Poll: XBOX 360 or PS3??


New member
Feb 16, 2011
I say ps3 and this is more so because I own a PS3 and I do not regret my decision. I am not trying to be biased but if you have friends with either a 360 and/or a PS3 then you should test some of their games to help you better choose which one YOU would rather have.

Both systems have great exclusives and they both have online gameplay, PS3 has a blu ray player if that is something that you care about.

Both have communities (sadly I am not really good at giving info on either)


Insert one-liner here.
Sep 13, 2010
If it was me, id put up with waiting for another 2 years or so and get something in the next console generation. The WiiU doesnt look unreasonably shit, at least not yet. And my theory is that the PS4 will come with its own coal-fired power plant.

If youre somehow desperate, research games available on both consoles, including exclusives, and compose a top 10 list of games you want to play, the console you want more is the one with that can play those games, or in the event that the number is equal, either the cheaper option or expanding your list to 20.

By the way, in the event that it doesnt get ported to PC, Dark Souls, get it.


New member
Oct 25, 2010
Depends on what you're looking for.

A big, dedicated gaming community focussed mostly on shooters like Gears of War, etc.? Go XboX360.

Want a versatile multimedia platform that also supports great games (according to metacritic, overall higher rated games than XboX360 btw), that doesn't focus on shooters but has stuff like Heavy Rain, etc. too. Go.

I solely went for PS3 at the time to play InFamous. It was worth it. I wouldn't buy XboX360 for the paid online features alone. That, plus the fact that I have a gaming PC. Most games that release on both a console and PC release on XboX360, so they're complementary.


New member
May 24, 2011
I vote 360, simply because of the controller and the online community. I can't stand the controller for the PS3 and even though it costs money xbox live is a better online marketplace and experience then the PS3. Also the PS3 has WAY to many updates for the system


New member
Mar 18, 2009
PS3 has a lot more features and free online play, Xbox is a lot more user-friendly and has a bigger community. That's really all there is to decide from.

I probably play both equally, but I slightly prefer the PS3 because of the features. But that's slight, so don't take that as a recommendation.


New member
Nov 6, 2011
TechieBoy said:
All this talk about 'exclusives!' so now I think it is

Gears of Wars 3 vs Uncharted 3
Who wins the 'exclusive' war?
I have played both and I can not recommend one or the other. Uncharted is pretty. Gears of war is well Gears of War. There is better exclusives for both if you ask me. Overall I use my PS3 more so I guess I will vote that way but they are mostly the same thing.


New member
Jan 19, 2011
...oooh bait

Seriously this is such an old question
Fan Baiting really

Point is both have their strong and weak points and one has to decide based upon those what is better for YOU. YOU as in PERSON..

With the PS3 you get a blu-ray player certain exclusives and a pretty smooth console. Network wise it is not as good as Xbox Live though.

With Xbox you get other exclusives and you get Live. One of the better if not best game/content networks around. On the other hand HD video? it only has a DVD player so you are stuck with either an external HDD, streaming over the network or services like Netflix

And yes even though netflix can offer HD content.. it is never as good as original blu-ray. It can't! There is not enough bandwidth for that.

In short make your choices...


New member
Nov 10, 2009
Wow, Poll is currently exactly 50/50. Guess this is helping a lot, eh OP?

Actually, with all the comments it probably is, but I still find it funny.

Edit: oh, and PS3 has infamous 1 and 2, which is pretty cool.

Anthony Wells

New member
May 28, 2011
my only reason for you getting a ps3 is that when you sign up for playstation network we could become friends and play online. or something along those lines. i personally think it has a much better variety of games I like..but the games i like are not necessarily the games YOU like.

Chicago Ted

New member
Jan 13, 2009
TechieBoy said:
All this talk about 'exclusives!' so now I think it is

Gears of Wars 3 vs Uncharted 3
Who wins the 'exclusive' war?
I own both consoles, and if I had to choose between the two, in my opinion it's pretty easy, Gears takes the cake on comparison. While the animation and graphics for Uncharted are great, it just doesn't have the gameplay to keep me interested. The way Nathan reacts to the world around him when taking cover and running around and such is far better than in Gears, but I find Gears to be far more entertaining and replayable, especially the third with Horde and Beast mode online. Then again, I haven't yet played the third Uncharted, but I doubt after playing the first two that I would come around to it.

