Poll: Your weapon of choice for surviving the zombie apocalypse...

Theron Julius

New member
Nov 30, 2009
Bolt action rifle. My sister would have a machete and blindly hack at the hordes, while my brother would be setting up land mines and throwing grenades, so it would be fit if I sat in some window blowing the heads off those undead bastards. We need someone picking off the big guys before they tear us in half and eat our tasty tasty brains.


New member
Aug 6, 2008
Machete or pistole, useful in most situations and It'll be easy to hold onto while running.

Joseph Murnan

New member
Feb 15, 2010
I'd use something along the lines of a katana, light, but far reaching and effective. The main reason for using a melee weapon though, is that they don't need reloading. If you were on your own and you need to reload with zombies pouring on you that's pretty much certain death.

Mike Richards

New member
Nov 28, 2009
Bolt action rifle, no question. Doesn't burn through ammo like an automatic would, has a long enough range to make sniping effective, which is the preferable way to eliminate zombies, but is still a viable option for short range encounters. And it can be outfitted an add-on or two to make it deadly in CQB, like a bayonet or something.

Other people have probably brought this up already, but I think we can all agree on what the single worst weapon in a zombie outbreak is: The chainsaw. A melee weapon that uses fuel, in incredibly loud, hard to carry, and spreads enough goo everywhere to infect everyone within ten feet. That's why sniping is best.

DB Crimson

New member
Jul 5, 2010
If I didn't have free reign of choice, I'd take a sharpened military spade [aka, the Lobotomizer] that could be fixed on either a polearm-length shaft or a single hand shaft. Doesn't take much effort for this to split a skull in half and scoop out a brain [see Deadliest Warrior: Green Beret vs Spetznaz episode]. It's light, versatile, sturdy, simple, and doesn't need to be sharpened all the time to be effective like a katana.

If I had more flexible choices, I'd go with a Spartan Aspis (shield) forged with modern metallurgy for increased durability and lighter weight. Covers basically your entire front, keeps you away from those infectious teeth, and definitely has enough mass to send a zed-head flying. Edged strikes a la Captain America pack more than enough force to destroy the brain. Of course, this isn't even an intended weapon so you can still pack a primary. Pair this with a yari or iklwa on a javelin length shaft to complete the set.

Or go with a pair of armored katars. The speed of a punch dagger combined with the armor-piercing strength of a pike. Kill zombies as fast as you can punch them.

If I didn't care to go quietly: the AA-12. It has low recoil, minimal to no maintenance required, and is sturdy. Choice of 8, 20, & 32 round magazines with a wide range of 12-gauge specialized ammunition. Fin stabilized Frag-12 & HE-12 slugs can reach out to 175 meters and pack enough firepower to turn the AA-12 into a mini-grenade machine gun that could shred vehicles [aka: the Bolter]. Of course, I'm not ever gonna go full-auto since that's just a stupid waste of good ammo. Also, regular 12-gauge ammo is plentiful thanks to its popularity in the hunting community.


New member
Jan 20, 2009
pistol, not going dual

Pistols are light, can be concealed, and are effective against humans.

A brisk walk is enough to put a distance between you and a zombie. It's always the other humans who mess up and let the zombies in during an apocalypse.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Life_Is_A_Mess said:
Nouw said:
I'd use a Chainsaw or Drill. Or Lawnmower. (Anyone know where I got that from?)
Plants vs Zombies ^^

I'd go with the fully auto mg, but switched to semi-automatic. Also, friends. Hurray for teamwork.
Yes and No. That is correct now that you mention it but I was thinking Dead Alive


New member
Sep 10, 2010
CQC: Tonfa-style full-arm extended punching blades. (Similar to Leesil from the Dhampir series.)
DUAL PISTOLS: Any 9-mil with my own personal fully automatic upgrade. (Yes, I know how to do that. No, please don't try to copy my idea even though you wish you thought of it first...)
FULLY-AUTOMATIC: SFCR-L with variable/infra scope, undermounted 12 guage, set to semi-auto
SIDE NOTE: I have no doubt that in a real apocalypse, I will survive considerably longer than most.


New member
Jul 13, 2009
my 12 gauge Benelli nova pump full synthetic all black with a 4 round tube plus one in the chamber. takes all 12 gauge shells up to 3 1/2 inch 3 choices of chokes reliable as hell we with a 28 inch barrel and HI-Viz + silver bead sight designed for turkey hunting and Benelli recoil reduction.

with the hi-viz sight though


Needs a life
Aug 20, 2010
my dad's got an old .22 rifle, light cheap ammo (can carry twice as much), easy to find and fairly silent


New member
Jul 13, 2009
aaronobst said:
my dad's got an old .22 rifle, light cheap ammo (car carry twice as much), easy to find and fairly silent
a 22 is only quit with sub sonic rounds