Prototype Is VERY HARD


New member
Mar 3, 2009
Nyeb said:
Hydra- get a vehicle (tank, heli, etc...) and shoot it from a range, dodging its attacks. Easy. Also works on, uhh, everything?
When there's no tank or heli around, I bought the sprint grab/throw so I chuck cars and infected at them while constantly dodging. Same with hives and bases.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
A random person said:
randommaster said:
Sounds like a combination of marathon boss [] and nintendo hard [].
Greetings, fellow troper.
That site has wasted almost as much of my life as YouTube.


Good news everyone!
Jun 9, 2008
Lullabye said:
I personnaly went for the whole "SLice it util something alls off" strategy. It did me pretty well.
That works well for so many things in life.


Smug Platypus
Dec 19, 2008
Just to chime in here, the game is really rough. I'm at the part where you need to fight off seven hunters (after getting claws) and I have no idea how on earth I'm supposed to do it. The first one isn't bad, but when the other two come in I just get mauled. They are faster than me, they knock me down, they don't mind me hitting them, whenever I try to line up any kind of jump attack on one of them, the other jumps me from behind. Even if I do take them out, I'm usually too low on health to handle the next wave of FOUR FREAKING HUNTERS. Oh, and to make it even better, even though there's a bunch of soldiers around, you can't really use them for healing because whenever you try to consume one a hunter will knock you down.

As a side note, I'm also playing Jagged Alliance 2 at the moment, so I'm basically alternating between two frustration fests :p


New member
Jan 13, 2009
PauL o_O said:
Picked up prototype this afternoon, and due to heavy thunderstorms, I've played it most of the day. Since "normal" difficulty was the hardest option it gives you the first time around, that is what I am playing on. And let me tell you something, THIS GAME IS HARD AS BALLS.
After over a dozen attempts to guide a truck (which was still shooting at me since I am the common bad guy) to said point, I was faced with a giant demented Hydra. I hit that thing for 45 minutes, and took off about 10% of it's health. Idk if I'm doing something wrong, or this game is just far to tough.

There is one boos that takes like 2 hours. Dude at one point you have to fight five of those hydra things... At once... I beat the game but at what cost?


Digs Giant Robots
Dec 30, 2008
Wait your having problems with this game? I'm blazing through it, then again I pour all of my points into health and shit first.


New member
Apr 24, 2009
Really, I think so far it has been quite easy. Mostly because you HAVE ALMOST EVERY SUPER POWER KNOWN TO EXHIST!!


New member
Aug 25, 2008
I just blade spammed it, lucky for me she fell into a pattern. Wave attack, green balls, then a 30 second down time where she just through rocks, which is when I dropped down from the tallest nearby building and dropped all of her tentacles down half health before it cycled again. Though I've watched streams of battles with her and she didn't behave this way everytime.

Bored Tomatoe

New member
Aug 15, 2008
Pfft, if you think thats hard, wait until you fight "The Mother", which is after protecting a stationary target from waves of super hunters.


New member
Oct 7, 2005
Okat, here is this "realy difficult game" from my point of view.

Bosses are not realy hard, they are just boring an repeptative, killed Greene after first try, simply run at side streets behind the houses, grab a cab jump in sight throw the cab then hide again(remember to lock on).

This fight gets 10 times easier when the military brings alot of gear, hijacking any and all vehicles near u save alot of HP and atleast I got to take alot of HP away from the worm thingy version of greene with vehicles before they were broken down.

when he gets stunned I always jumped out coz vehicles do very little damage to the stunned wormy greene. Usualy Smacking away (with your favorite weapon, full load smacks, when it starts rising and starts going underground, I suggest devastator, sometimes u get to hit greene but the bigger point is for the adds. I usualy gather a large horde beating on my back while damagin greene so I needed to get some personal space.

Hope that helps. BTW. I played straigth with normal coz hard was locked(I want more like Halo series where u can go streight to legedery difficulty).

Off-topic = From my point of view, the hardest part of the game are the minigames (atleast until u get fully upgraded they get to be a breeze, only thing that can haper progeress is a technical issuel or for assisting modes bad spawns.


Smug Platypus
Dec 19, 2008
After a bit more playing I think I've figured out what the problem is:

The game isn't hard itself, it just has a well disguised learning curve. The fact of the matter is, the main character is pretty much a God and I honestly can't recall any game where I played anyone remotely that strong. Assuming some degree of success in completing sidequests and finding Web of Intrigue characters you'll have more than enough EPs to buy a solution to every problem.

The trick is to realize what the solution is and then buy/use it. Hunters used to be hard (see my post earlier), now that I've gotten Hunter Dirtnap they are target practice. Strike teams used to be an annoyance. Since I got the Whip, they are free XP. The list goes on. It's all down to getting a degree of proficiency with the controls (I'm using keyboard + mouse, a controller is likely easier) and knowledge of your powers.


