Prisoner Uses Metal Gear's Cardboard Box to Escape

John Funk

U.N. Owen Was Him?
Dec 20, 2005
Prisoner Uses Metal Gear's Cardboard Box to Escape

Think Solid Snake's "tactical cardboard box action" is just a gameplay mechanic to sneak past guards? You'd be wrong: A prisoner used a cardboard box to escape from custody in a French prison.

45-year-old Jean-Pierre Treiber, a double murder suspect and one of France's highest-profile prisoners, must have been a fan of Metal Gear Solid, judging by his escape yesterday from a high-security prison. Treiber managed to elude detection by packing himself into a cardboard box he had constructed in the Auxerre, Burgundy prison workshop, reports the Telegraph [].

The box was then loaded onto a truck for delivery to France's Yonne region and driven away, much like how Solid Snake could ship himself between different regions of the Outer Heaven fortress in the first Metal Gear game. During the 100-mile journey, Treiber cut himself free and jumped from the truck, an act that was only discovered once the driver had reached his destination and found a hole cut in the tarp used to cover the boxes.

The prison break has caused embarrassment in French officials, who have been unable to explain how a simple cardboard box could fool guards who have been fitted with the latest nanomachines and given genetic therapy that renders them superhuman (with the drawback that they can only see twenty or so feet in front of them). The authorities have begun a manhunt to catch the escaped Treiber, out of fear that his unrestrained presence may cause a public panic due to unnecessarily long and heavy-handed cutscenes.

One might argue that this escape attempt would only hurt Treiber's case, as he has been in prison since 2004 awaiting trial, charged with strangling French actor Roland Giraud's daughter Geraldine, and her friend Katia Lherbier. Though Giraud claims that this escape is proof of Treiber's guilt in the murder of his daughter, supporters of Treiber's innocence point to mysterious DNA traces on the adhesive used to gag Lherbier and Giraud's mouths that does not match his own. Treiber's lawyer says that it proves nothing:

"One can either say he's guilty and that this is proof of his guilt... or one can say he's desperate, that he no longer has faith in the justice system because he's pleaded his innocence for so long and hasn't been heard."

Whether guilty or innocent, The Escapist would like to suggest that if/when the French authorities recapture Trebier, they consider an alternative beyond incarceration and train him as a supersoldier to destroy nuclear-equipped walking battle tanks and to pontificate on the nature of war.

(Via Kotaku [])



New member
Sep 14, 2008
I think that's not what happened.

The dude had a lightsaber, and we know how they react to lightsabers terribles.


New member
Apr 21, 2009
Okay. Ive stopped laughing.

But yes thats fantastic. I think they should let him go just for his Zany breakout.


Evil Overlord
Jul 29, 2009
Well you may not find him if he remembers to put on his special camo clothes and make-up.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
I want to make a joke about the French....but, I could see this happening in America too.

And seriously, that man deserves some kind of award or something. Something to immortalize him for years.


New member
Apr 17, 2009
Guard 1:"So does the boss know he's transferring?"
Guard 2:"Yeah, he does it all the time."
*movement in the shadows*
Guards 1 & 2: "!"

ssgt splatter

New member
Oct 8, 2008
Oh dear. Well, I guess when you're in prison, you have a lot of time to figure out how this could actually work.

"See, videogames teach people not only how to murder and steal, but they also teach convicted murderers how to escape from a high-security prison! All videogames are evil and must be destroyed!" *What Jack Thompson will be thinking once he reads this.*


New member
Aug 31, 2009
that is wonderful xD

Everyone who says Video Games don't teach people anything: here is the proof that you are WRONG!


New member
Feb 27, 2009
Whoolpurse said:
Quick! Ban videogames!

Nah, Let the guy go, He is made of awesomesauce.
This, pretty much.

They've had him for four years without a conviction, and now he does an awesome thing like this? Let him go, he's earned it.

And, he's just too cool


New member
Mar 10, 2009
That is beyond awesome. Not the whole murderer escaping from jail thing, but the fact that he pulled a Solid Snake.

If they catch again him then all he has to do is throw a porno magazine on the floor and run.