Poll: XBOX 360 or PS3??


New member
Jan 19, 2011
TechieBoy said:
So the final verdict is PS3??
The final verdict is what you decide really

Both are very equal and yes it really means the difference is in the games. So read reviews of the games, what game would you like to play. And look at the different types of games out there.

Self as PS3 owner I found that yes I might had to wait a year or so for a title to come to me. BUT .. the PS3 has indeed quite a few first party studios and their games are interesting! The PS3 has very good exclusives and if something does it well on the Xbox.. it usually ends up a year later on the PS3 anyway. Unless it is microsoft First Party owned. Then again Fable III, not sure if I ever want to play that.

In the end really it is up to you :)

Both are great both have networks you can play on and both have great exclusives and games out there. Not an easy choice :) And with the xbox 360 slim ... it might actually be trustable hardware this time. I am owning a PS3 for years but I definitely am looking at the neighbour. I just need enough reasons.. enough games.
Mar 30, 2010
TechieBoy said:
Hi friends! I have been saving money for the past few months and now I have enough money to buy myself a new gaming console. I want to buy either XBOX360 or a PS3. So which console should I buy? Which console has a greater and better variety of game? Please suggest with a reason.
For the record I have a 360, but I would say it's largely a matter of personal preference. There are ups and downs to both systems, so I suppose the question that settles it is: "which ones do your friends have?" There's no point buying a PS3 if most of your friends own 360s, and vice versa. Get the system that'll allow to game with your mates the most.


New member
Dec 18, 2010
I own both systems and I spend a lot more time on my 360. The PS3 has some good games but between the horrible update system and almost everyone I know having a 360, it's not my primary system. In the end I'm a big proponent of "why choose?". From a technical stand point they are very close and with the exception of a few PS3 exclusive all the games look exactly alike graphically. I also like/trust Xbox live way more than Sony's online system. But I think it should come down to what you want out of it. Do your friends have Xbox's or PS3's? Do you like to play multiplayer games? Do you want or need a Blu-ray player? And which are you more interested in, Halo and Gears of War or Uncharted and Killzone? If your a racer you have also have Forza 4 on 360 which several reviews will say is better than Gran Turismo 5 and the new standard in racing games. I love Forza 4 and don't have Gran Turismo 5 so I can't compare them.


New member
Oct 5, 2009
Honestly, while I like both, I do own a PS3, and I just bought one, and I like it a lot more. Free online, and I like the fact that I can go on the internet and just browse. Also, Blu-Ray. And Media Servers.

Slash Dementia

New member
Apr 6, 2009
Pick what you wish, but I voted Xbox 360. Mainly, it's because of how user friendly it is and how familiar I was with the original Xbox. I've tried the PS3 quite a bit of times, but I cannot get used to it, and I don't really care for exclusives on either side, though I enjoy playing Halo because it's very simple.

Get what you're familiar with. If you have had a PS2 before, get a PS3. If you had an Xbox, get a 360. Also, just get what your friends have if you didn't get any of the prior consoles.
Dec 21, 2011
TechieBoy said:
BTW I liked the review and gameplay videos of Uncharted 3 a lot so should I go for a ps3?
I am a major PS enthusiast and so would advise you to go PS3.

However, DO NOT buy a PS3 just for Uncharted. They're exciting and visually-spectacular, but not much more.

I would still say PS3 has more to offer than Xbox 360, because the 360 will be dead within 2 years but the PS3 has years of play left.

The best titles are just starting to come out, so jump on the PS3 bandwagon!


New member
Apr 11, 2011
Depends on your tastes really.

The only real differences between the two are the PS3's blu-ray and controller design. The XBox controller design lends itself more to shooters whilst the PS3 handles fighting games better with it's segmented directional pad. The Blu-ray function of the PS3 allows games to be on a single disc rather than two or three dvds.

The PS3 offers a free online service alongside a subscription based premium member, whilst the XBox is paid subscription only meaning you must pay to access online services.

Back at the beginning of this console generation the 360 was the best product you could buy, but now that Sony has polished it's online service the only true advantage it has left is exclusives most of which are also available on PC.


New member
Jul 8, 2011
Arqus_Zed said:
Buy a PS2, seriously, that "2" is not a typo. The console is cheap, the games are cheap and the line-up is just amazing. You'll find a handful of must-play games no matter what genre you're looking for (except MMO and RTS, obviously).
I agree with this, then again a PS 2 can be emulated on a PC so YMMV. Between the two PS and Xbox? Would go for the latter if only because the kinect does funky stuff on a PC.


New member
Sep 22, 2009
1. Welcome to the Escapist, don't go in the basement.
2. VS threads are generally frowned upon.
3. A google search of "360 vs PS3 + Escapist Forums" would have given you your answer.

4. Get what your friends all have. If you don't have friends/your friends don't have either/your friends have both get which ever has better exclusives.

I'd recommend a 360 because, unless you want a BluRay player or are into the exclusives on PS3, it seems to stack up better. It's got better online in my experience, a better UI (although it's gone downhill since the latest update) and games tend to be less buggy as Devs tend to develop for the lowest spec platform (360) and then port to the others. The last point is pretty much moot as I've only seen it come up once or twice and never experienced it myself, it's always patched to fix it and PC is generally better than both though.

TL;DR: Welcome. Search bar: use it. Just get a 360.


