Poll: XBOX 360 or PS3??


Noisy Lurker
Jul 16, 2008
I find it hard to recommend anything since you have a PC. Through gritted teeth I'll say the PS3 though.

I got a 360 thinking it could offer some alternate angles of entertainment from my PC, and it ended up shoved in a closet for the last 2 years. At best, it's a PC that treats you like an idiot. At worst, it's a PC without anything that makes PC gaming great.

I know if I got the PS3, it would end up the same way. There's a chance that like many other people I know, it could just get used as a Blu-Ray player instead of stashed. That is if I felt inclined to support Sony. They are scum as far as I'm concerned, so that alone is enough to keep me from buying.


~ Struck by a Smooth Criminal ~
Mar 28, 2011

Free online, free games, more exclusives, PS2 classics, good community, blu-ray, built-in hard drive, good family games, emphasis on user-created content, etc, etc, etc.

Loads of stuff. Plus, you don't have to worry about it breaking every 4 months!

Forlong said:
Top rated Xbox 360 exclusives:
Mass Effect 2
Mass Effect 2 was re-released for PS3 with an interactive backstory comic for Mass Effect 1 and with all story-based dlc excluding Arrival

Just thought I'd point that out.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
other than gears and halo..what other exclusives dose the 360 have that are worth mentioning? (Im really not trying ot start a flamewar..I geniously curious because they were the only two I coudl think of off the top of my heads)

I got a PS3 because of uncharted and I really couldnt justify getting a 360

I am dissapointed that I couldnt play gears of war..but *shrug* thats what you get


Oct 5, 2011
United States
Vault101 said:
other than gears and halo..what other exclusives dose the 360 have that are worth mentioning? (Im really not trying ot start a flamewar..I geniously curious because they were the only two I coudl think of off the top of my heads)

I got a PS3 because of uncharted and I really couldnt justify getting a 360

I am dissapointed that I couldnt play gears of war..but *shrug* thats what you get
Crackdown, Dead Rising and Fable if you're into that kind of thing. The first saints row also...I think. We used to have Mass Effect but then that got released on PS3. I'm not mad that everyone can experience that awesome game now, but I'm a little pissed that PS3 gamers have a slightly lager library now while the 360's stays the same and I would appreciate it if a PS3 exclusive went cross platform, come on PS3 developers you've got some good exclusives, throw some our way we've got money, Hell I've always wanted to play Infamous.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
erttheking said:
Vault101 said:
other than gears and halo..what other exclusives dose the 360 have that are worth mentioning? (Im really not trying ot start a flamewar..I geniously curious because they were the only two I coudl think of off the top of my heads)

I got a PS3 because of uncharted and I really couldnt justify getting a 360

I am dissapointed that I couldnt play gears of war..but *shrug* thats what you get
Crackdown, Dead Rising and Fable if you're into that kind of thing. The first saints row also...I think. We used to have Mass Effect but then that got released on PS3. I'm not mad that everyone can experience that awesome game now, but I'm a little pissed that PS3 gamers have a slightly lager library now while the 360's stays the same and I would appreciate it if a PS3 exclusive went cross platform, come on PS3 developers you've got some good exclusives, throw some our way we've got money, Hell I've always wanted to play Infamous.
ahh..ok that makes sense

well mass effect and fable were on PC (not fable 2 however) I'm not intered in fable

I think a PC and a PS3 make for a nice all round gaming set-up...though one msut deal with the issue of "ports"

dont know about the first dead rising
Mar 26, 2008
There's very little that separates the two now. I'd go for the Xbox 360 because I prefer the controller and also because XBL is a more robust experience than PSN.

Granted the PS3 has great exclusives, but none of them bar Uncharted 3 did anything for me.

Trippy Turtle

Elite Member
May 10, 2010
Well before reach I would have said Xbox 360 just for Halo. I still think Xbox but you should get Xbox live if you are going to get it. I could never switch just because I would hate the controller for PS3 and you have to be in the game to talk to people.
Also xbox live isn't full of 12 year olds and stuff like people say, if you play the right games you get the right people.