New member
Aug 12, 2008
I haven't even seen screenshots but I am sooo getting this game. It sounds like playing ninja gaiden blindfolded.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
I'm up to day six and have died once, so I guess that makes it tougher than some games. Really though, the start is fairly tame, unless it has a ridiculas learning curve I can't see how it would be rated harder than any other games.


New member
Oct 7, 2005
Dude, screw screens shots:

BTW. My oppinnion is get it on PC (unless your comb sucks, then get it on 360 and live with the tiny flaws on 360(On my PC I have no technical dificulties described on's review.)

Jandau, its true that this is THE most powerful game character atm released (except for games like Black and White where your a god figure... ) but yea, almost everymission could easily be completed after 1 death (if your new to its type), after that u know what to do and basicly wtfpwn anything in sight.

Dys, atleast i wouldn't say its harder than anygame; only problem for me is the third person view. Used to be playing from first person view. The characters skin sometimes ends up in my way and sometimes any number of small objects or just a big creature/vehicle would end up messing my view(I don't usualy chill with heat/infection view).


New member
Feb 19, 2009
I played on normal the first time through and it wasn't very difficult.

Khazoth said:
It is far too fucking hard, I mean the fight with Elizabeth Green is ten different kinds of unfair.

She can knock you down

She can attack you with dozens of orbs that seek you out

She sends out the strongest level infected in waves of 3 which can also knock you down and deal massive amounts of damage.

She has a bullshit blood wave which knocks away most of your health if it hits, and it will because of all the crap that can knock you down

She can attack you DURING the blood wave, and knock you down, making it impossible to flee.

Edit: For the record, you have to use the bio-whip thing and lock onto the tentacles, while moving, and continuously use your long ranged attacks.
Really? When I fought her it wasn't that hard, it took ages but it wasn't that difficult.

looking at her from the opposite way the bloodtox truck is facing, go to the street that's 2 streets away from her (when you're in that street she can't hit you at all)

around the corner, absorb people to get to full critical mass

run up the beige-y/orangey building and on to one of the terraces overlooking Elizabeth

go full body armour

jump down close to her

use the critical pain devastator on her, use as many times and you can

when critical mass is gone, go back to that that street, ditch the armour (if she uses the blood wave then it would be a good idea to ditch the amour first) and equip the blade

wait a few seconds then run up a building then lock on to one of the hunters that will certainly be there

jump off the wall and use the blade's air slam move, do that for the other hunters then absorb people to get full critical mass

When she falls down, use the critical pain devastator if you have critical mass but if you don't then hack at her with the blade.

use that well and you will not die at all.

I actually find that the whip sucks against bosses, it's awesome against normal enemies but against bosses it's rather irritating, I mostly use it to pick up people to absorb during boss fights.

On the whole I actually thought that it was a bit too easy, the soldiers are hella weak though it makes sense that they should be dead after one hit from Alex's weapons but still...

and for the supreme hunter

equip the blade and full armour (you can't hit him with the air slam, he blocks it)

hack at him until he's stunned, grab him and keep punching until he throws you off

use a helicopter if you feel like it but only use the strongest missiles, he destroys the helicopter in a few seconds so make it count

when low on health, absorb a soldier on the spot but if you're really low then jump up onto the control station and absorb them there

when he does the tendril devastator RUN AWAY, take a soldier with you and absorb it if you can but get the hell away

when the tendrils are at their full length, hit him with the blade's air slam since that's the only time that he's vulnerable to air attacks.

Repeat until victorious.

Normal enemy killing goes as follows:

humans/infected: everything kills them quickly, whip works best since you can kill heaps at a time.

Hunters: Blade air-slam works best, it's usually a 1-hit-KO, without the blade I recommend hunter dirtnap or hammer fists.

Tanks: Blade air slam and hammer elbow drop works best. Hammers work well against tanks, lacking hammers just throw shit at them.

Helicopters: Blade air slam and hammer elbow drop works best. Lacking those powers, use the flying kick or cannonball, throwing stuff works well too but it's not as awesome as the cannonball.

Hydras: Throw stuff or use a tank/helicopter. Blade works well too


New member
Sep 14, 2008
I like that Prototype is hard. Makes me want to play it, instead of mashing buttons and rolling my forehead on the keyboard.


New member
Oct 7, 2005
Amm Future Hero, I actualy did the kill tanks without air slash on hard dificulty with gold 10 minutes ago, not realy that hard, only problem is that they sometimes spawn at gay distances so had to try about 7 times, but got it.

Tanks bust open with 2 Charged #1 attack buttons attacks on full power(about 4 seconds to complete so sometimes interrupted before the second attack connects but then they only need one).


New member
Oct 7, 2005
Okat im gona cheat a lil and ask for any who has done Stairway side encounter on hard with gold.

Who'd ya do it?

Im trying atm swinging around with blade arm eliminating the hunter pussies.

Anyone done it?