Poll: Would You Shoot Enemies Helping Their Wounded?


New member
Mar 10, 2010
I would do anything to avoid fighting a war. I'm a pacifist, ie: Not a good soldier! So if somehow they made me fight, then not unless the enemy side had killed/ captured friends and family.

Oh, in a game, yes.


New member
Jan 6, 2010
Oh I voted too early.. should've read "in videogames, not RL". Though I'd shoot 'em in both cases :D


New member
Mar 28, 2010
Video games:yea, sure. why not?

real-life: damn right I would, war of attrition baby!

Jabberwock xeno

New member
Oct 30, 2009
In a game?

Of course.

There is not a downside to doing so, but a benefit.

In real life, it depends, but the matter of me in a war shooting people is a whole issue in itself.


New member
Mar 23, 2004
In a game? Yes I'll kill every mofo I can.

Real life? Probably not, although it entirely would depend on the circumstances...


New member
Oct 27, 2010
kortin said:
razelas said:
I'm not talking about Gears of War where soldiers just tap the wounded guy and they're in, or downing a guy and using him as bait. I'm talking about, in the heat of the moment, 2-3 enemy soldiers hauling some wounded soldier out of your gunsights. Or 2 unprotected enemies (with medic red crosses) carrying a wounded guy in a stretcher. I'm not sure if any game has this feature, besides the up and coming Battlefield 3 (and even then it's only person dragging the guy).

Tbh, I would probably hesitate, especially if I heard the wounded guy screaming.

[sub]Edit[/sub] Poll is a bit glitchy...

[sub]Edit2[/sub] I'm not talking about in real life, just in video games.
well damn buddy. You had a nice moral choice topic goin on. In video games there aren't any morals, so shooting them is a must because, chances are unless they're dead, you can't continue to the next objective
razelas said:
You see, that's one of the things I want to know: do people still act according to their morals in video games as they would in real life?
I'd imagine that video games would be the only way to place most people on the Escapist in that situation anyway.


New member
May 9, 2010
If it's a game then yeah, unless I was roleplaying, wich is hardly the case with FPS games.

Remeber kids, it's only wrong if you get caught.


New member
Oct 14, 2010
yes, then I'd shoot the wounded guy immediately after.

cruel? probably. safer? most definitely

silver wolf009

Jan 23, 2010
I know this tactic, for I have used it many times. Hurt a man, make him bleed, make him call out for help... then kill those who come.
-Crazy African Death Squad Member, Predators.

In real life, proably not, but in a game, sure. Gun em down.

mad825 said:
Video games:yea, sure. why not?

real-life: damn right I would, war of attrition baby!
In a war of attrition, you want to not only let the enemy live, but you want to let the wounded live to. It costs a lot more to keep a man alive then it does to put a man in the ground.


New member
Apr 11, 2011
Haydyn said:
In war, any mercy you show threatens the lives of your side. Sure, it's nice to have some cooperation with the enemy, but at the end of the day they are trying to kill you. I'm not questioning war crimes, but rules are meant to be broken, and at strategic times.

Look back to when Egland and France were fighting over the the New World. Here's the Brits, all lined up perfectly in line formation. And here's the Natives and the French hiding in trees like Ninjas shooting the fuck out of them.

America's army wears camo, as opposed to the majority of history's armies, which almost never used worn equipment for the sake of stealth. I personally would rather wear something more flashy or badass, but you should always take any opportunity to increase your chances of victory.

I wouldn't kill a medic or the wounded. Not all soldiers medics help get back into combat. Statistically speaking, ammo is better off being directed at other soldiers, or the soldiers helping the wounded. I know it seems cruel to treat people with lives and families so harshly, but their objective is to kill people with lives and families.

All this talk about war is killing my buzz. Let's bust of the hippieness.
Just gonna put it out there, but France still lost that war. (French-Indian War, in case you're curious) Both in the Colonies, and in Europe (where it is known as the 7 years War)


New member
Oct 4, 2007
I have to admit, the level of responses in this thread have really amazed and disappointed me. I don't mind all the "sure, in a game" comments, and I acknowledge many of you would kill for your country, but still...

The Long Road

New member
Sep 3, 2010
The only exception I would make is if I was fighting a legitimate, uniformed military who is abiding by the Geneva Conventions. Then I would not shoot the medics. Otherwise, if it's just a couple of grunts hauling off an enemy infantryman, they're all targets. If they hide out of my line of fire, I'll call for some mortars or a SMAW man.

It's not easy to justify shooting someone who is helping a wounded man, but then I think "If the situation was reversed, would they spare me?" Then it becomes far simpler.


New member
Aug 12, 2010
You don't shoot medics in war. It's a universal agreement between first world countries. It's a war crime that could lead to even bigger problems for the countries that do it.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
In the case of a clearly signified medic helping, no.

Unfortunately, from what I hear, in the heat of battle it's not always easy to determine what's happening in such situations.
When you've been trained to fight the enemy and you're rushing headlong into battle, missiles of whatever type (bullets, arrows/bolts, explosive shells, etc) are wizzing past you, much of the time I'm sure it's all too easy to get caught up in the moment and just attack on instinct rather than hesitate and risk being killed yourself.

In all honesty, I'm not much of a fighter in that sense, so I can't really tell what I would do in such a situation. If there was someone left screaming in pain without medical aid or companions to help them, the most I would offer is a mercy killing... though knowing me, if it were a situation where it was just me and the wounded, enemy or not, I'd probably end up doing what I could to help them rather than just kill them.