Prototype Is VERY HARD


New member
May 8, 2008
FlyAwayAutumn said:
"Picked up prototype this afternoon." What? Did Prototype suddenly come out and I didn't notice?

Seriously, did it?
Heh surprised me too - so much hype but not much climax


New member
Mar 19, 2008
Prototype is kick ass. I am literally in love with this game.


Digs Giant Robots
Dec 30, 2008
TheMushroomClub said:
I haven't even seen screenshots but I am sooo getting this game. It sounds like playing ninja gaiden blindfolded.
It's not if you know what your doing and you pay attention, you'll be fine.
Tip: Do a lot of the side activities to level up your character really fast, and you'll be fine.


Cynical bastard
Dec 9, 2008
hunters piss me off mostly because of the camera.. I'm trying to run around inside this military base and I can't stop and turn the damn camera around because it suddenly decides to SLOW DOWN whenever it wants to and I can't target them fast enough. Not to mention sprinting and stopping long enough to try and pick up a weapon, but only end up running and leaping off a wall or getting slammed by one of the FIVE hunters I can't see chasing me instead and getting juggled by their combos.

It's not so much 'challenging' as it is 'needlessly frustrating' because of the limitations of it's camera and movement system.


New member
Sep 18, 2008
i didnt like Elizabeth Green... at all... the hardest boss in the game imo...

yes i actulley completed the game :p


New member
Dec 20, 2007
Jandau said:
After a bit more playing I think I've figured out what the problem is:

The game isn't hard itself, it just has a well disguised learning curve. The fact of the matter is, the main character is pretty much a God and I honestly can't recall any game where I played anyone remotely that strong. Assuming some degree of success in completing sidequests and finding Web of Intrigue characters you'll have more than enough EPs to buy a solution to every problem.

The trick is to realize what the solution is and then buy/use it. Hunters used to be hard (see my post earlier), now that I've gotten Hunter Dirtnap they are target practice. Strike teams used to be an annoyance. Since I got the Whip, they are free XP. The list goes on. It's all down to getting a degree of proficiency with the controls (I'm using keyboard + mouse, a controller is likely easier) and knowledge of your powers.
For what it's worth, I'd say it's much easier on PC because you don't have to contort your hands into weird positions to do certain powers, it's almost always E + Mouse button, or two mouse buttons at once, but when I played it with a controller I had a lot of accidental presses.

Anyway, you're right, you can buy a solution to every problem, and the solution with elizabeth greene is the air groundspike devastator attack and either defensive power.


New member
Oct 15, 2008
I beat the game this morning, and the hardest part throughtout it all was the end boss battle. I died soo many times RIGHT when it was about to die.
Greene was easy to kill, you go up to her and use your devastator spike attack. It takes a huge chunk out of her tentacles.
Its a ***** to get that close to her and not get knocked down though.

Teh Ty

New member
Sep 10, 2008
Khazoth said:
It is far too fucking hard, I mean the fight with Elizabeth Green is ten different kinds of unfair.

She can knock you down

She can attack you with dozens of orbs that seek you out

She sends out the strongest level infected in waves of 3 which can also knock you down and deal massive amounts of damage.

She has a bullshit blood wave which knocks away most of your health if it hits, and it will because of all the crap that can knock you down

She can attack you DURING the blood wave, and knock you down, making it impossible to flee.

Edit: For the record, you have to use the bio-whip thing and lock onto the tentacles, while moving, and continuously use your long ranged attacks.
All of that is true, and the edit is what I did. It worked, I was able to do a good amount of damage with that and I think that;s the thing that can do the most damage. Devastator attacks hardly work, even thought the hints in the game tell you to use them on her. I just recently beat her. It took me 7 tries.

Teh Ty

New member
Sep 10, 2008
Frank_Sinatra_ said:
Wait your having problems with this game? I'm blazing through it, then again I pour all of my points into health and shit first.
Just wait till you get to the big bosses. Then you will wish you got the stuff to help your powers.

Chicago Ted

New member
Jan 13, 2009
Elizabeth was the only boss I didn't die on.

I beat her by hiding on the rooftops to avoid all her attacks and using the long range whip attack to take her down. They I'd just go at her with blade.

For the final boss I just kept grabbing soldiers and using the Critical Pain move or whatever it was called. Inflicted massive damage on him every time.


New member
Mar 23, 2009
if your stuck on green just use the longrange wip thing whille jumping around and when she gose down hit her with blades then do it again and again its easy if you do it this way just takes a while
or ya can hijack a tank to speed it up and if you still haveing trouble destroy some bases and get some upgrades


New member
Dec 15, 2008
The way i killed greene, was to sprint up the tall building surrounding time square, which the blade arm equip, kill the hunters for health then jump off as high as you can and do the blade drop directly onto her, it will damage all tentacles with a fair amount of damage, lather, rinse, repeat until she falls over and have at her "face" until she gets back up, repeat steps 1 + 2.


New member
Jul 8, 2008
Khazoth said:
It is far too fucking hard, I mean the fight with Elizabeth Green is ten different kinds of unfair.

She can knock you down

She can attack you with dozens of orbs that seek you out

She sends out the strongest level infected in waves of 3 which can also knock you down and deal massive amounts of damage.

She has a bullshit blood wave which knocks away most of your health if it hits, and it will because of all the crap that can knock you down

She can attack you DURING the blood wave, and knock you down, making it impossible to flee.

Edit: For the record, you have to use the bio-whip thing and lock onto the tentacles, while moving, and continuously use your long ranged attacks.
Or you can use attacks like the vertical blade slice, elbow drop, and air graveyard devastator

hypothetical fact

New member
Oct 8, 2008
Madaxeman101 said:
Khazoth said:
It is far too fucking hard, I mean the fight with Elizabeth Green is ten different kinds of unfair.

She can knock you down

She can attack you with dozens of orbs that seek you out

She sends out the strongest level infected in waves of 3 which can also knock you down and deal massive amounts of damage.

She has a bullshit blood wave which knocks away most of your health if it hits, and it will because of all the crap that can knock you down

She can attack you DURING the blood wave, and knock you down, making it impossible to flee.

Edit: For the record, you have to use the bio-whip thing and lock onto the tentacles, while moving, and continuously use your long ranged attacks.
Or you can use attacks like the vertical blade slice, elbow drop, and air graveyard devastator
It would be nice if the game gave some form of hint of what moves are effective against what enemies, since we only have so many points and if we don't make a lucky guess when choosing moves, we're screwed.


Cynical bastard
Dec 9, 2008
There is no 'learning curve' here. I loved ninja gaiden because it was challenging and fuggin hard.

PROTOTYPE is hard in the sense that there is so much much going on and your lock-on camera doesn't move means you can never stand still long enough to get your barings, especially with those hunters charging you.

I was in the mission when you first meet the hunters and have to lead them to that military base. I was running around like a freak because I couldn't stop long enough to force the damn camera around fast enough to target them with the rocket launcher, and the claws are little help because while YOU are juggled by their combos, they can lay into your while you're performing yours, and their buddies can just take a swipe at you and your juggled to death, not to mention being slammed by 5 hunters in that tiny place while you're trying to pick up a weapon. That is not challening OR hard, it is pointlessly infuriating because of the terrible camera, which makes the one in ninja gaiden look inspired

so I said "screw it" and uninstalled it.