Poll: Yet Another God Damn My Little Pony Thread


Bans for the Ban God~
Jun 10, 2010
Wuffykins said:
The Great Googly said:
I watched a couple clips of this show.

Its exactly like i expected. Its a kids showed made for 7-12 year old girls. Thats not an opinion either. Its a fact.

Outside of decent animation theres really no redeeming qualities. Its just a cartoon. Nothing more.

A cartoon for 7-12 year girls. Did i mention that yet?
*Yawn* Second time I get to post this in this thread.

Read the second paragraph of the larger post. Let the show's creator tell you how wrong you are.

Oh, and thank you for reminding us that you don't like the show. It keeps the thread alive and more are added to the herd because of it.

Care for a Brohoof moment?
I can always go for a good brohoof.

@The Great Googly: So you saw a "couple clips" and are therefore are fully enlightened to the show and all its contents? That's quite the gift, though it must really make seeing movies annoying, what with knowing how good they'll be by just watching the opening credits.


Bans for the Ban God~
Jun 10, 2010
The Great Googly said:
Radoh said:
Wuffykins said:
The Great Googly said:
I watched a couple clips of this show.

Its exactly like i expected. Its a kids showed made for 7-12 year old girls. Thats not an opinion either. Its a fact.

Outside of decent animation theres really no redeeming qualities. Its just a cartoon. Nothing more.

A cartoon for 7-12 year girls. Did i mention that yet?
*Yawn* Second time I get to post this in this thread.

Read the second paragraph of the larger post. Let the show's creator tell you how wrong you are.

Oh, and thank you for reminding us that you don't like the show. It keeps the thread alive and more are added to the herd because of it.

Care for a Brohoof moment?
I can always go for a good brohoof.

@The Great Googly: So you saw a "couple clips" and are therefore are fully enlightened to the show and all its contents? That's quite the gift, though it must really make seeing movies annoying, what with knowing how good they'll be by just watching the opening credits.
Watching even a couple minutes worth of this little girls show is asking a lot of any male over the age of 10.

Look i get it. You guys are so edgy and cool. Rebels even. Don't care what nobody thinks. Tough guys watching cartoon pony shows.

I'm impressed
Or more accurately, a person who hears a lot of good things about a show, then watches it to see that it is in fact, worth the hype.

It has never been about looking cool or edgy or being rebellious, its about a good show that garners attention on the laurels of it being good.

Irony's Acolyte

Back from the Depths
Mar 9, 2010
The Great Googly said:
This is a really obnoxious FAD that all these impressionable young sheep are latching onto.

The maturity level has gone down dramatically on the escapist lately.

Off-topic is mostly, "Recommend me an Anime" or ,"what is favorite MLP SQUEEEEEEEE?!"

So obnoxious. 2 Thumbs down.
Man, you tell it like it is. I mean all these "bronies" are just sheep going along with some internet. I mean it's not like anyone could actually like something that isn't directly targeted towards them. Because that would mean that they'd have to think for once.

And I mean the Escapist used to be so mature all the time. Nobody would post anything that didn't require some serious intellect to fully understand. It was always nothing but serious and mature topics in the Off-Topics section. Nobody would dare post anything as inane as "What's your favorite color" and even if they did it would immediately die anyway.

Good thing we have people like you around to set all them mindless drones straight, eh?


New member
May 8, 2010
The Great Googly said:
I watched a couple clips of this show.

Its exactly like i expected. Its a kids showed made for 7-12 year old girls. Thats not an opinion either. Its a fact.

Outside of decent animation theres really no redeeming qualities. Its just a cartoon. Nothing more.

A cartoon for 7-12 year girls. Did i mention that yet? I wonder what next weeks most super awesomest fad will be? Strawberry shortcake pogs maybe?
I don't know, Spongebob was supposed to be a fad. That show still gets, like, 5-7 million viewers daily. This show is on a relatively new and unknown network and hasn't even finished it first season and look at it. You have people writing 20 chapter fanfics, I'm not sure if that's good or bad, though.

Speaking of season 2, I want longer songs. No more 30 second short things, 2 minutes at least. I demand this, make it happen Lauren. Please, god, this show is all I have.


New member
Jun 21, 2010
The Great Googly said:
Watching even a couple minutes worth of this little girls show is asking a lot of any male over the age of 10. And as a person who isnt a complete idiot i am fully capable of understanding the basic premise of a show by catching a couple minutes of it. Two and a half men= sex jokes. MLP= Cute cartoon ponies. Duh?

Look i get it. You guys are so edgy and cool. Rebels even. Dont care what nobody thinks. Tough guys watching cartoon pony shows.

I for one am very impressed.
Nice edit. Reaaaaal classy.

Look, we get you don't like the show. Yet why is it you feel the need to keep commenting on that fact when this is obviously an impasse neither us nor you shall be settling anytime soon? I'm not trying to shove it down your throat, Radoh isn't. Is it really hard to just accept that and ignore a thread that's on MLP rather than continue such... bah, I'm not even going to bother with a descriptor.

