PS4 Originally $499, Included Camera Peripheral

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
It's now been revealed, however, that the PlayStation 4's lower price may have come at a cost ... The PS4's controller has earlier been reported to possess built-in features reliant on the PlayStation 4 Eye, including things like controller identification and player tracking. Without the Eye the PS4's controller will lose that functionality, at least until a player decides to pony up the dough and complete the PS4 package.
If that's the "price" for getting a cheaper console that doesn't have an accessory that some customers may not want, then it's a price that I'd happily pay...or not pay, as it were.

Beyond forcing a price increase, the creepiness of the Kinect is the last thing that's keeping me (and I'd imagine a good deal of my fellow gamers) from having any interest in the XBone. Indeed, if we can turn the Kinect off any time we want.....why force it onto us in the first place? It's a failed product that no one bought when you first launched it for the 360, so tacking a failed product onto your new console and thereby forcing a price increase for your new console is like tying a couple cinderblocks to the legs of a man who's already drowning. In all honesty, now that they've gotten rid of the DRM and used game restrictions, if they got rid of the mandatory Kinect too I'd likely get a new Xbox over a PS4.

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
SonOfVoorhees said:
No it doesnt fit at all. DRM, wrong answer. No used games, wrong answer. These fit your thing. But. Now im not saying kinect or eyetoy is great at all. Both have failed.
Soooo, keeping with the test analogy...doesn't that mean that the Kinect has already proven itself to be the "wrong answer"?

Forcing a failed product onto people won't make them suddenly enjoy it, no matter what games are made for it. The problem with the Kinect wasn't the games that were made for it, the problem with the Kinect was...that it was the Kinect. Quite simply: failed product is failed. Tying your new console to a product that's been proven as a failure is a horrible idea, and NOT one worthy of praise just for sticking to your guns.