, 2009
Like everyone else have said, you don't quite "join" them as much as "be forced at a young age to become them, if you survive the mutations and all that jazz".

But if we just say "If you could be one, would you?" Then I'd still say no probably. Don't quite know why.

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