Seriously, is it too hard to Keep Calm, Move Along and leave use Pony Fans in peace?


New member
Jun 9, 2009
The Great Googly said:
Watching even a couple minutes worth of this little girls show is asking a lot of any male over the age of 10. And as a person who isnt a complete idiot i am fully capable of understanding the basic premise of a show by catching a couple minutes of it. Two and a half men= sex jokes. MLP= Cute cartoon ponies. Duh?

Look i get it. You guys are so edgy and cool. Rebels even. Dont care what nobody thinks. Tough guys watching cartoon pony shows.

I for one am very impressed.
What you are, sir/madame, is annoying.

You're apparently not too busy to put down a show you've barely seen, so I imagine you have the time to sit through an episode before passing judgement. It is not "asking a lot."


New member
Apr 23, 2011
The Great Googly said:
Radoh said:
Wuffykins said:
The Great Googly said:
I watched a couple clips of this show.

Its exactly like i expected. Its a kids showed made for 7-12 year old girls. Thats not an opinion either. Its a fact.

Outside of decent animation theres really no redeeming qualities. Its just a cartoon. Nothing more.

A cartoon for 7-12 year girls. Did i mention that yet?
*Yawn* Second time I get to post this in this thread.

Read the second paragraph of the larger post. Let the show's creator tell you how wrong you are.

Oh, and thank you for reminding us that you don't like the show. It keeps the thread alive and more are added to the herd because of it.

Care for a Brohoof moment?
I can always go for a good brohoof.

@The Great Googly: So you saw a "couple clips" and are therefore are fully enlightened to the show and all its contents? That's quite the gift, though it must really make seeing movies annoying, what with knowing how good they'll be by just watching the opening credits.
Watching even a couple minutes worth of this little girls show is asking a lot of any male over the age of 10. And as a person who isnt a complete idiot i am fully capable of understanding the basic premise of a show by catching a couple minutes of it. Two and a half men= sex jokes. MLP= Cute cartoon ponies. Duh?

Look i get it. You guys are so edgy and cool. Rebels even. Dont care what nobody thinks. Tough guys watching cartoon pony shows.

I for one am very impressed.

Overused, I know. I copied this from another Ponies thread. :p


Aug 24, 2009
Fluttershy for the win. Scootaloo is my second favorite.

I think it's funny. If it weren't for all the hate, these threads would probably die fairly quickly instead of becomming 14 page endeavors like the last one.


New member
Aug 27, 2010
I cant decide damnit

I only really use my little pony as an insult for my older sister since she limps everywhere


New member
Mar 30, 2010
Wuffykins said:
The Great Googly said:
I watched a couple clips of this show.

Its exactly like i expected. Its a kids showed made for 7-12 year old girls. Thats not an opinion either. Its a fact.

Outside of decent animation theres really no redeeming qualities. Its just a cartoon. Nothing more.

A cartoon for 7-12 year girls. Did i mention that yet?
*Yawn* Second time I get to post this in this thread.

Read the second paragraph of the larger post. Let the show's creator tell you how wrong you are.

Oh, and thank you for reminding us that you don't like the show. It keeps the thread alive and more are added to the herd because of it.

Care for a Brohoof moment?
realise that there is no way he could ever say "yes, you weird old guys should go away" not saying that is what he meant

ontopic, never watched it, never will, don't care about cartoons since i am over 20 and not a parent. anime like horses ... i dont see it


New member
Aug 12, 2009
I tried to watch one episode. It was the most horrifying experience I have had in my life...*shudders* the names alone make me cringe. "Twilight Sparkle" WTF IS THIIIIS!
I'm so glad I'm not a child watching this crap.


New member
Jun 9, 2009
The Great Googly said:
"I'm not gonna watch it cause it's a giiirly show."
Yeah, okay, we get it. You're still annoying, and coming across as some five year old kid who's afraid he's gonna get cooties or something.


New member
Jun 21, 2010
-Drifter- said:
The Great Googly said:
Radoh said:
Wuffykins said:
The Great Googly said:
I watched a couple clips of this show.

Its exactly like i expected. Its a kids showed made for 7-12 year old girls. Thats not an opinion either. Its a fact.

Outside of decent animation theres really no redeeming qualities. Its just a cartoon. Nothing more.

A cartoon for 7-12 year girls. Did i mention that yet?
*Yawn* Second time I get to post this in this thread.

Read the second paragraph of the larger post. Let the show's creator tell you how wrong you are.

Oh, and thank you for reminding us that you don't like the show. It keeps the thread alive and more are added to the herd because of it.

Care for a Brohoof moment?
I can always go for a good brohoof.

@The Great Googly: So you saw a "couple clips" and are therefore are fully enlightened to the show and all its contents? That's quite the gift, though it must really make seeing movies annoying, what with knowing how good they'll be by just watching the opening credits.
Watching even a couple minutes worth of this little girls show is asking a lot of any male over the age of 10. And as a person who isnt a complete idiot i am fully capable of understanding the basic premise of a show by catching a couple minutes of it. Two and a half men= sex jokes. MLP= Cute cartoon ponies. Duh?

