Precursor Games Founder Arrested For Child Porn


New member
Feb 16, 2009
I don't know, I don't feel too bad for the guy. As a person who has occasionally indulged in pornography, I find it extremely easy to not come across child porn. The only time I saw something that I even thought could be, I reported the website immediately.

if you've been accused of child porn possession, chances are that you're guilty. They don't just randomly throw those charges out there.

I recommend immediate surgical castration.

Captcha: Live. love. Type. Uhh, captcha..... You kinda sound like the NAMBLA webmaster right now. Just saying.


New member
Jan 27, 2011
Abomination said:
wombat_of_war said:
apparently its fashionable and cool to find a way to defend pedophiles these days
Yeah, due process is so last century.
Gilhelmi said:
I urge caution before throwing him under a bus. Niagara is known for corruption in the police force and government. It is possible they are telling the truth, but their track record puts even evidence in doubt.

For all we know, Niagara is claiming video games are porn. In fact, I am willing to bet that is what Niagara is doing.
Are you speaking of Niagara, New York or Niagara, Canada? Because he was arrested in St. Catherines which is in Ontario.


Social Office Corridor
Mar 31, 2010
sleeky01 said:
Abomination said:
wombat_of_war said:
apparently its fashionable and cool to find a way to defend pedophiles these days
Yeah, due process is so last century.
Gilhelmi said:
I urge caution before throwing him under a bus. Niagara is known for corruption in the police force and government. It is possible they are telling the truth, but their track record puts even evidence in doubt.

For all we know, Niagara is claiming video games are porn. In fact, I am willing to bet that is what Niagara is doing.
Are you speaking of Niagara, New York or Niagara, Canada? Because he was arrested in St. Catherines which is in Ontario.
The source in the OP says "Niagara Regional Police Service". And that would be Canada. Is Ontario included in that? My geographical knowledge of Canada is extremely limited.


The One Who Protects
Oct 22, 2009
sleeky01 said:
Abomination said:
wombat_of_war said:
apparently its fashionable and cool to find a way to defend pedophiles these days
Yeah, due process is so last century.
Gilhelmi said:
I urge caution before throwing him under a bus. Niagara is known for corruption in the police force and government. It is possible they are telling the truth, but their track record puts even evidence in doubt.

For all we know, Niagara is claiming video games are porn. In fact, I am willing to bet that is what Niagara is doing.
Are you speaking of Niagara, New York or Niagara, Canada? Because he was arrested in St. Catherines which is in Ontario.
Ohhhhhhh, I thought of the African country, Nig' a' rag' ra'.

My bad, he is probably guilty as hell then.


New member
Sep 18, 2008
Devil said:
Absolutionis said:
wombat_of_war said:
apparently its fashionable and cool to find a way to defend pedophiles these days
Yeah, really.

The guy gets accused of child pornography, and the first conversation here begins finding excuses to his behavior (lolicon, really?), or blaming "trial by media".

I wonder where all the white knights are hiding that adamantly talk about feminism all the time so girls will pay attention to them.
You just said he was accused of a crime.

And you're calling names to anyone who doesn't want to immediately string him up? Way to be progressive! After all, immediately someone is accused of a crime they should be given the harshest punishment for that crime possible! Screw trials, evidence, etc!

As for the company: How about we wait for the verdict of the crime before ruining a persons life and firing him? Just a thought!
I guess you're only capable of thinking in extremes.

I'm saying to not find wild excuses for pedophilic behavior, because pedophilia is quite a disgusting crime. Also, let's not blame the media.

You take this stance and somehow derive "CONVICT HIM WITHOUT TRIAL!". Wild.


New member
Dec 27, 2012
DVS BSTrD said:
Antari said:
knight steel said:
Are we talking about actual child porn or Lolicon because there is a difference [one uses real children the other drawing/cartoons] depending on the answer my opinion will change.
This was just one arrest of many involving a country wide investigation which saw about 22 people being arrested. Two children were saved during the search and seizures. Something tells me this wasn't just anime.
Source please?
Here's one from my local newspaper.

