ps3 or xbox

Dale Cooper

New member
Apr 12, 2009
I prefer 360, but then again my first one died after 1 day! One fucking day!

The replacement is fine *touches wood very quickly*

I played PS3 for the first time over Easter and I've got to say it was pretty good.


New member
Apr 25, 2009
ps3 would be better becous it has blue ray but the game makers just make the same fucking game for 360 as for ps3 so it don't make any sense but if the game makers would use the full blue ray disk then the ps3 games would be better, and the 360 console don't fit good in mine hand
so i vote ps3


New member
Apr 14, 2009
They're both awesome consoles, it's just a matter of preference. And the PC beats both.


New member
Apr 29, 2009
Xbox360 is better because thats what I own!

On a more serious note, I've played both and prefer the Xbox. I prefer it for the menu and online systems, the controller, and the library. Actually, unless you really want a blue ray player I can't think of why you'd need a PS3. It's not that it is a bad system. The Xbox certainly isn't a "better" system, but the PS3 doesn't really bring anything new or different to the table. They also do not have very many exclusive titles. Seems like anything worth while on the PS3 was also released on the 360, so why not save a few bucks?

Conversely, if I were in your situation I would probably invest in whichever my friends were most active in. Definitely more fun that way.

NOTE: Shame on those you too afraid to express your opinions!


New member
Apr 29, 2009
well isnt this just the hottest topic i like the ps3 and think its more powerful but the 360 for exclusives, community and the ability to secure DLC although i hate most people on Live


New member
Jul 21, 2008
There is no better teacher than experience. Go try both at a friend's house or game vendor. If you've got really trusting friends, ask them if you can borrow the system for a while to try it out. There is one more consideration to make. If you love online gaming, what are your friends playing? I'd personally go with the one my best buds had so we could kick each other around online. :)


Digs Giant Robots
Dec 30, 2008
hannahdonno said:
Xbox by far... cheaper and a larger variety of games. RPGs such as Blue Dragon, Infinite Undiscovery and Oblivion are way better/exclusive on this console. Why someone would dish out so much money on a big, black, hunk of junk when they can go for the more cheaper and more varied option of the Xbox...

Wow talk about a load of steaming fanboy. Well since your post is such you can't take any of it seriously, but as a muli-console owner I shall shoot you down.
Sure the 360 has more WRPG's but some are just select audience, or not very good. Oblivion is not a exclusive to the 360 any more, and it has been proven in screenshots that Oblivion looks better on the PS3.
Now why would someone dish out money for a PS3? Well a lot of people I know do it because they are partial to Sony because of the PS2 and they want the Blu-Ray. The Dreamcast had a lead on the PS2 for a while but then Sony came up from underneath, so that could be what will happen with the 360.
I must address the online service. While I was at a friends house we were playing on XBL, and I must say that is one of the most immature, racist, and vulgar communities out there. (I know some of you are decent human beings.) I find that a huge problem especially with these people who are racist, sexist, homophobic, and downright rude get away with acting like that.
PSN however on the other hand isn't that bad. (We do have our fair share of unwanted though.) I believe that this demographic is attributed to the fact that the average age of a PS3 owner is in their 20's thusly they usually conduct themselves reasonably.