That said, there are some other PS3 exclusives that I do prefer. Ratchet and Clank and Shadow of the Colossus are the first two that spring to the front of my mind. I would also recommend Killzone 2 (haven't played the third of this one either) if you have a good TV. I'm not that big for graphics, but every time I play Killzone 2, my mind is just completely blown away by the quality. That said, this is where most of my recommendations end, adding on as well that I found the Resistance series (for the third time now, didn't play the third but played the first two) was nothing special and actually rather dull, and Heavy Rain was a lot more fun with me and a friend giving our own MST3K commentary on top of it.

Overall though, I feel most titles are better on the 360 due to a combination of Live being superior to PSN, the controller for the 360 feeling much more comfortable to me, and because there aren't enough PS3 exclusives to fully win me over. Maybe you'd enjoy it better than me, but I haven't turned the thing on for longer than I can remember.


New member
Aug 12, 2009
Okay, I've got an iMac, a very decent PC, a Wii, an X360 and a PS3.
My advice?

Buy a PS2, seriously, that "2" is not a typo. The console is cheap, the games are cheap and the line-up is just amazing. You'll find a handful of must-play games no matter what genre you're looking for (except MMO and RTS, obviously).

But, since that's not the answer you're looking for, let me give you the rundown:

If you like shooting stuff. And racing, I suppose. Personally, I think the console is bleeding. Badly. Back in the day, it had all the big games and exclusives: Lost Odyssey, Mass Effect, Gears of War, Halo, Eternal Sonata, Blue Dragon, Infinite Undiscovery, etc. Sadly (or thankfully) quite a few "once exclusives" have gone multi-platform (Eternal Sonata, BioShock, Mass Effect, Star Ocean 4), and most newly released games are multi-platform anyway. So there's not a lot of incentive left. Also, Mistwalker hasn't released a decent game for the X360 in years, Rare is doing Kinect games and Bungie... Was is Bungie doning these days?

Also, remember, controllers don't come with built-in lithium batteries, so you'll have to buy a sack of AA-batteries. Or shovel over some extra dough for a charger pack. Oh, and if you're planning to upgrade your HDD, be warned. It doesn't just take any type of HDD, you have to buy special ones that cost at least three times more than a normal HDD.

Just throwing it out there, their online service got hacked and they didn't handle it well. I don't use my credit card, so no worries for me, but it's not because it doesn't affect me that it isn't a serious flaw worth mentioning. But, besides that, it has a blu-ray driver and a pretty decent game library, with games such as: LittleBigPlanet, Uncharted, Resistance, Ratchet & Clank, God Of War and InFamous.

Fun facts: you don't pay to play online, controllers come with built-in lithium batteries and you can replace the HDD with any other 2.5-inch SATA notebook hard disk. I myself shoved half a gig right in there. Quite nice.

And sometimes necessary as well. Where the X360 will often give you the option to install some game data to make the game run faster, on the PS3, it's often mandatory. So yeah, that can be an annoyance when you buy a new game and want to get right into the action.

Just look at the game library and decide for yourself, Halo or Killzone, Resistance or Gears of War. Viva Pinata or LittleBigPlanet. InFamous or Lost Odyssey... wow, that last one wasn't even close to making sense. Personally though, I have gotten much more out of my PS3 than my X360 (especially after my first one red ringed on me, devilish bastard).


New member
Nov 11, 2010
I would recommend the PS3 but only because the exclusives are better (in my opinion) such as inFamous, Uncharted, Demon Souls, and LittleBigPlanet. Plus, I grew up with the PS2 controller so the XBox 360 controller just doesn't feel as nice as the PS3 controller. To be fair I play mostly single player games on my PS3 because I do believe the online is better on the XBox 360 so if that's your thing then go ahead and get a 360 (basically I buy single player games on my PS3 and games I plan to play online for my 360). To be fair though I haven't been playing online games on my 360 since I upgraded my PC.


New member
Dec 29, 2009
TechieBoy said:
Hi friends! I have been saving money for the past few months and now I have enough money to buy myself a new gaming console. I want to buy either XBOX360 or a PS3. So which console should I buy? Which console has a greater and better variety of game? Please suggest with a reason.
my vote would be for ps3, but thats mainly because i prefer single player over multiplayer. thats not to say 360 doesnt have good single player games, but they seem to focus on multiplayer more than sony does. id say if you like multiplayer or shooters, go with 360. if you prefer single player and are more of an rpg person, go with ps3. or just look at the exclusives so see which one has more titles that appeal to you. personally though, i wouldnt get either. considering they will be announcing their new consoles this year, it seems a little late in the game to buy a new one. you said you have a gaming pc, id personally just stick with that for now and save your money for the new consoles (since they will probably cost at least $800)

also, holy crap ps3 is winning? only by a hair but its still surprising, i always thought this site had significantly more 360 fans than ps3 fans