I couldn't seem to find anything more informative, most searches led me to a different case from earlier this year where over 60 people were arrested and, oddly enough, there were 22 identified victims, which was probably what mired the search a bit. There have been many ongoing sweeps to stop CP across the country since 2006, so there are more than a few articles to try to sift through.

Though the article mentions that none of the 22 arrests were related to one another, so they may not be connected to each other in any way, simply arrested around the same time.


New member
Oct 15, 2009
Desert Punk said:
Headdrivehardscrew said:
Desert Punk said:
wombat_of_war said:
apparently its fashionable and cool to find a way to defend pedophiles these days
Better than throwing them under the bus before they are convicted.

Also being a pedophile isnt a crime, abusing a child is a crime, pedophelia is a sexual orientation no different than being straight, gay, or bisexual.

Most pedophiles are able to control their urges and are never a harm to anyone, some cant though and they are called child abusers.

Edit: As for the OT, it wouldnt surprise me if this was some group of retards arresting him over lolicon or some shit.
While none of us know what's what and what will eventually stick, I'd like to chime in here real quick.

I find myself unwilling to accept that pedophilia is 'a sexual orientation no different than' any other. Whatever happens between consenting adults is one thing. When someone faps over images, thoughts, souvenirs of or with actual underage children present, party's pretty much over and I am absolutely unable to even want to generate any compassion or sympathy.
Then you dont understand what I am talking about.

When I say its no different than Straight/Bi/Gay I mean that a person is born that way. It is not a choice or something that they can flip on and off ny more than a gay person can flip off being gay.

The best they can do is control it. I never said it was socially acceptable, or that abusing children SHOULD be socially acceptable. By all means loathe and hate those that hurt and abuse children to sate themselves... But if you are unable to find compassion or sympathy for someone who was born and suffer with such a condition but never hurts anyone, that speaks more to you as a person than anything else.
actually I am pretty sure you are wrong about that. I am not an expert, and I don't have any sources on hand so I could be wrong, but I am pretty sure that pedophilia is a fetish not an orientation. While this does not mean accepting this as long as they don't harm anyone is wrong. It would mean its not something they are born as but a physiological thing that they develop the strongest case for this is the fact that sexual orientations see fairly constant rates but pedophilia has a variable rate depending on the culture the people are form. It also looks at details that would fall under standards of beauty which change culture to culture, as opposed to the few universals makers of beauty, like symmetry.


New member
Oct 15, 2009
Desert Punk said:
Again, you are making the mistake of assuming child molesters and abusers are interchangable with pedophiles, they are not.

Dear god I wonder how many times I will have to type that before it gets through to peoples brains...

And you are the one who is wrong, a growing number of psychologists are coming to realize that it is hard wired the same as any other orientation.

for a couple of sources from doctors.
Well I did not notice you saying they are different things and reading back it is in you sub text and I did not catch it. nor did I even think I was talking about the child molesters and abusers. other than that thank you for the link those were interesting. I am defiantly not convinced its a sexual orientation. Especially with this quote form the first article. "One thing I'd also like to point out is that instances of pedophilia have dropped quite substantially over the past few decades." This does at least make me think it needs to be looked at more openly, and I will keep the possibility in mind in future discussion.


Social Office Corridor
Mar 31, 2010
zerragonoss said:
Desert Punk said:
Again, you are making the mistake of assuming child molesters and abusers are interchangable with pedophiles, they are not.

Dear god I wonder how many times I will have to type that before it gets through to peoples brains...

And you are the one who is wrong, a growing number of psychologists are coming to realize that it is hard wired the same as any other orientation.

for a couple of sources from doctors.
Well I did not notice you saying they are different things and reading back it is in you sub text and I did not catch it. nor did I even think I was talking about the child molesters and abusers. other than that thank you for the link those were interesting. I am defiantly not convinced its a sexual orientation. Especially with this quote form the first article. "One thing I'd also like to point out is that instances of pedophilia have dropped quite substantially over the past few decades." This does at least make me think it needs to be looked at more openly, and I will keep the possibility in mind in future discussion.
One problem with measuring the proportion of paedophiles in society is that very few people will admit to being paedophiles. You sort of have to catch them red-handed.