Feb 22, 2009
I have both. I prefer the system that has the playable version of my favourite game. *insert trollface here* No, but on a serious note I do prefer the Xbox and I'm not biased. I have more friends to play with, I think the software is better, I prefer the controller and I prefer the exclusives. I'd choose Halo over Uncharted any day. That's just my opinion. :)


New member
Jan 17, 2011
It depends on what kinds of exclusives you want. Xbox has some good ones (Halo), Playstation has some good ones (...Little Big Planet? Honestly, I hate most PS exclusives except that and Heavy Rain, which are both really overpriced).

Oh, but Playstation does have Demon's Souls. Both systems have the sequel, Dark Souls, but every single person should play Demon's Souls just once, because it's easily in my top 3 favorite games of all time. That said, I don't even have a Playstation 3, yet I own a copy of Demon's Souls. That's how often I play it whenever I go to a friend's house. It's that good.

Regarding the hardware, they're both pretty similar, but each has a couple of things that top the other. The 360 caches its memory as one block of 512mb, while the PS3 caches it as 2 256mb ones. This means that Skyrim on the PS3 runs out of memory far quicker than the 360, yielding tons and tons of lag once you get far enough in the game. That said, the 360 version will eventually face the same problems, it will just take longer to reach that point.

PS3 discs are blu-ray and can store a lot more on the disc than the 360 discs.

The various PS3s are a possible point of contention, too. Some of them support backwards-compatibility, some don't at all. The originals allow you to install Linux onto it, then Sony removed that feature entirely (last I checked), and even removed this feature from the OLD PS3s via update. These two could be possibly frustrating.

I, personally, can't stand the Playstation controller. At all. It's the worst controller for holding in your hand since...shit, it's even more uncomfortable to hold than an N64 controller, and that's saying something. However, they now have some Playstation controllers SHAPED like 360 controllers, removing that issue for those with the cash.

Regarding live/such, updates for the 360 are way, wayyy faster and less likely to poop out midway through compared to the PS3, the PS3's is obviously free, but the 360 has a larger community and rarely has any downtime (any that is is because of the studio, not Live).

I'd say get what your friends have. I'm still annoyed at a few friends for buying the PS3 Dark Souls, when I have the 360 one. Even though we found out later that we wouldn't really be able to play together, because the server you join is randomized at start-up, since we all have 360s but only half of us have PS3s...

Play whatever lets you play with the most people that you know. But don't ever play Gears. I'm a 360 gamer, but that game is boring as hell and sets gamer stereotypes back 10 years easily. I find Killzone/Resistance/Uncharted/God Of War to be just as boring, and other than that, you just have niche titles as exclusives, like Heavy Rain or Demon's Souls.


New member
Nov 11, 2008
I have a PS3 (and a gaming rig) and I don't regret my decision at all. I don't really play online as often, nor have a large group of friends that I play with online, so I don't feel as if the 360 community would serve me well. I like the fact that I can upgrade my HDD any time I want, without having to pay a extra because it's proprietary. I also LOVE the fact that I don't have to buy batteries!

As for games, I play things like Demon's Souls, BlazBlue, Killzone 3, Uncharted, and Vanguard (amazing game). Gears of War never appealed to me for some reason, and I've played it on a friends Xbox. I honestly don't see any overwhelming reason to have an Xbox over PS3. There are more decent games (IMO) on the PS3, so that's what I got it for.


New member
Apr 3, 2010
The decision is a pretty big no-brainer.
X-Box charges for patches, they charge for multiplayer, they even charge for bug fixes.
Microsoft just doesn't care, and it shows. But as long as people continue buying their games and gold memberships they will continue to charge through the nose for things which Playstation and Wii have for free.
X-Box; Not even once.

If you have to buy a console then get the PS3, even the Wii is better than the X-Box.


New member
Jan 17, 2011
srm79 said:
360 gamer here, I can say that Microsoft's customer service is kinda shit. I don't think that that affects my, er, "side," but I can see how it could be a tipping point.


New member
Jan 17, 2011
Anthan said:
The decision is a pretty big no-brainer.
X-Box charges for patches, they charge for multiplayer, they even charge for bug fixes.
Microsoft just doesn't care, and it shows. But as long as people continue buying their games and gold memberships they will continue to charge through the nose for things which Playstation and Wii have for free.
X-Box; Not even once.

If you have to buy a console then get the PS3, even the Wii is better than the X-Box.
They charge for patches/bug fixes? The fuck are you on about?

If you have an actual argument against Microsoft, then use it. Lying outright, though, amounts to libel. Microsoft does not charge for patches or bug fixes. Gold membership basically gets you multiplayer, which includes the ability to use Netflix/Facebook.

(This is now in response to something else I read further up) Netflix/Facebook alone cost nothing more if you have gold (other than the normal Netflix subscription). To say that Microsoft "charges" for Facebook/Netflix is misrepresentation/omission at best, since no one (very very few people) is(are) going to not have gold for the multiplayer but still want to use the Facebook.


New member
Feb 17, 2011
PS3 has the more interesting exclusives like Uncharted, MGS4 etc.

For 360, most of its games can be found on PC or PS3 with the exception of Halo and GoW.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2008
If you read all the comments it pretty much boils down to I like _____ more for it's exclusives, controller and online.

I like Disgaea and Valkyrie Chronicles, a controller that fits in my tiny hands, and not paying for online so I'd say PS3. If you like shooters, have gorilla hands and enjoy paying for a better online experience I'd say go with an Xbox.

Or listen to this guy.
Arqus_Zed said:
Okay, I've got an iMac, a very decent PC, a Wii, an X360 and a PS3.
My advice?

Buy a PS2, seriously, that "2" is not a typo. The console is cheap, the games are cheap and the line-up is just amazing. You'll find a handful of must-play games no matter what genre you're looking for (except MMO and RTS, obviously).