Look i get it. You guys are so edgy and cool. Rebels even. Dont care what nobody thinks. Tough guys watching cartoon pony shows.

I for one am very impressed.
What you are, sir/madame, is annoying.

You're apparently not too busy to put in down a show you've barely seen, so I imagine you have the time to sit through an episode before passing judgement. It is not "asking a lot."
Sir, I must inform you that he, as well as everyone else, has just as much of a right to hate it as anyone else does to like it. People on this website are no more allowed to talk about how much they like a show than they do to talk about how they find the exact same show to be utter trash. Stop shoving it down everyone's throat, getting it in everyone's faces and calling them inferior when they don't like it. THAT is obnoxious.

And don't give me anymore of this 'you don't have to post in here if you don't want to' bullshit. If a bird decides to take a dump on your windshield, you're not going to ignore the birdshit, are you?


New member
Apr 23, 2011
The Great Googly said:
Your right. its not asking a lot. its asking the impossible. I donr care how good a show aimed at little girls about sparkly googly eyed ponies is. Why? Because its a show about sparkly googly eyed ponies made for little girls. Do i really have to explain this?

I'm sure its a great show. Very entertaining. If your a girl in the 1st grade.
How do you find satisfaction in producing posts that have no other purpose then to insult people? Posts that don't even have merit because you seem to be denying the obvious? Do you think that everything is set in stone? That we aren't socially allowed to like this stuff? Why? Who's decree was it that we can't?

EDIT: Your second post was so bullshit stupid I am making no attempt to address it other than acknowledging how bullshit stupid it is.


Digs Giant Robots
Dec 30, 2008
MarkusWolfe said:
Would you all please take this MLP junk and throw it into a fire. I am sick and tired of hearing of it.

Every time I have seen ponies come to a site, they take over. The next thing you'll know, we'll have multiple threads everyday....oh, wait, WE ALREADY HAVE THAT. On /co/, the comics and cartoons division of 4chan (yes, THAT 4chan), the mods actually put rules into place stating that there could only ever be one pony thread at any given time. Rules! About how many threads you can have on the same show! ON 4CHAN!

Please, sterilize the infection now before it spreads.
You DO realize that on this website there's a badge FOR ponies, on a t-shirt for this website it MENTIONS ponies [http://www.splitreason.com/product/theescapist/927], and a LOT of the people here grew up in the 90's when cartoons were almost always good so the resurgence of a good cartoon made by a writer of The PowerPuff Girls and the creator of Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends is reason enough to celebrate it.

From your response you seem to be trying to be all "cool" by now acknowledging how good this show really is.


OT: Fluttershy is easily my favorite character especially when she does something unexpected although Pinkypie is a close second because of how funny-random she is.


New member
Jun 21, 2010
The Great Googly said:
Stop making multiple threads on ponies a day and we will be fine. stop hijacking threads which have nothing to do with ponies so you can discuss ponies.
Ahh. First, I take that you never bothered to notice that the fair majority of these 'Multiple Threads PER DAY!!!' are usually started by someone asking Why a show about pink ponies is sooooo popular on the Internets when it should be for ze little gurls, Right? (Or the fact that two pony fans actually stopped a thread from proliferating about an hour ago too, right? Figured you were too busy for that).

Second, 'Derailed' threads? About this I'm curious. The only one I'm aware of would be the 'Recent Cartoon' poll going on, and that'd be mainly because MLP is listed as an option. And, if you'll give me a moment to stop and count, it has 6 pony images over the course of 4 pages? Mon Dieu! Qu'el Catastrophe! *faints*

No, seriously. You'll have to show me an example of this so called 'Derailment', as for the most part all the crazy shenanigans occur in the midst of our little group. You know, away from everyone who's not a Pony fan?


New member
Jun 9, 2009
The Great Googly said:
-Drifter- said:
The Great Googly said:
"I'm not gonna watch it cause it's a giiirly show."
Yeah, okay, we get it. You're still annoying, and coming across as some five year old kid who's afraid he's gonna get cooties or something.
No really. I am impressed. Your so confident in your masculinity. Watching MLP. Dont care what nobody thinks!

Yes. All men of any age should watch my little ponies. To prove how manly they are. Cause only real men watch MLP right?

Makes sense to me!
Oh yes, that's exactly what I said.

Look, you can stop posting in this thread any time you want. You're half the reason it's still going.

MarkusWolfe said:
And don't give me anymore of this 'you don't have to post in here if you don't want to' bullshit. If a bird decides to take a dump on your windshield, you're not going to ignore the birdshit, are you?
Maybe you should think your analogy through first, given that this one makes no sense.

Look, I'm not shoving anything down anyone's throat, nor am I saying anyone is inferior because their tastes differ. It's the general jackassery you two have been displaying that gets on my tits.

We are not inferior for liking the show anymore than you are for disliking it, and it's not objectively terrible just because you feel that way.