So maybe the availability of child porn on the internet (and I'm not defending child porn) has decreased the amount of child abuse cases purely because paedophiles, who decades ago would only have been able to get their rocks off with actual children, now have a safer substitute. That's one economic feasibility.

It is interesting that the man in the first source claims there may be no female paedophiles. I'm not sure if I believe that, but I'm no psychiatrist. We had two male teachers arrested in my old school; one for possessing child porn and the other for having sex with underage children. And the recent high profile paedophiles all seem to be male, so maybe there's a trend. No women at all seems a bit far-fetched though.

The second source does seem clearer though, and I'm inclined to believe it.


Desert Punk said:
Dear god I wonder how many times I will have to type that before it gets through to peoples brains...
Come now, it's not exactly trendy to be even marginally sympathetic towards paedophiles. People aren't really encouraged to consider your arguments all that often.


New member
Jul 9, 2012
Abomination said:
Awesome, trial by media again.

"Charged" doesn't mean "convicted" guys. But hey, who cares if someone is innocent or not? Just get accused of rape or child pornography possession and you might as well kiss your life goodbye.
Yes the whole "innocent until proven guilty" has been long washed away from our culture due to people taking media as concrete stories.

I will withold judgement until I know the details of the whole "child porn".


New member
Jun 2, 2010
I don't think this is just some dude with naughty sailor scout anime. If you look at the charges they list him as not just possessing and viewing child porn but distributing it. I'm just guessing that they are not talking about the dudes Deviant Art site here.

Innocent Until Proven Guilty is fine. But that's a legal standard that applies to the government. His employer is well within their rights and quite reasonable judgement to say "feel free to re-apply for a job once this matter is settled and you are acquitted."

Elf Defiler Korgan

New member
Apr 15, 2009
Caiphus said:
zerragonoss said:
Desert Punk said:
Again, you are making the mistake of assuming child molesters and abusers are interchangable with pedophiles, they are not.

Dear god I wonder how many times I will have to type that before it gets through to peoples brains...

And you are the one who is wrong, a growing number of psychologists are coming to realize that it is hard wired the same as any other orientation.

for a couple of sources from doctors.
Well I did not notice you saying they are different things and reading back it is in you sub text and I did not catch it. nor did I even think I was talking about the child molesters and abusers. other than that thank you for the link those were interesting. I am defiantly not convinced its a sexual orientation. Especially with this quote form the first article. "One thing I'd also like to point out is that instances of pedophilia have dropped quite substantially over the past few decades." This does at least make me think it needs to be looked at more openly, and I will keep the possibility in mind in future discussion.
One problem with measuring the proportion of paedophiles in society is that very few people will admit to being paedophiles. You sort of have to catch them red-handed.

So maybe the availability of child porn on the internet (and I'm not defending child porn) has decreased the amount of child abuse cases purely because paedophiles, who decades ago would only have been able to get their rocks off with actual children, now have a safer substitute. That's one economic feasibility.

It is interesting that the man in the first source claims there may be no female paedophiles. I'm not sure if I believe that, but I'm no psychiatrist. We had two male teachers arrested in my old school; one for possessing child porn and the other for having sex with underage children. And the recent high profile paedophiles all seem to be male, so maybe there's a trend. No women at all seems a bit far-fetched though.

The second source does seem clearer though, and I'm inclined to believe it.


Desert Punk said:
Dear god I wonder how many times I will have to type that before it gets through to peoples brains...
Come now, it's not exactly trendy to be even marginally sympathetic towards paedophiles. People aren't really encouraged to consider your arguments all that often.
There has been a famous female pedo over here (Australia). Years ago now, but they are out there. It gets reported less.


Social Office Corridor
Mar 31, 2010
Elf Defiler Korgan said:
There has been a famous female pedo over here (Australia). Years ago now, but they are out there. It gets reported less.
I'm sure it does. It's probably a little more difficult for the news to paint them as evil sex predators.

And there's always the portion of the population that believes that all men are constantly pussy hungry.

Edited because I fail at quoting.