New member
Nov 7, 2010
TechieBoy said:
Hi friends! I have been saving money for the past few months and now I have enough money to buy myself a new gaming console. I want to buy either XBOX360 or a PS3. So which console should I buy? Which console has a greater and better variety of game? Please suggest with a reason.
Well it appears the people have spoken - PS3 :)

It really should be about the games you want, and which does/doesn't have it, for racing for example you have Forza 4 for 360 or GT5 for PS3, so if you liked racing games, you should probably go for PS3.

Anyway, that's just one example, go find some games you like, many will be on both.

If its all about the console, having owned both, I know for a fact that the PS3 is far and away a better console - however much that is worth.

-1080p display (360 is 720p only)
-internal power supply (360 has a giant brick)
-wireless controls with RECHARGABLE batteries (360 uses AAs and really fast)
-Blu-ray player (360 plays DVDs and HD-DVDs (now dead) with add-on sold seperately)
-free online (360 costs $100 odd a year, is superior, technically, since its run by microsoft)
-non-playstation upgradable hdd (microsoft forces you to buy from them)
-more reliable (YLOD occurs far less than RROD)

Again, all irrelevant if you like the games on the 360 more. Personally, there was nothing on there for me that I liked, that was exclusive, so I swapped. I would've bought a PS3 in the first place, but my brother already had one, so his idea was we can get all the exclusives from both, when it turned out I didn't like any of the exclusives and neither did he, I traded, so I could play PS3 whenever I wanted - best console swap I ever made, even better than trading my Gamecube for a PS2.

Let us know what you decide - oh, and maybe wait a bit, a PS4 might be coming, not sure though (if the consoles are cheap enough, may as well).


New member
Jun 22, 2010
Having both my PS3 is used more for exclusives, I prefer the XBOX interface and the controller as well as the community. However here are some things you may want to take into account when deciding.

Halo is better than Killzone
Forza is better than GT5
inFamous is better than Crackdown
Gears and Uncharted are pretty much the same
God of War is better than Ninja Gaiden
PS3 has a shit ton of platformers including Little Big Planet, Ratchet and Clank, Sly Cooper and Jak and Daxter
XBOX has a better controller (IMO) even though it requires batteries
Microsoft is not run by assholes unlike Sony
Kinect is more origional than Move
PSN is free but not as good as XBOX live
PS3 has blue-ray
PS3 has more exclusives
XBOX is not as unreliable as people say it is, in my experience my PS3 has had more problems with it than my XBOX. First PS3 died and one of my mates is currently on his 3rd PS3 for the same reason. RROD was caused by using un-leaded solder so when it got hot parts would fall out, has been fixed.
Heavy Rain is shit


New member
Jan 10, 2012
It is xbox 44.4%
and ps3 55.6% for now...
I am totally confused...
I think I should focus on games I like and buy a console according to the games as most of you are suggesting. The PS3 is the choice for me right now so let the suggestions keep coming.
I will make up my mind soon....


Dec 3, 2010
I own both and prefer the PS3 a damn lot more than the 360(over 80 PS3 games compared to my 15(?) 360).
Still, we can't decide for you. Check the exclusives and decide which side you'd rather be on. If you love shooters and multiplayer FPS more than anything 360 is probably best.

Also, you gotta have a HD TV and a HDMI wire for the PS3. Not sure if you already know, or if it's been mentioned, but I thought I'd throw it out there. Got pretty disappointed when I tried to connect my PS3 to the old widescreen in the livingroom and it wouldn't work.
HD-Ready is NOT HD!!1

Now I got a 42" HD TV and it's fucking amazing.


