ps3 or xbox


Kinect Development Sucks...
Sep 24, 2008
RAKtheUndead said:
Wrong forum, "versus" thread...

Basically, you've made two big mistakes in one thread. Personally, I'd stick to the PC and perhaps get an old PS2. Both of the consoles that you express interest in have massive failings.
In fact, I completely agree with this.

Davey Woo

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Xbox 360, unless you want to spend extra money on basically the same thing. (If anyone tries to flame me with Blu-ray I will scream)

Your once and future Fanboy

The Norwegian One
Feb 11, 2009
ps3, more power and no need to pay to use the online feature. and you can use it to web browse. its damn sweet watching Zero Puncuation on a widescreen tv.


New member
Apr 22, 2009
I'll play both, but I only own the PS3, so I can play online with my brother who's in Korea with the Air Force.


New member
Feb 2, 2009
I wouldnt ask on a gaming forum about which console is better for you.
It sounds like a good idea but every response is going to be a biased one and it really wont help you.

For example I will tell you that PS3 is better, because I own one.
Wheras a 360 owner will tell you that you should buy a 360, because they own one.

Naturally there are exceptions to this rule.

You should just find some way to play them both and make up your mind that way.


New member
Feb 21, 2009
Xbox, briliant online capability coupled with a brilliant score of games.

Also the control pad, very comfortable to hold.


Stabat mater dolorosa
Dec 13, 2008
I'd say the Xbox 360, because I prefer it as an all rounder. Fine, it may die on you at some point (I had the RRoD after Christmas, but MS gave me a free replacement, so I don't see why there's a Hate Microsoft bandwagon...), but the chances aren't exactly high and if it does survive then you get a better gaming experience. The PS3 is only for people serious about having the best graphics and most powerful system, while the 360 is better for those who value gameplay more. Both have good and bad points, so don't let the fanboys tell you what to get (note, any fanboys who are going to/have already flamed, leave now). Overall I'd say Xbox 360, but if you want a more powerful platform then by all means go for the PS3, even if it will cost a bit more.


New member
Sep 7, 2008
Fundamentally they both have good games of all genres (except rts, don't even argue) but PS3 has more JRPGs and turn based rpgs where the xbox has more hacky slashy american rpgs and sandbox gta type games.

Hamster at Dawn

It's Hazard Time!
Mar 19, 2008
Both are good. Xbox 360 has a better online service and arguably better games but the PS3 has better hardware that doesn't break all the time and has a lot of good non-gaming related features as well as a perfectly good everything else. I'm trying hard not to sound biased towards the 360 here but I'm not sure I'm really pulling it off. I personally really like the 360 and would recommend it to you but there's nothing wrong with the PS3 and I don't want to sound like a 'fanboy' which everyone is always complaining about.

US Crash Fire

New member
Apr 20, 2009
jus kidding. i wanted to love the PS3. but all the games i wanted either came out exclusive to 360 or for both. and i really did want to love the PS3i used to have a PS1 and PS2 not to mention i curently own a PSP! i was a Sony fanboy but i felt like they just didnt care about games anymore. its all about an all inclusive HD entertainment box that does music and movies and photos and goes online and has bluray.... oh by the way it can also play games, and not PS 1 or 2 games. It was at this point i sold my PS2 and all the games i had for it and bought a 360 and gears of war and i have been happy ever since.


New member
Sep 7, 2008
US Crash Fire said:
jus kidding. i wanted to love the PS3. but all the games i wanted either came out exclusive to 360 or for both. and i really did want to love the PS3i used to have a PS1 and PS2 not to mention i curently own a PSP! i was a Sony fanboy but i felt like they just didnt care about games anymore. its all about an all inclusive HD entertainment box that does music and movies and photos and goes online and has bluray.... oh by the way it can also play games, and not PS 1 or 2 games. It was at this point i sold my PS2 and all the games i had for it and bought a 360 and gears of war and i have been happy ever since.
The PS3 going very widescale entertainment reminds me a lot of Macs, for some odd reason (We know how macs turned out for gaming). XD


New member
Mar 22, 2009
If you just have a PS1, than PS3 because the PS2 has some really good games, and most 360 games also come out for it.
On the other hand, the 360 has a lot more DLC for games, and achievements give more replay than trophies because they add to a total gamerscore. Also, like with the PS3, the 360 can also play MOST xbox games.
Lastly, they both have great exclusive games.

I say the PS3 just by a little because the compatibility with the PS2 outweighs a lot everything if all you have are a PC and a PS1.


New member
Feb 22, 2009
D_987 said:
It completly depends if you are more intrested in online gaming - in which case 360 - or movie watching alongside games in which case PS3.

360 has arguably the best RPG's with Fable II, Lost Odyssey and Infinite Undiscovery.
You could probally say that the exclusive Fallout 3 DLC's count toward it's RPG trophy case.


New member
Apr 2, 2009
i like my xbox, sure it takes a shit and dies every once in a while but its got a good game library. The controller fits more comfortably that the ps3 one imo. and im used to the frat boy weekend LAN party halo 2 was a big staple in deciding. i had a PS1 and a PS2 but i just didnt like the PS2 very much not many of the titles appealed to me.I got it for Kingdom hearts and thats it. i enjoyed a dragon ball z game on it and that was pretty much it. Xbox was the popular system and halo drew me in as well as several other titles like Red Dead Revolver and Fable. In the end im a xbox fan but im still open minded towards other systems. What i really want is a dream cast