Muse of Fate
Sep 1, 2010
The PS3 is the easy choice unless you LOVE Halo and Gears. Just look at the exclusives from last year, PS3 vs 360. Sony owns more development studios than both Nintendo and Microsoft combined, that's why the PS3 has so many 1st party games. Then, look at the PS3 exclusives for this year [http://www.ps3center.net//article/597/2012-ps3-exclusives-by-release-date/]. The Last Guardian is going to be one of the very best games this gen. Plus, PSN is just as good as Live, outside of the hacking incident Live has probably had more downtime than PSN. And, Sony actually GIVES you stuff of buying into PS+ like free games and discounts. Whereas Microsoft just WITHHOLDS stuff from you like online gaming (that you already paid for when you bought the game), Netflix (you pay Netflix for Netflix, why pay M$ for it?), and free stuff like Facebook. You can use Facebook for free on the PS3 browser, you can use Netflix without PS+, and you can play online for free, which is the way it should be because almost every game is peer-to-peer, neither Sony nor M$ incur any bandwidth costs when you play a game like COD online. Lastly, Sony actually runs dedicated servers for several games like Warhawk, Resistance, Killzone, MAG, etc. I think Gears3 is the only 360 exclusive with dedicated servers. I don't understand why people just give their money to M$ for literally no reason.


New member
Jan 31, 2010
My vote is for Sony, but not for the usual reasons you read in these threads.

I'll tell you why though - my experience with Sony in the Customer Service area has never been anything less than absolutely stellar.

When my original PS2 broke down about 10 days after the warranty expired, I phoned them to find out how much this was likely to cost. They extended my warranty by a month, meaning I was covered under warranty. The girl on the phone said they did this because "it wasn't fair for me to lose out for the sake of a few days".

A courier arrived on a motorbike the next morning to take away my broken machine, and replace it with a brand shiny new slim PS2.

When that finally died on me, looong after it was out warranty, I got a reconditioned one direct from them (that came with some sort of warranty too) that lasted me another 2 years until I got my PS3.

When PSN went down last year, there were Sony Execs publicly apologising and when it came back up they gave away a bunch of free shit - and I know some people think it was crap they gave away - which was unusual in itself. Most modern corporations wouldn't even consider giving away the sort of content Sony did. I already had some of the games available, but I still scored out of it. Even if I hadn't, the fact that they never said "not our fault, guv'nor" and actually made that kind of gesture still impressed me. It was a genuine attempt to welcome back customers after their own fuck up.

And just last week, the short version of a long story is that they moved heaven and earth to get me a code for a PSN card. They had a couple of deals on that I really wanted to take advantage of, but my bank had messed up with my new card and it was blocking it for security reasons. After I ended up locked out of putting funds into my PSN account for 7 days due to all the refusals (despite a bunch of calls to the bank to get the block lifted, which they kept assuring me they had done, when they hadn't!), a very helpful chap at Sony found a way to accept a payment for a £25 voucher. Considering it wasn't even Sony's fault, they were a fantastic help.

On the other hand, my few dealings with MS Customer Service have only been occasional, but while they've never done anything particularly bad (or at least, no worse than any other major company), they've also never done anything that's made me feel like a really, properly, important paying customer. Like they actually care, because you know, I buy the products that keep them in business!

For those reasons, and no others, Sony have my loyalty as a customer.


New member
Nov 17, 2008
As a person who's got numerous consoles who've all lasted for a while I can't say avoid the 360 enough since 7 of them died for me despite the PS3 purchased at the same time still working even though it also acted as a BR/DVD player. My friend also had 2 fail on him, DVD and a RRoD, my other friend suffered 2 RRoDs as well.


New member
Feb 25, 2010
I would easily recommend the PS3 over the 360. There are a lot of reasons why, but the main one is this: I bought my PS3 about the same time I bought my 360. My 360(s) broke and had to be replaced two times in that space of time. My PS3 is still going strong.


New member
Oct 14, 2011
I would recommend the PS3 because my Xbox360 broke in about 2 months. got a new one last year and that broke as well. lost faith in Microsoft after that. the Xbox community IS larger due because it's popular, but you have to pay for XBLA. where as PSN is free.