New member
Jun 16, 2010
TechieBoy said:
It is xbox 44.4%
and ps3 55.6% for now...
I am totally confused...
I think I should focus on games I like and buy a console according to the games as most of you are suggesting. The PS3 is the choice for me right now so let the suggestions keep coming.
I will make up my mind soon....
ok heres my two cents. I play my 360 more then my PS3, this is because i can replay most of my 360 games and still have fun were as once i beat one of my PS3 games theres no reason to replay them. Now i must say the PS3 games are much better in terms of getting you sucked in but thats a really big dubble edged sword as once you get done with the game theres no reason to replay it as you know how it end so the mistery is gone. now on the other hand the 360 is not as good as the PS3 in the awe factor but it is good at haveing games you dont mind replaying.

personally i say get them both if you can (shouldnt be too hard 360s are only $100 at gamestop) but if you cant the 360 will keep you ocupied longer and seeing as its cheaper youll be able to buy more games for it when you get it.(oh and avoid the kinect its not worth it)

hope this helps:)

Adam Galli

New member
Nov 26, 2010
Personally I would go with the 360. You need to look at the exclusive titles. I like the 360 because it has Gears of War and Alan Wake.


New member
Feb 24, 2011
If you already have a decent PC, I would suggest PS3 because you'll never see PS3 exclusives ported over to PC.

Both system's great though. But PS3 is my personal choice.


New member
Mar 14, 2011
Another thing that's not been mentioned is the new Twisted Metal is coming for the PS3 mid February. I voted PS3 myself, but that's probably because I love my PS2 and the exclusives list for the PS3 is more diverse.

Though if you want to be lulzy and try to play RTS's on consoles you can get a 360 and play Halo Wars and LOTR The Battle for Middle Earth II


New member
Feb 24, 2011
Zykmiester said:
Having both my PS3 is used more for exclusives, I prefer the XBOX interface and the controller as well as the community. However here are some things you may want to take into account when deciding.

Halo is better than Killzone
Forza is better than GT5
inFamous is better than Crackdown
Gears and Uncharted are pretty much the same
God of War is better than Ninja Gaiden
PS3 has a shit ton of platformers including Little Big Planet, Ratchet and Clank, Sly Cooper and Jak and Daxter
XBOX has a better controller (IMO) even though it requires batteries
Microsoft is not run by assholes unlike Sony
Kinect is more origional than Move
PSN is free but not as good as XBOX live
PS3 has blue-ray
PS3 has more exclusives
XBOX is not as unreliable as people say it is, in my experience my PS3 has had more problems with it than my XBOX. First PS3 died and one of my mates is currently on his 3rd PS3 for the same reason. RROD was caused by using un-leaded solder so when it got hot parts would fall out, has been fixed.
Heavy Rain is shit
I know you're trying to be unbiased here but...
-Microsoft is just as much of an asshole Sony is
-Kinect is not as original as you think (if OP is considering it)
-Also even if you say Heavy Rain is shit (though I appreciated it) you neglected to mention shit Xbox exclusives.

Just say you like 360 more instead. Lot easier.


Dec 1, 2009
It really is going to boil down to your personal preference. I use my PS3 pretty much exclusivly. Why? I can tell you. I have a 360 and a wii, but they sort of collect dust.

I will almost always get the ps3 version of multi plats. Even though sometimes they are broken or worse than the 360. I am not too into gears, or halo, or many of the other xbox exclusives. So in the end it will come down to personal preference.

I would suggest looking at the games already out and the list of upcoming games and make your decision on that.

As far as the internet service goes. I have never noticed a difference between psn and xbl. Every game i play has people playing so the whole xbl has a larger crowd is lost on me. Also my psn service never is the crap people say it is, but thats just me and in my opinion they are just to similar to pick one over the other.

EDIT: I do love the blu-ray disc though. I have a big movie collection and the fact that the discs are pretty scratch resistant is awesome.


New member
Sep 18, 2011
The PS3 is a better deal (Microsoft will fuck your wallet for accessories), is stronger, and has free online. 360's have a history of planned obsolescence but possibly a wider library, however most of the library is shit with only a few gems sticking out.

You'd be stupid to not buy a PS3 at this point, the only reason 360 was so popular for so long was it's price point against how absurdly expensive PS3s were, but now thats no longer an issue so unless you absolutely need to play the now discontinued Gears of War and Halo series, and in that case I don't really care what you do because it's clear you have no taste.