Porn Pirates Busted by Fake Game Installer

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Porn Pirates Busted by Fake Game Installer

What's worse than getting busted for piracy? Getting busted for pirating a erotic "visual novel" by having your name, IP address and a screenshot of your desktop posted online for all the world to see.

While not very popular in the West, visual novels, sort of a "Choose Your Own Adventure" series of stories for the digital age, are big business in Japan. Unsurprisingly, many such titles feature erotic content, including SOM [], a hands-free USB sex device. As with virtually all games these days, Cross Days ended up on various file-sharing sites; unfortunately for many would-be pirates, one version making the rounds is, as the saying goes, a trap: A viciously creative trojan that uploads detailed private information about the downloader and a screenshot of his or her desktop to a public website.

When the fake Cross Days installer is run, it first gathers information from the user's computer and then presents a survey asking for further details. Once it has what it wants (it's unclear whether the survey has to be filled out to trigger the trojan, or if it just goes ahead with whatever it can gather on its own) the information is uploaded here [|en&tbb=1&ie=EUC-JP]. Most of the site is in Japanese but at least one screen of text is in English (and hugely NSFW) and it's a good bet that everyone involved wishes they'd paid a little more attention to what they were doing.

Adding insult to injury and also possibly providing a little legal protection for the perpetrators, it turns out that the fake installer actually explained exactly what it was going to do in its terms of service, which of course nobody ever reads. Fortunately for those who find themselves front and center on the Wall of Pervos, removal is apparently possible but users must first click a button acknowledging that they did in fact try to download the game illegally. Will shame and humiliation work where DRM and the law has failed? I don't know, but I am most definitely amused.

Source: TorrentFreak []



Totally Ergo Proxy
Mar 10, 2009
Always read the comments... always read the comments. (and the EULA in this instance :p)


Elite Member
Feb 20, 2008
Good show. And including it in the TOE is brilliant. I don't know why more companies don't do this. I mean instead of spending time and resources on a DRM spend that time making a couple fakes and uploading them on the web. Then get staff and friends to make comments saying how awesome it works. Scare the bejeesus out of the casual pirates anyways.


New member
Feb 27, 2010
Nice boat, anyone?

I laughed when I saw the Title. Then I was a little ashamed because I know of that game and have watched the anime for it.

By the way, the person with the orange/red hair in that picture is IN FACT the main character. Who is a dude. It's a trap in more ways than one. *Cough* Cross days *Cough* Crossdresser * Cough*

Excuse me, I seem to have some bad congestion.


New member
Mar 12, 2009
I never download any torrent from an unknown source without comments, and even without warnings in the comments I rarely do so. I must say that the screen-cap feature is very amusing, but who would included their real name on a survey that pops up when the user downloads an illegal copy of a game?

. . . oh, and as for the the hands free device: *facepalm*


New member
Mar 24, 2010
I'm not totally shure two wrongs make a right. A scare tactic with a Trojan isn't the best way to do this. A virus shouldn't be used as a weapon.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
sounds very effective in japan but here in the states I doubt it would really do much


Want Skyrim. Want. Do want.
Nov 26, 2008
Wow, that's... actually pretty clever. Smarter than the false Batman code, even.


Senior Member
Mar 30, 2009
1. I always wondered if someone might slip some sort of clause like that into a EULA ot ToS knowing that very very few to none read it.

2. This would seem much more effective than any "conventional" DRM.

3. This is why I don't P2P.


a gallardo? fine, I'll take it.
Dec 24, 2008
ad5x5 said:
alternatively, just don't keep sensitive information on your computer...
Or don't jack off in front of your computer, to cartoons.
Stick to the tried and tested method of ripped DVD's.

This is brilliant!, I just hope Ubisoft doesn't include this version of DRM into the next Far Cry, its just you know ... Michelle from Far Cry 2 was a sassy girl, classic French chic with a merc edge

...stop judging me!

Demented Teddy said:
That is a huge invasion of privacy and is illegal.
I am pissed off now.
mmmmmmm, you got stung did you?, sorry but its a difficult article to comment on while still trying to be serious...

Do you take the moral high ground of "this is invasion of privacy" and illegal or do you, guess what, TAKE THE MORAL HIGH GROUND AGAIN of don't steal shit because its illegal.

Stealing is illegal, is black and white.
Seeing someone of legal consent naked that has consented to them being naked is a grey area.

its still funny though.


New member
Feb 7, 2009
This was a triumph.
I'm making a note here:

This is brilliant, especially the fact that it's all in the TOS.
Good job!